Heh. You have a whole new system to learn for prime parts. Welcome back!
Finished the tutorial questline stuff with Vor, ended with my Excalibur at level 6. Skimmed some newbie guides and got myself a Braton for 25k credits. Saw some timed event thing happening on Earth for Extraction on Earth that claimed to be level 5-10 so was like sure. Shit was real as fuck, luckily there we 3 other players in that level 20+ so we were able to clear it. I came awfully close to dying but didn't and feel like I actually helped a decent amount although the later enemies got kinda crazy. My frame and both guns skyrocketed up to levels 11 and 12 lol. Feeling like I start to understand the game a little bit.
At this point should I just be selling shitty mods I don't need, or do I need to worry about saving them for upgrading others? And I guess I need to re-do the last tutorial quest with Vor because the guide I was looking at recommended crafting the Chronus as an upgrade to the Skana but it looks like I must have missed picking that blueprint up, I don't have it
Also where can I see how many warframe/weapon/etc slots I have? I bought two (?) extra warframe slots with platinum but no idea where I see any of that.
Edit: Oh, you can't replay story quests apparently, that's great. Well then, any recommendations on what weapon I should buy upgrading from the default Skana? lol
Oh boy, what are the big changes since the Raid was first released? The last time I played was right after lenses came out and it looked like a really insufferable grind.
FYI I was playing during the 'let us go for an hour with frost prime, nova prime, mesa and mag prime on orokin defense' was a thing, mag and mesa had just been nerfed a few months before I stopped playing.
Edit: Got a 50% discount on the market for logging today![]()
Don't know what to buy though, want to get bang for buck so probably go for a frame as I've loads of everything else.
Thinking Equinox or Mesa. Atlas looks cool also. Any other choices?
You can replay story missions via the codex.
As someone else who's just come back from much longer away, there are "missions" now called Void Fissures basically like alerts.
Each one has an individual loot table of 5/6 items iirc, all different prime parts and BP's.
In order to "open" them you need to collect 10 "Radiance" which is an item drop during the mission. Then once a goal has been completed in the mission (Say completing 5 waves on defence) you can choose to keep the item from your own relic, or you can pick an item from your squad mates relic.
Thinking Equinox or Mesa. Atlas looks cool also. Any other choices?
Edit: Got a 50% discount on the market for logging today![]()
Don't know what to buy though, want to get bang for buck so probably go for a frame as I've loads of everything else.
Thinking Equinox or Mesa. Atlas looks cool also. Any other choices?
Lots to cover...
Invites sent to "duketogo" and "reservebelg". Had to remove "itshiclassyo" and "psychout83" to make space...both new members under MR5 and about 10 days offline. Post if you want a reinvite.
I wouldn't bother with a 25% coupon. Maybe put some color packs and cosmetics in your in-game wish list and get something when you get a 50% or 75%. You'll get free color packs on a lot of holidays, just so you know. The next will be Halloween with lots of oranges, reds and yellows. Never buy frames/weapons for platinum, unless there's a vaulted frame that you desperately want to get in trading. The only two I'd suggest going out of your way for at the moment are Nova Prime and Loki Prime. Frost Prime is still free via Twitch Prime. Be sure to get Trinity Prime, as she should be next to get vaulted. She's an easy farm.
For which frame to build next, I always suggest just plugging through the planet junctions and grabbing the frames from each planet boss, starting with Rhino on Venus, Hydroid on Earth, Mars, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, etc. Keep Rhino, because he's useful for clearing planets, even without a reactor, but most of the other non-primes from the planet bosses shouldn't be kept, because you won't want to use an orokin reactor on them. Just ask before deleting them. Don't get hung up grinding for Equinox, Mesa or Atlas when your time is better spend getting quests, junctions and fissures done and getting access to sorties/alerts.
I like the status ninkondi build, but I'm not really much of a melee guy. I mostly cast and shoot and keep a crit Galatine Prime on for ranged and sliding slashes.
New dumb question based on this post: what is a vaulted frame?
Also how would I even go about selling the 25% coupon I got in-game if I even wanted to? Not seeing it in my inventory, it's just showing up when I look at the marketplace. I haven't messed with trading at all yet, doesn't seem relevant at the point I'm at yet.
