Welcome to the casino royale, your fortune bets will need to be firmly placed and honor awaits.

Developer: One Loop Games, Sony Bend
Platform: PSVita
Base game - $4,99/€3,99/£3,19
UC2 Addon - $2,99/€?,??/£?,??
UC3 Addon - $2,99/€?,??/£?,??
- 400+ cards
- SP gameplay modes:
Progression to unlock cards with increasing difficulty
Quick match against any of the unlocked AI opponents with adjustable difficulty
- MP gameplay modes:
Local Pass and Play MP
Online friend Matches
Ranked random Matches
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss integration. Play through UC:GA to unlock boosts for your cards

I think its easier to describe if you are able to visualize the game a bit:

Dont be afraid of all the numbers and stats. Its really not that difficult once you played for 10 minutes (I call it.. the FTL effect). The game has only 4 phases, and you only need to do 1 thing in each, keeping it rather simplistic:
1st phase: Play a faction card(Hero, Villain, Merc) onto the playing field
2nd phase: Equip a faction card with a fortune card or decide to instantly get 5 resource
3rd phase: Use your accumulated resources to equip your faction cards with an item/resource card
4th phase: Your cards will attack the opposing cards (automatic)
Goal of the game is to play faction cards, equip them properly and get them to attack the opponents HP until the opponent has no HP left, but I'll explain that a bit more in depth soon. First of a quick explanation of the simple card layout:

There are different card types, but all share the value layout, making it easily decipherable:
Red: Attack value always in the upper left corner
Green: Health/Defense value always in the upper right corner
Blue: Requirement value, always top middle of the card, states the amount needed to play the card
Yellow: Fortune amount
Now onto the game itself, the screen is divided into 4 parts, from left to right:
Faction Cards (Heroes, Villains, Mercs)
These are your main asset. You can think of them as the cards that will actively fight out the battle for you. Every round you can choose one of these to put on the field and each of those cards has a different requirement value, which needs to be paid for from the amount shown on top of the row. Every round the pool of these faction points increases, and if you dont use up faction points, you'll be able to get a stronger card later on.
Playing Field (where you put down cards)
Faction cards will be put on those empty spots so that you are able to attack your opponent. Once a faction card has been put onto the playing field, it can be equipped with Fortune Cards and Resource/Item cards.
Fortune Cards
These cards are needed to produce resources to use resource cards. Every fortune card has a fortune value and you can either "gamble" to get the complete fortune value OR you "bank" the card immediately for 5 resources to your resource pool. The Fortune "gambling" basically works like this: You equip a faction card with a fortune card and as soon as your card defeats an opponents card, you'll get the amount of fortune on your AND the enemies card directly into your resource pool. This of course also means that every fortune card on your card can be "stolen" by your opponent if they defeat your card as well, making this a rather intricate risk/reward decision.
There is an exception to that as some cards have the ability to instantly "bank" the full value of a fortune card, which is another possibility to get the very important resources.
Resource Cards
In the final active step of your turn phase, you can then use your accumulated resources to "buy" an item/resource card and equip a faction card with it, usually raising the attack or defense value.
After you went through all the card steps, the game will then automatically switch to the attack phase and will carry out the fights. Every one of your cards that is longer than 1 round on the playing field, will attack the opposing card and if there is no opposing card, it will directly attack the HP of the opponent. The opponent wont attack your cards in your turn and vice versa.
This is basically the base knowledge to play the game. Although rather simple initially there are some strategic elements to it like the combo feature or swapping certain faction cards instead of only using empty spaces.
Last but not least, the buying recommendation guide: