And this huge game gets even biggerer, and just in time for the weekend.
There's a new quest to continue the story started in the Second Dream questline, new mission types, areas, weapons, overhauls, cosmetics, tweaks and improvements.
Its been a long time coming for this one. Looks like a 5GB+ update.
As usual, DE is thorough with their update notes. Here are the main points:
Full update notes here.
There's a new quest to continue the story started in the Second Dream questline, new mission types, areas, weapons, overhauls, cosmetics, tweaks and improvements.
Its been a long time coming for this one. Looks like a 5GB+ update.

As usual, DE is thorough with their update notes. Here are the main points:
Open Letter from the Digital Extremes team:
'Finally it's here' the developers and players said in unison with tears (of joy?) in their eyes! When traditional developers pen their open letters at launch, it's often the last step after months or years of development. It's often a sign-off to address the people who are about to dive into the finished work of a collective group. But Warframe is far from traditional and our work is never done.
The War Within is here on Console! This is the next chapter in the story of Warframe. What we set out to do always seems a little wild in hindsight, but it's the thrill and ambition of storytelling that drives us to challenge ourselves and you. We want to grow and change Warframe in interesting ways. We're presenting you another chapter of growth today.
This chapter tells a story of your patience, our gratitude, and of course some wonderful evolution for the game. We're introducing an awe inspiring and dangerous environment: the Kuva Fortress. We're pushing our engine technology to bring you graphic improvements. We're bringing you a story about your past.
The War Within is also a reflection of lessons for us on how to feed, respect, and tame the growing animal that is Warframe. This update's name has outgrown itself and it represents something bigger. If you asked any of us 4 years ago what we expected to happen with this project, none of us would believe you if you showed us this day.
We are beyond lucky to have hard working people at Digital Extremes to bring this chapter of Warframe to life. We are grateful to have you to share it with.
Thank you Tenno. We hope you enjoy another Update that's free from us to you.
Digital Extremes.
The Grineer Empire grows stronger as a cryptic adversary surfaces. What secrets does the Grineer Empire keep? Underpowered, unprepared and forced out of your comfort, you must find it in yourself to improvise, not just to save yourself but the fate of all Tenno. The Queens' Fortress awaits, where both Warframe and Operator will be pushed past their limits as they slowly unravel mysteries about the Tennos past and their true capabilities.
The next chapter to 'The Second Dream' has arrived. Knowing what the Tenno are is just the beginning of your story. It is time to face The War Within.
How to access this Quest: If you've completed the Sedna Junction, you will receive this quest immediately on login via Inbox message.
If you do not receive The War Within Quest upon login be sure to have the Second Dream Quest and Sedna Junction completed. An inbox message will automatically appear once you have done so.
Once you've progressed far enough in The War Within to discover The Kuva Fortress, a new region will appear on your Solar Chart!
Play through and experience some of our most difficult and heavily fortified missions yet.
With this set, we knew we wanted to provide an awe-inspiring entry into the world of the Grineer Queens and Kuva. This set is complete with the latest in graphics enhancements like Volumetric Lighting, and includes some of the first ever Archwing Enemy incorporation into foot missions. Don't forget to aim up, Tenno.
New Music can be discovered while playing these missions, Keith Power brings us his creepiest compositions to date!
Assault: A completely new spin on the spirit of 'Sabotage'. This is arguably one of our longest non-endless missions to date. This mission also includes classic side-objectives like Cache hunting!
Exterminate: An old faithful.
Capture: A speed-runner's delight.
Mobile Defense: Will it take longer than Lotus calculated?
Spy: Ivara, Ivara, let down your Zipline.
Survival: For glory on the Leaderboards!
Rescue: You must save those in need!
Defense: A bit more environmental hazards this time around, beware!
There comes a new way to obtain power - finish the War Within to receive your first entry. More information is out there if you can find it.
KUVA GUARDIANS - Wearing heavy armor and adorned in red cloth, the Kuva Guardians are among the fighting elite in the Queens' army. The Kuva Guardians will surround you and, with just a few well-placed blows, will bring you to your knees. Defeating them will depend on more than whats in your Arsenal...
KUVA JESTER - Beware of these mischievous, Jester-like creatures that are quick to attack and are quite deadly.
Grineer 'Kuva Siphon' Missions:
After you complete The War Within, Kuva Siphon missions will spawn on any Planet near the ever-moving Kuva Fortress. Kuva Siphon missions will have its own selectable mission to enter (exactly like how other multi-mission nodes work). There will be 6 Kuva Siphon missions active which will rotate around the planets near the Kuva Fortress with a cooldown as you complete each one.
Twin Rogga - These twin barrels of destruction are the signature pistols of the Kuva Guardians.