I'd be very skeptical of trading coupons. It's a good way to get scammed.
Are there Prime variants of every frame or just some? I've never looked into it but I've assumed that Prime items are just better versions of regular items?
Also (and I really hate to keep asking questions) I don't have Twitch/Amazon Prime, am I actually missing out on anything important by not being able to grab Frost Prime, or is that more just the fact that it's probably a better frame than any of the 3 starters?
And is there any way to see when Trinity Prime goes away? Not seeing a date on the wiki (just the date it was originally released), is that something I really need to get on ASAP?
Ah, they so essentially pull a Disney vault situation? Makes sense.
Are there Prime variants of every frame or just some? I've never looked into it but I've assumed that Prime items are just better versions of regular items?
Also (and I really hate to keep asking questions) I don't have Twitch/Amazon Prime, am I actually missing out on anything important by not being able to grab Frost Prime, or is that more just the fact that it's probably a better frame than any of the 3 starters? And is there any way to see when Trinity Prime goes away? Not seeing a date on the wiki (just the date it was originally released), is that something I really need to get on ASAP?
Agreed, although probably good for helping out buddies/GAFers that you trust?
Edit: Got a 50% discount on the market for logging today![]()
Don't know what to buy though, want to get bang for buck so probably go for a frame as I've loads of everything else.
Thinking Equinox or Mesa. Atlas looks cool also. Any other choices?
Tennogen has devoured my meager platinum stores.(Not sure if Graxx skin is available on PS4, if it isn't I apologize for showing off its badassery)
I'd be very skeptical of trading coupons. It's a good way to get scammed.
If you are buying outright, go Mesa!
(Not sure if Graxx skin is available on PS4, if it isn't I apologize for showing off its badassery)
Also is there anywhere to see what relics you have other than the actual relic selection screen going into a Void (?) mission? I'm still kinda salty but will try again. Surprised at how hard we were getting rocked given the enemies were several levels below us.
I got fucked didn't I
Also is there anywhere to see what relics you have other than the actual relic selection screen going into a Void (?) mission?
Daravon is confused.
There's a station in your ship next to the arsenal after you open the junction from earth to mars. You can view and refine (upgrade) your relics there.
Everybody gets what they pick. It's not a vote. You don't get a reward unless you open the relic by collecting 10 reactant. Hence, no reward for 8. Edit to add: You also get a random number of void traces when you collect 10 reactant, and those are used to refine relics in your ship.
One of two things happened to change your rewards. You either didn't pick what you thought you picked, or the guy whose stuff you picked disconnected from the squad before extraction...in which case your rewards default to whatever dropped from your relic. It happens all the time in Excavations. They're generally a shit show on fissures...especially Liths, because you get so many new players who are...confused.
Don't worry about enemy levels. Just run defenses when they pop up, and let randoms carry you if necessary. Defenses also have a chance to drop a relic on every rotation, so a lot of times you'll get your prime part and another relic...win win. Interceptions are good too, but you're more likely to have to hold your own than on defense.
Definitely start running relics as soon as possible. You'll be surprised how many primes you get randomly.
Yeah I found the station but it's still locked, apparently I have to clear something on Mars (?) to unlock relic refinement and then that opens.
Yeah I'm assuming the guy who picked that first reward disconnected before the game ended. I literally went back and watch my actual capture of that match because I was sure I had to have done something wrong but nope lol.
What triggers being able to open the relic though? Sometimes the rewards screen would pop up after I had 10 for a while, and sometimes it would pop before I got 10 so I got nothing. I still have no idea why I didn't get a rewards screen option the 2nd time I had 10, watching the footage I clearly had selected a new relic at the last go-round. The match was kind of a shitshow in terms of lag and at the end I had funtimes where I could move but literally no button on my controller did anything so I had to intentionally die and revive to fix it, so that probably wasn't helping things.
My experience with randoms in these timed events has been all over the place; it's often either me and 3 people at about my level and we get stomped, or it puts me in a lobby with 2-3 other fully kitted players and they just slaughter everything and I get largely carried.
Kinda feel stupid as I was going to build WoF around a Str/Eff build so I forma'd my aura slot for Energy Siphon and choose Zenurik for Energy Overflow.
