The story revolves around Narumi Kouki, an academy student and the author of a manga serialized in a weekly magazine. Because the manga he draws is a risqué romantic comedy, he keeps this fact a secret from everyone around him.
But one day, as the student council president, Rokuonji Kaoruko, is searching for male members for the student council, she finds out that Kouki is the author of the manga that she has been illustrating. He then joins the council in exchange for Kaoruko not revealing his secret. However, the Vice President, Ashe, who doesn't know about his circumstances, is vehemently against his joining.
In the midst of all this, the students' requests and problems keep on pouring in, bringing a lot of trouble and romance into Narumi Kouki's life.
This comical visual novel focuses on four different heroines: Rokuonji Kaoruko, the student council president who is also the H illustrator for Kouki's manga; Ashe, the hard-working and strict vice president; Toa, a lazy genius who likes to play video games; and the naturally-talented Mihiro, who attracts all kinds of animals despite her aversion to them.