Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.
I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?
It's hard to compare linear games to open world ones. A lot of open world content is very basic quest design with strong writing to sustain it. Even with the much reduced focus on setpieces in Uncharted 4, there's some stuff you just don't see in open world games, like the clock tower setpiece, the Scotland ending setpiece, or the Madagascar chase. These things take a huge amount of resources, and are definitely worth the trade-off.
The Last Guardian can be completed in not much longer than that and it was definitely worth my pre-order, one of the greatest experiences I've ever had with gaming. I've spent more time thinking about that game than playing longer ones, and, personally, I think that counts a lot. Both TLG and Uncharted games would absolutely not be as good as they are without their strong setpiece direction, and instead mostly driven by fetch quests with dialogue.
Not to say the Witcher expansions are bad, not at all, but they're so different that a comparison based on length alone will not give the shorter ones as much credit as they deserve.
My favorite game is Persona 4, so I'm very much into long games, but you can't possibly look at it and Uncharted 2, to mention a game that came not too far from it, and think that Persona 4 must have cost a lot more just because it's much longer. Detail and variety cost a lot of money, too. If we let ourselves judge a game's value based on quantity alone, we're contributing to a less varied output. It's fine if it's your preference, but at least wait until you have a better idea of the quality of said content before stating that.