"Finally. And again. There are rumors circulating again that Ultimate Warrior is returning to the ring. If he is I dont know about it and I believe Id be the first to know -- after all, his heart beats through me. The rumor, put out I've been told by NWATWA?, Jimmy Hart? and others, is that I even called looking for job. It's a lie. Another sham, this one revealing the tiny, shriveled impotent character of NWATWA and those over there.
For the record, let's get it straight. I don't call for a job. Jimmy and you others who can't seem to get on with your life beyond your failed wrestling experiments -- if there were or are to be any phone calls made, it's you making them because you need an UW, not because I need you. That kind of confidence smacks of arrogance to some, I call it doing the right thing -- defending myself and my integrity when bullshit comes down the pike. Apparently, you guys are on a never-ending mission to mischaracterize me, as well as use UW's name to create buzz for your soon to fail, always failing, wrestling ventures. The only positive hype you guys get is that you drop the Ultimate Warrior name; that you continue to do so says as much. And here I thought the whole world knew -- UW and I were such pieces of valueless, profitless garbage...
Still today -- STILL TODAY! -- UW's name, in wrestling genre forums, generates more interest, grabs greater attention than all others, even though apparently he was a no good, no talented, no drawing SOB. I say, first, thank you for expanding the legend of The Ultimate Warrior. I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my f'all-you-pathetic-people heart. Second, maybe you should quit beating the show horse none of you could ever be. Look in the mirror, grow up. Recognize I beat you already. Beat you at your own game, your own "work." Was better. Still am.
I am Warrior."
For the record, let's get it straight. I don't call for a job. Jimmy and you others who can't seem to get on with your life beyond your failed wrestling experiments -- if there were or are to be any phone calls made, it's you making them because you need an UW, not because I need you. That kind of confidence smacks of arrogance to some, I call it doing the right thing -- defending myself and my integrity when bullshit comes down the pike. Apparently, you guys are on a never-ending mission to mischaracterize me, as well as use UW's name to create buzz for your soon to fail, always failing, wrestling ventures. The only positive hype you guys get is that you drop the Ultimate Warrior name; that you continue to do so says as much. And here I thought the whole world knew -- UW and I were such pieces of valueless, profitless garbage...
Still today -- STILL TODAY! -- UW's name, in wrestling genre forums, generates more interest, grabs greater attention than all others, even though apparently he was a no good, no talented, no drawing SOB. I say, first, thank you for expanding the legend of The Ultimate Warrior. I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my f'all-you-pathetic-people heart. Second, maybe you should quit beating the show horse none of you could ever be. Look in the mirror, grow up. Recognize I beat you already. Beat you at your own game, your own "work." Was better. Still am.
I am Warrior."