Kesheg - Slice through mobs of unruly enemies with this fierce halberd, the signature weapon of the Kuva Guardians.
Zarr - Unload a barrage of explosives or a huge shot of flak from this canons enormous barrel.
Fourth and fifth weapons exist but defeating The War Within will be necessary to discover them.
Kuva Kavat Armor - This decorative armor was forged for the Grineer Queens royal Kavats.
Kuva Kubrow Armor - Drahks are outfitted with this armor for the Queens royal prisoner hunts.
Landing Craft Kuva Skins - A Kuva themed skin for your Landing Craft.
Kuva Cloak - Once worn by an elegant Elder Queen, before time and disease left her body mangled and disfigured.
Kuva Braid - Symbolizing the corrupting power of the Grineer Queens.
Kuva Armor Collection - A full set of Kuva Armor.
Continuity Collection - Become Grineer royalty with this complete set of Kuva weapons and armor.
Nightmare Missions are now back in the Starchart but with a few twists:
Each Planet will have 1 Nightmare node that changes every 8 hours (all respective Planet nodes must be completed before that Nightmare node becomes available).
Mercury, The Void, and Lua are now included in Nightmare node eligibility.
These Nightmare nodes are not replayable, and the Nightmare will be cleared for that Planet for 8 hours until the next one appears.
Failing to effectively hack panels will now result in a zap and tougher enemies will spawn when you set off alarms- good luck!
New Nightmare Mods are now available through Nightmare missions!
o Chilling Reload (Shotgun): Increases Cold Damage and Reload Speed!
o Drifting Contact (Melee): Increases Combo Duration and Status Chance!
o Streamlined Form (Warframe): Increases Holster Speed and Slide Boost!
Nightmare Mod rewards (19 total now) can be earned across 3 tiers of Nightmare missions: Easy, Medium, Hard.
Easy Nightmare Missions can be found on Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury and contain:
Ice Storm
Stunning Speed
Hammer Shot
Accelerated Blast
Chilling Reload (new!)
Medium Nightmare Missions can be found on Phobos, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn, Void, and Europa and contain:
Drifting Contact (new!)
Seeking Fury
Armored Agility
Rending Strike
Hard Nightmare Missions can be found on Sedna, Pluto, Lua, Neptune, Uranus, and Eris and contain:
Streamlined Form (new!)
Animal Instinct
Lethal Torrent
Focus Energy
You can now replay the Second Dream quest! Youll notice some small tweaks upon replaying it, such as not receiving a Focus lens, and not being able to select a new Focus school upon completion (Naramon for life, amirite?). More quests will get the same treatment down the line, but for now the ability to replay the Second Dream is meant to get us all prepared and up to speed for The War Within (and to feel the feels again). Enjoy!
Meteor Crash, Nebula Bore, and Astral Slash have been added to the Codex.
Increased the amount of enemies spawnable in Nightmare Exterminate mission (max cap of 500).
New Nightmare modifiers have been added to the mix! Take on the new Death Detonation.
Frost & Frost Prime now have cloth physics! For years our favourite Master of Ice has had a rather static cloak, but no more!
Solo Mode missions now start after just 5 seconds!
Decorator Mode is now here for Dojos and Landing Crafts! This mode allows you to access a special menu where you can continuously change the items in your Landing Craft or Dojo. All the hassle of returning to the menu over and over for each placement are gone.
Available daily Maroo and weekly Clem missions have been added to the World State Window under Alerts!
A Mastery Rank 23 test has been added! The War Within introduces enough content to push long-term players that are currently Mastery Rank 22 into Mastery Rank 23!
The squished face Kavat has received its visual update!
Added in a Fast Travel option to relays to allow for quick access to Darvos Shop, Cephalon Simaris! These options now join the Conclave and Navigation as quick access points.
Grineer Fortress Bunkers Conclave Map has been added for Team Annihilation and Annihilation! Take control of the security systems and turrets scattered throughout this Map and use them against other players. Take note: other players arent the only thing you have to worry about.
Arbiters of Hexis Arbiter's Arena Lunaro Map has been added! The Arbiters of Hexis know there is more to the Tenno than just being good Warriors they know them to be excellent Lunaro players as well! Seek truth through discipline and practice on this new Arbiters of Hexis themed Lunaro map. The perpendicular goals will require skill, precision, and teamwork to overcome. Bring your passion to the sands of this Lunaro map today!
You can now replay The War Within quest! As with the Second Dream quest, you can find this Replay option in the Codex.
Sorties were introduced in The Second Dream. They originally launched with 'Seasons' that rotated with set rewards. Since launch we iterated in several ways, including adding repeatable/non-repeatable rewards and more. Now we bring you more change with The War Within: Sortie Seasons are no more. We now have a set reward list of rewards that are always repeatable.
The new pre-requisite to access Sorties is completion of The War Within.
