Ubisoft stock closed down 7% one day after AC Shadows release


I would be more worried about the fact that Tencent are ruthless, the moment they decide you aren't making them any money they will shut your studio down and lay everyone off

Why is negative tho? Voting with your wallet, doesn't people alway do it, putting presure on them and let then know that they will risk losing their job if they just lazy around and feed us their trash ideology


KCD2 also had 1 million copies on day one. And KCD2 is a double A game, budget apx. 40 million. Assassins Creed Shadows had almost 10 times the budget (300-400 mill). AC Shadows had 10x the budget, but same (or even less) copies sold on day one than KCD2.
KCD2 is AAA in quality, AA in budget, while AC Shadows is AA in quality, and AAAA in budget. Ubisoft needs complete overhaul. And yes you are right that by all indications - numbers on steam, numbers on amazon, and number released by Ubisoft itself - AC Shadows is unlikely to make its budget back anytime soon, probably ever.


Assasins Creed is way past it's prime and relevance as a series, players have moved on and it simly does not garner the same attention and hype as previously. Should not surprise anyon, especially after more than a decade. Ubi would be better to vault or reboot series with a completely new take.
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seething left

Neo Member
Ubi would be better to vault or reboot series with a completely new take.
Or release an AC title with a cool mc that fits the setting, avoiding risky maneuvers to please a minority while being on the edge of bankruptcy. But what do we know, the well paid market analysts at Ubi probably did their job, right?


All I ask is for some consistency. If the OP thinks this thread is worth making today, then surely it's worth making a new thread about Ubisoft's stock position every day.

AC is their number ONE franchise by far. Their flagship bread and butter. So I think it’s relevant to see how the stock performs after its release.

I don’t care about other non-news day
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