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Vince Zampella: Battlefield “Absolutely Can” Outsell Call of Duty; BF2042 Was Not a “Failure” But They Don’t Want to Repeat Same Experience


Could a Battlefield game ever outsell a Call of Duty title though? According to Battlefield franchise head boss Vince Zampella, it “absolutely can” though that’s not what they’re aiming for with their still-in-development Battlefield game.

“If you look at the best Battlefields have outsold some Call of Duties and other way around, back and forth. So I think absolutely it can…”I mean, is that what we’re going for? I mean, not directly, but always. We’re not looking to take down Call of Duty. We’re making something that’s different and we’re making something that’s us. But yeah, it definitely has the possibility.”

Of course, the latest Battlefield game released — Battlefield 2042 — didn’t come anywhere close to Call of Duty’s numbers, and even EA admitted the game fell short of expectations. Even with that in mind, Zampella notes that BF2042 wasn’t a “failure of a game,” though admits they don’t want to repeat the experience they had with the shooter wherein it needed a lot of patches — and several months of development — before it got to an acceptable state by the community. Zampella notes the dev team “really spent a lot of time learning how to adapt it and getting things back,” but also adds “We want it to be good out of the gate,” pertaining to the next Battlefield game currently in development.

Well See Kind Of GIF by Rosanna Pansino
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We'll see, but have to give the guy props.

This is the same dude who turned CoD to the behemoth it is today. Without Zampella, CoD would not be the powerhouse it is today. He also created the best and only good Star wars game(s) in the last 15 years and Titanfall.
Battlefield’s gunplay always feels off, but you get used to it. COD feels good, but you get bored of it.

It seems obvious how they should bring the game back to relevance, but then each one feels the same (and then they spend a lot of time making the surrounding game worse)


Hopefully they can make it something like BF2

It was revolutionary for its time. In the age of Xbox and ps2 it had online large scale 64 player multiplayer with tanks and helicopters and planes and humvees. Weapon unlocks and deep stat tracking. Big maps and nice graphics. I loved that game so much.

But yeah, I have my doubts on this game, but Zampella gives me hope. Stellar track record.
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I miss BF being great. But I think they should consider 2042 a failure, even if it did "get better" with time. The game was awful at launch, and they should aim much higher on release for a new Battlefield.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Has there ever been a good mainline Battlefield single-player campaign? I started at 4, and it was the laziest trash excuse for a campaign I ever played.


Writes a lot, says very little
It's a superior franchise but not as casual friendly so I dunno.


I mean, anything can happen, but because of how established it is, they would need a wild marketing push, lots of luck and a perfect storm type scenario to really top COD numbers. Like releasing in Spring, Summer, discounted price, all old maps return or some wild shit, but this isn't about bringing in old, its about getting in new to "BEAT" COD, but to do that, they really do need a radical push.

I'm not saying it can't, but right now I don't see it happening.

Thats no knock to BF, its one of my favorite MP series, but COD has the numbers.


COD feels so static. BF is Dynamic. I prefer the gunplay and large Battles as well. Its my fav MP shooter due to how crazy the assault gets from land, air or sea. Didn't play V or 2042 yet. But I'll get to it someday.


I bet it wasn't a failure after my dumb ass paid 100€ for the Ultimate edition. How bad could they fuck this up after BF1 and 5, right? Right.


Gold Member
Battlefield hasn't been good in a decade. The last two games were just totally awful. The series is garbage, EA ruined it. They need to make a good game before they think they can take on Call of Duty.
battlefield vietnam was my favourite. Driving around in jeeps with music blasting was a lot of fun. Also crawling in the jungle setting up bambu-stick traps.


We might see some of BF's problem in this thread, its had so many different variations you are never going to please every fan. I think it peaked with BC2 but you can see BF2, 3, 4 and Vietnam fans in this thread along, I don't know how you unite them all.


I’ve enjoyed them all except BF1, who thought a game battlefield based around WW1 weapons would be a good idea.

I had a great time with 2042, but it took a year after release to get it to that state which is really inexcusable. It never really got its footing over it’s whole lifespan but by the end of support it was a decent battlefield game.

It’s crazy because that was a completely self inflicted wound by EA.


battlefield vietnam was my favourite. Driving around in jeeps with music blasting was a lot of fun. Also crawling in the jungle setting up bambu-stick traps.
I have that memory of getting into a chopper with others and taking off whilst "fortunate son" was playing through the chopper speaker. Laying waste to the enemy while that song was mid hook was fuckin epic. I'll never forget it.


I’ve enjoyed them all except BF1, who thought a game battlefield based around WW1 weapons would be a good idea.

I had a great time with 2042, but it took a year after release to get it to that state which is really inexcusable. It never really got its footing over it’s whole lifespan but by the end of support it was a decent battlefield game.

It’s crazy because that was a completely self inflicted wound by EA.

I loved BF1 the most. The premise of the gameplay loop never really changed. You just had to change tactics from fast action to semi fast action. Besides, the music was just epic. For me, its:

BF 1 = BF3 > BC2 > BF4 > BF V (barely played it) so far.
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If you can't see 2042 as a failure, then get used to your games flopping.

Only by acknowledging your work failed that you can proceed to not make the same mistakes.
I don't believe any BF has sold 30 million copies, while CoD has done that regularly, the closest to cod numbers is BF1, which sold much better than any BF before or after it.
Dunno where this "back and forth" he mentioned comes from, CoD completely dominates sales wise.


I loved BF1 the most. The premise of the gameplay loop never really changed. You just had to change tactics from fast action to semi fast action. Besides, the music was just epic. For me, its:

BF 1 = BF3 > BC2 > BF4 > BF V (barely played it) so far.
For me for hours played it would be:
BF4>BF2>BF OG>BF 2042>BFBC2 Vietnam>BF 3>BF V > BF 1

I actually never played the futuristic one 2142 or bad company 1.

I would have a hard time picking a favorite but 4 and bad company Vietnam probably would be up there. I actually thought 5 brought some interesting ideas to the table as well. 2042 turned into a really fun battlefield by the end but it was too late.

Edit : just wanted to add I loved playing Hardline and wished it had more support and had taken off. Fun modes and really different environments.
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Has there ever been a good mainline Battlefield single-player campaign?
Can't honestly say I give the faintest whiff of shit about a BF "single player campaign".
My main problem with it is that they kept making questionable decisions on the multiplayer part.

Replacing classes with "characters" was a genuine mistake, for instance.
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For me for hours played it would be:
BF4>BF2>BF OG>BF 2042>BFBC2 Vietnam>BF 3>BF V > BF 1

I actually never played the futuristic one 2142 or bad company 1.

I would have a hard time picking a favorite but 4 and bad company Vietnam probably would be up there. I actually thought 5 brought some interesting ideas to the table as well. 2042 turned into a really fun battlefield by the end but it was too late.

Edit : just wanted to add I loved playing Hardline and wished it had more support and had taken off. Fun modes and really different environments.

Ugghhh, hated Hardline, even after the platinum.


I don't disagree with him, and while I like the optimistic view I don't think the "goal" should be to outsell CoD. All I mean is simply don't chase trends, make the best BF game possible, and let the results speak for itself. CoD will continue to have Diablo and WWE characters in their games and really cheesy post match emote screens, I don't want any of that in BF.


ChatGPT 0.001
Battlefield and dice is too gifted, missing classes in 2042 was embarrassing, but it was a fine game, classic maps like orbital, and I’m kinda rooting for battlefield against call of duty.
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