Falling for massive hype trains including reviewers can lead to giving higher scores than they would, i bet if they re-reviewed it now it'll be below 80
Anyways I'm good I'm better off watching this interactive movie in YouTube and not feel like i lost or missed out on anything not playing it myself like with other games.
All this is more suited for The Last of Us. O find it's more acceptable for that and i would buy it since it's good with it. But Uncharted? The once fun Indiana Jones like action game to a boring interactive movie? Nooope.
You have got absolutely no way of verifying that assumption so it seems pointless. Having said that, I highly doubt it. What other cinematic linear games have matched U4 this gen. For me it was the fire fights that pissed me off while enjoyed the explorationg, traversal, and amazing vistas most. Hopefully they get rid of bullet sponge enemies with perfect shots, for smarter AI.