However I should have done some more research on the Wiki first as both Energy Siphon and Energy Overflow are deactivated while WoF is channeling.
Yeah I found the station but it's still locked, apparently I have to clear something on Mars (?) to unlock relic refinement and then that opens.
I believe that you need to complete the Earth Junction mission for Mars.
Once done you recieve an item in your inventory which you then use to unlock the Relic Refinement station.
What triggers being able to open the relic though? Sometimes the rewards screen would pop up after I had 10 for a while, and sometimes it would pop before I got 10 so I got nothing.
For the relics to open you must collect 10 reactant before the end of the mission (or in defence each 5 waves are up.)
Or quite possibly the Relic you used was an old one in your inventory which is currently vaulted. In which case you may not receive anything for using it. It's a bit of a long shot but if you look at your footage and see what you used, and compare that to the currently vaulted relics in the Wiki page under "Void Relics - Vaulted Relics" this may be the problem if you're sure everything else was fine.
I honestly don't think anybody is better than Ember for pumping points into a focus school, and you picked the best school, so you're actually in great shape there. Level up energy overflow and mastery to cut down your cooldown...and nothing else, because every activated power adds to your cooldown, and you want that power flowing quickly. A properly leveled Zenurik school makes Energy Siphon irrelevant, and it also eliminated Fleeting Expertise from most of my builds. It's soooo good.
15,000 Polymer Bundles
Sounds like you're both confused about a few things.
When you put a lens on a frame, you aren't selecting that focus school for that frame. Rather, you're selecting the frame (or weapon) to level up that school. The school you have activated at your operator applies to all of your warframes.
I honestly don't think anybody is better than Ember for pumping points into a focus school, and you picked the best school, so you're actually in great shape there. Level up energy overflow and mastery to cut down your cooldown...and nothing else, because every activated power adds to your cooldown, and you want that power flowing quickly. A properly leveled Zenurik school makes Energy Siphon irrelevant, and it also eliminated Fleeting Expertise from most of my builds. It's soooo good.
So yeah, you absolutely should have left her aura a V for Growing Power. Give her both range mods (stretch/overextend), two duration mods (primed continuity/constitution), three power mods (intensify/energy conversion/power drift), max fleeting expertise and one defensive mod.
I'll second that Ember recommendation. A good max range maim Equinox also works wonders.
Thanks a ton for all of the detailed replies, I really appreciate your patience in explaining things to me. Looking back at my footage I do see the Relic Cycle notification on the left which is on me, but also to be fair there is a LOT of shit on the left side of the screen text-wise all times in that mode lol. Is there any way to see what your teammates are at Reactant-wise short of being in a voicechat with them?
Reached rank 4 with Steel Meridian. Of course I went with the Hek mod for the free rank up reward. That Vaykor Hek will soon be mine.
Also, went and bought all the Volt+parts BPs from the dojo over the weekend. Wanted to give that one a try after being a bit disappointed with Oberon and the less said about Vauban, the better. Was planning on making Limbo next but that bastard can wait. Got so pissed off over the last few days with Limbo players. God, I hate that one Limbo skill. Such a troll skill.
Anyway, Volt is fun as heck.
In your options menu, under HUD, you should turn player list on. It shows reactant along with other useful info like mastery rank, health/shields and any status effects from your powers.
Also in options, I highly suggest to anyone who will listen that you pull the camera back. Turn Field of View, under display, all the way up. Maybe turn off some effects as well.
The other critical option is under chat. Turn off in-line messages. They turn your chat into a mess, and they default to "on".
I built regular Tigris over the weekend to get a feel of it (and for mastery) after hearing so much praise for the Tigris Prime. Collected some parts of the Prime version though I don't have the blueprint for the weapon yet.I go back and forth, but I think I prefer Vaykor Hek to regular Hek, even if you can't use the extra multi shot mod. Ultimately, it won't matter tho, because neither is in the same zip code as Tigris Prime.
I built regular Tigris over the weekend to get a feel of it (and for mastery) after hearing so much praise for the Tigris Prime. Collected some parts of the Prime version though I don't have the blueprint for the weapon yet.
Really liked the regular Tigris. Only negative thing I can say about it is the mag size. If it wasn't for that, I would be using it over the Hek. Still really want the Prime version though.