Well Fire Leo is indeed impossible. I finally learn'd how to hit him after sitting through like four cut scenes. Even after I hit him, nothing takes much damage.
My best strategy so far is...
starting on fire and then breaking his shield with some slow, zoomed in punches. But from there, I only get in 2 zoomed-in hits before he goes tornado. At this point I try to get close to him, zoom and slow and give him some uppercuts that get stuck a little for extra damage. If I'm still alive after this point, he'll get dizzy and I'll get two more zoomed in hits before he jumps back in the fire. Now he's running around, I jump over him and run after him. Those fire balls are a complete bitch to dodge. If I'm somehow still alive I start on fire and hit him again, then rinse and repeat.
With that I haven't even gotten him down past his second layer of green energy yet. I must defeat him so I can exchange the game with my gaming freedom pass. He's not "cheap" like I would suggest the shark or Another Joe can be, but damn, if I have to watch that cut scene ten more times, someone's going to pay.
I couldnt' beat the helicopter on adult mode no matter how frequently I tried , and on kids mode I just lost interest in the game at stage 5-1. I pretty well need to start the whole game over again but I just don't care enough to.
ON the other hand Ninja gaiden I finished , diffirent kind of hard game I guess.
Well Fire Leo is indeed impossible. I finally learn'd how to hit him after sitting through like four cut scenes. Even after I hit him, nothing takes much damage.
My best strategy so far is...
starting on fire and then breaking his shield with some slow, zoomed in punches. But from there, I only get in 2 zoomed-in hits before he goes tornado. At this point I try to get close to him, zoom and slow and give him some uppercuts that get stuck a little for extra damage. If I'm still alive after this point, he'll get dizzy and I'll get two more zoomed in hits before he jumps back in the fire. Now he's running around, I jump over him and run after him. Those fire balls are a complete bitch to dodge. If I'm somehow still alive I start on fire and hit him again, then rinse and repeat.
With that I haven't even gotten him down past his second layer of green energy yet. I must defeat him so I can exchange the game with my gaming freedom pass. He's not "cheap" like I would suggest the shark or Another Joe can be, but damn, if I have to watch that cut scene ten more times, someone's going to pay.
DrLazy, here is my strategy. It will take a while to beat him, but as long as you don't lose your patience, it should be easy.
As Fire Leo starts throwing out rocks, mach speed punch the first one that lands. When Leo stops running, mach speed run in the opposite direction (so you don't have to jump over the rocks) until you are face to face with Leo.
Wait until he shoots out the fireballs in the direction away from you. As he has his back to you zoom-in puch.You will only get in one puch but it takes a lot of his power. When Leo does the tornado thing just run away until he jumps in the lava.
Repeat until his power is down to red, then Leo goes crazy. He runs around the circle 2 times throwing out the rocks. And now he runs much faster. Use the same strategy except now you will have to jump over the rocks while running to Leo.
Well I beat the game, and what an awesome finish. Fun, corny story, and the music video was hilarious. They really didn't rush the boss or the ending cinematics. It shows they took the time to really leave on a high note. Great game.
Yeah, the game is a great. That level with all 5 bosses was a pain though and I hope Capcom doesn't make a level like that for part 2. That was like getting hit with 5 mack trucks at once. The last boss fight was cool though since it was like a Powers Ranger episode. It would be cool if they gave each boss a machine to form into a Voltron-like robot against Viewtiful Joe's Six machine robot.