In the early years of UO it was the best gaming experience ever imo. It's quite an unique MMORPG, as almost every other game in the genre tried to follow EQs gameplay model.
It's kinda sad to know that I may never play something so amazing and so frightening (PKs were a nightmare!). Some of my classic moments:
- Opening a gate at some dungeon (Despise, I think) and luring a dragon into it. It would appear where my rune was marked, and that was: the crossroads near Britain, the famous meeting point of PKs and noobs. Then my friends, hiding at the crossroads, would laugh their asses off while the dragon fireballs kill one by one. This worked great teleporting poison elementals too.
- Bought a house with my friend Mathias in a really cool place, but next to a PKs guild house. My friend wants to mine in the near mountais so he takes only a pickaxe and... a house key with him. He sees the PKs returning home, try to hide, they detect and kill him. They find the key, and... there's a house nearby that reads "Mathias's house" in the sign (the naive Mathias decided to rename the house with his own). Poor Mathias screams for help through our "Communication crystals", me and my friends gate to the house and we find the two PKs stealing every chest Mathias had carefully placed in his home. But they are so greed and steal so much gold, reagents and armor that they get encumbered and can't escape. We "corp por" the thieves.
And so many others: the explosive chest left in the streets trick (so funny seeing a noob opening one), walking through walls as a ghost and seeing a couple having virtual sex (never actually saw this, but I remember someone telling the story), giving someone a one way trip to a small island in the middle of nowhere (gave him a recall scroll and a false dungeon spot rune), PKs scaring the shit out of me during my early days...