Game: GGXX
Character: Sol
Move: Volcanic Viper (623+s/hs)
Game: Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
Character: Chun Li
Move: SA II
Game: King of Fighters (Quite a few of them)
Character: Iori
Move: Jumping Back+b (back+lightkick)
Game: King of Fighters '99
Character: Bao
Move: His reflector crap, and his "explosion" DM.
Game: Tekken 3
Character: Julia
Move: I don't know what it's called. 3 hit move chains.. you know that sweep, jump kick uppercut thing.
Game: Soul Calibur 1 & 2
Character: Ivy
Move: 9A+B i think? You know that high, low launcher bullcrap.
Character: Sol
Move: Volcanic Viper (623+s/hs)
Game: Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
Character: Chun Li
Move: SA II
Game: King of Fighters (Quite a few of them)
Character: Iori
Move: Jumping Back+b (back+lightkick)
Game: King of Fighters '99
Character: Bao
Move: His reflector crap, and his "explosion" DM.
Game: Tekken 3
Character: Julia
Move: I don't know what it's called. 3 hit move chains.. you know that sweep, jump kick uppercut thing.
Game: Soul Calibur 1 & 2
Character: Ivy
Move: 9A+B i think? You know that high, low launcher bullcrap.