We beat the second gym and have a full team, I think.
still one empty place left
We beat the second gym and have a full team, I think.
still one empty place left
Not empty, reserved.
I hope.
:/murica is playing
In theory 20.
In reality ~35.
LOL no way we will get Shedinja. That would be too good.
Ok so it will never happen
LOL no way we will get Shedinja. That would be too good.
Art by Eugeneration on Deviantart
Are we even planning on getting shedinja? It seems like the moment we got a Pokeball we throw it.
Good Abra is the hottest thing in cool right now.
Why all the praise for Abra? I don't have the stream up right now.
Why all the praise for Abra? I don't have the stream up right now.
Why all the praise for Abra? I don't have the stream up right now.
I wonder what Abra did wrong.
A sure likes touring cities. For hours.
Edit: Where do we have to go next?
Woke up to see we're in Slateport.
I expected to still be stuck in Rostboro City or Dewford Town. ... god
![]() ... god
Man, this is too good to be true. ... god
Watching all of these nicknames get formed is hilarious! The chatroom is referring to Nincada as "Titty" now lol!
Our team is even more selcualized
Sex and gore seem to be big things this run. Fap Junky, Zexy, TT, May ... god
This is our Nolan reboot.