Went to drop off something to my ex roomate. Actually we didn't share a room. Shared an apt. 4 of us. So one guy lived in the living room. His desk stationed right next to the door. Well anyways, just now I went to drop something off to him. Knocked on the door, no response. O ok, well I guess I'll just leave it on his desk I think to myself. So I unlocked the door and take a step in to see him leaning over his computer trying to close some windows. Naked guy in the middle of the screen.
Waaaaayyy awkward. I steped back out and handed the paper through a semi-open door. He knew I saw it and I knew he knew i saw it. I tried to play it off by saying " Yea thanks for the paper. Was a great help. Blah blah." I think he was too embarrased to say anything cause he was just like "uh.. yea ok. C ya."
Damn it. Truth is I knew he was gay the first day I moved in cause I saw some file names on his screen. He didn't know I knew tho. Feel bad for him
Damn it. Truth is I knew he was gay the first day I moved in cause I saw some file names on his screen. He didn't know I knew tho. Feel bad for him