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Only ranked fighters are the main and co main and 7 fighters are debuting. ufc trying to save some moneyLaughThis must be one of the worse ppv ever made by the ufc.
I like both strickland and ddp so i'm not gonna be sad whoever win.
I think he had a lot of fans at the press conference but their media don’t like him he talks a lot of smackI clicked an answer to feel involved.
Why is the American upsetting the Aussies?
strickland is awful, i dont know how he ever won anything ever
That ear is truly disturbing.
yeah id much rather see Kahmzat kill sean, but might get better odds against DDP. Khamzat wins regardlessKhamzat mauls both these dudes at the same time.
yeah id much rather see Kahmzat kill sean, but might get better odds against DDP. Khamzat wins regardless
I hope that’s the last we ever see of him. Boring ass trashass person