Nezha Parts have moved to the Tenno Lab in player Dojos.
Vandal and Wraith weapon parts have moved to the Invasion System as rewards for their respective factions.
Sortie Rewards are now set as:
o Various Endo Amounts
o Orokin Catalyst
o Orokin Reactor
o Exilus Adapter
o A random Focus Lens
o Legendary Core
o 1 new item coming soon (see below)!
There is a new addition to Sortie rewards, but this will be revealed upon completion of The War Within.
Interception, Defense, Survival, and Excavation Endless Void Fissure Missions have been revamped and now function in a new way!
First, every reward interval can have its own Relic selected and opened (if you get enough Reactant per interval).
Secondly, the reward intervals are as follows (for clarity):
Defense: 5 Waves.
Interception: 1 Round.
Survival: 5 Minutes.
Excavation: 200 Cryotic.
Should you collect the necessary Reactant per interval and open your Relic, a bonus will occur and you will be allowed to re-select a new Relic for the next interval! The bonuses are as follows:
Every time you open a Relic, you get a pre-determined booster. These boosters stack the longer you stay.
The first interval: 1.25x Affinity.
The second interval: 1.25x Credits.
The third interval: 1.25x Resources.
The fourth interval: 1.25x Resource Drop Rate.
The fifth interval: a random Exceptional Relic (that can be used in the same mission).
The sixth interval: 1.5x Affinity (replaces first).
The seventh interval: 1.5x Credits (replaces second).
The eighth interval: 1.5x Resources (replaces third).
The ninth interval: 1.5x Resource Drop Rate (replaces fourth).
The tenth interval: a higher tier random Flawless Relic (that can be used in the same mission).
Once you get to the fifteenth interval, you'll receive a random Radiant Relic (that can be used in the same mission.
Boosters continue to increase every set of intervals and are capped at double (2x).
Radiants on every fifth interval past the fifteenth.
Every Relic opened will result in Traces!
Capture enemy types are now split into 3 tiers- Easy (1-10), Medium (10-20), Hard (20+).
Corpus Nullifiers and white-suited Corpus Targets (capable of creating a Snow Globe-esqe barrier) no longer appear on lower level Capture missions.
Changed "X Offset" option to adjust Holster Position to move along to edge of your Warframe.
Added "Attach Part" option to select specific areas to Holster. Standard Holsters also have this option.
Added "Z Offset" option to adjust Holster Position distance from your Warframe.
Volumetric Lighting technology is here and has been implemented in The War Within quest!
We've also improved player lighting and added various weather effects to the game.
Improvements on collisions, and clipping on all Archwings have been made across the board!
Ever since the change to the new Solar Chart in Specters of the Rail, the Invasion system hasn't exactly been exciting or novel. The War Within brings some much needed freshness to this part of the game!
As part of an effort to both repair and refresh the Invasion system, the following changes and additions have been made:
Prior Sortie Season Vandal and Wraith rewards can now be offered as invasion rewards by the respective faction.
Interception missions have been added into the mix when playing for invading faction.
Winning factions will now 'Occupy' the node for up to 24 hours. During this period, the invaders will raid the location for resources towards a mysterious 'Construction Project'
The mission type at a particular Invasion node will change every 15 minutes.
The progress of an invasion can now lead to a Faction Specific event! Watch closely as the Grineer and Corpus gather enough strength!
Factions now pay an additional 1000 Credits each time you run a mission for them on the same node (up to max of 10K).
Fixed issues with Invasion missions loading to black and no spawning enemies.
Fixed Invasion progress not counting if a player was in mission during a Hotfix.
Fixed Phorid occupied nodes still showing the underlying bosses.
Emerge from the dark smoke of battle as a new vision of the master spy.
Become Ash Koga, with this striking skin bundle. Includes the Ash Koga Warframe Skin and the Nikana Ryu Skin.
Ash Revisited
We decided to rework Blade Storm after almost a full year of the same themed feedback showing up. We have been increasingly committed to participatory powers (especially ultimates) and focused on emphasizing that for Blade Storm.
Blade Storm Changes:
Blade Storm now has a new 'Mark Enemy' mode. Target enemies with your reticule up to 3 times each for attack. Each mark costs Energy (15) which is affected by Mods. If a marked enemy is killed by a squad mate, you will get the energy back. Marks made while invisible by any source will have a cheaper base cost (10). Enemies killed by Blade Storm will dissolve, leaving no corpse behind to detect!
Teleport Changes:
Teleport will now allow you to target anything with a health bar! Instead of being limited to Teleporting to allies or enemies, you can now teleport to objects.
Smoke Screen Changes:
Smoke Screen can now be cast while running (no lower body movement lock).
Smoke Screen can now be cast while in-air!
Full update notes here.