I. Overview
II. Key Features
III. Distribution
VI. Game Modes
V. Maps
VI. Weapons
VII. Vehicles
VIII. Media
IX. NeoGAF Clan
X. Updates
Developer - Incognito
Genre - Third Person Shooter/Vehicle Combat
Release Date - August 28, 2007
Official Website - http://www.us.playstation.com/Warhawk/

The long-awaited remake of the Playstion hit takes flight on the PlayStation 3 system. In Warhawk, players will experience a true full-scale war in an intense online multiplayer arena. Take to the skies and engage in high-speed aerobatic dogfights or hover to provide crucial aerial support to surging ground troops. Unleash an artillery assault with heavily armored tanks and all terrain vehicles. Advance on-foot to frontline positions and key locations with an array of devastating weapons, mounted guns and emplaced defense turrets.
- Epic next-gen multi-modal design immerses you in a deep 3rd person gameplay experience.
- Fly or hover in the Warhawk to engage in intense dogfights with dozens of fighters and ground forces aimed your way.
- Take control of armored tanks or utility vehicles to defend your base or launch a ground assault.
- Continue the battle on-foot and choose from a powerful arsenal of weapons, including rockets launchers, flame throwers, and proximity mines.
- Customize your soldier with an unlimited combination of armor and squad markings.
- Team up with friends and create competitve clans and stay organized with user friendly communication tools.
- Complex stat tracking records and rewards your accomplishments on the battlefield.
- Bluetooth and USB headset compatability for strategic communications and excessive online chatter.
- Expansion, vehicle and character cusomtization packs sheduled for download through 2008.
Warhawk can be purchased via the PlayStation Store for $39.99. The download is approximately 800MB.
Warkawk can also be purchased via retail for $59.99. The retial version of Warhawk will come on a blu-ray disc and be packaged with a bluetooth headset. Additionally, the retail version will have behind the scenes video's and supports "ghosting". Ghosting means only 1 copy of Warhawk is required to play via LAN spawning across multiple PlayStation 3's.
The headset included with the retail version is a Jabra BT-125.
Deathmatch Mode
Players can choose to be either Eucadian or Chernovan, and they must kill as many other players as possible within a certain time limit. Once the match is over, the winnder is whoever has accumulated the most kills. Players can spawn multiple times within one play session and spawn at any base on the map.
Team Deathmatch Mode
Players are organized into two or more teams, with each team having its own kill-count. Each team has a main base and they have the option to capture neutral bases in the map. Obtaining neutral bases allows more spawn points. To capture a base, players must move into the center of the base and wait until the capture meter turns to 1. The team with the highest kill-count at the end wins.
Capture The Flag
CTF mode is a combination of traditional capture the flag and Team Deathmatch. In this mode your team can capture bases that allow forward spawning. Bases are captured the same way bases are captured in Team Deathmatch. Players can use forward bases to spawn near their enemies flag and capture it more quickly; they must return the flag to their base in order to win the match.
Zone Mode
Zone mode is similar to Team Deathmatch in that it revolves around capturing bases. In Zone mode, each team can "grow" the boundaries of the base by continuing to stay within the zone radius. Once two zones are large enough, the bases will merge and allow more spawn points, more vehicles, and more points accrued. Growing zones is good because it takes the opposing team longer to neutralize eventually capture the zone. Linking zones will give the team additional vehicles, more spawn points, and their score will accrue faster. This mode requires the most ammount of teamwork and strategy.

*note - each map has five layouts for a total of 25 different map configurations.

Ground Troops

*note - there are also Land Mines

VII. Vehicles

IGN: Podcast Beyond #8, with Dylan Jobe
Warhawk FAQ with Dylan Jobe
Behind The Curtain: The Warhawk Servers
Ode to the Warhawk Public Beta
IGN Warhawk Developer Blog
1up Warhawk Superguide
E3 2007 Trailer HD
GDC 07 Trailer HD
GDC 07 Dog Flight Gameplay HD
GDC 07 Tank Gameplay Trailer HD
Ground Combat Trailer
Airbourne Trailer
Japanese Battle Trailer HD
1up Video Preview
Epic Trailer
CTF on Archipelago
Yahoo! UK
"It feels good, it feels right. Its as close to a massively multiplayer virtual warzone as weve ever seen on console and you cant help but be impressed by the scale of whats going on around you."
"It's a masterpiece of balance, of design, and the Jewel in Sony's online crown. If you're looking for a multi-player game to justify PS3's online potential - or just crave honest fun - look no further."
"[Warhawk] provides dozens -- perhaps even hundreds -- of hours of frantic, addictive, online-shooter fun. That's more than a lot of games offer."
"Warhawk lives up to its billing: a AAA experience that is an adrenaline rush for online fans. Large worlds, balanced combat mechanics and impressively deep server mechanics help this fast paced game soar."
Game Informer
"One of the most intricately balanced action games in years, the full-scale battles have to be seen to be believed."
PSX Extreme
"The game is epic beyond my wildest expectations and now that I've fallen in, I can't get out."
"Excellent play balance; great graphics; wide variety of play styles; robust online gameplay."
"Regardless of how you get it, Warhawk is a great multiplayer shooter and one of the first of its kind to land on the still-new PlayStation 3"
"Incognito has taken the DNA of Battlefield and crafted a sublime online console game - a virtual battlezone that serves up more than its fair share of wonderful audio-visuals, but more than that, plays beautifully, with every game you play supplying a key gameplay moment that only online gaming provides."
"Warhawk is an amazing multiplayer experience. Almost everything is spot on, and players will have a lot of fun taking on different roles and trying out different tactics to reach their objectives. This title is a must-have for PS3 owners."
"Jump in a cock pit, take off, do a barrel roll, and enjoy one of the best online console experiences available."

Due to buggy clan management within Warhawk it's difficult to set up an official clan. If you'd like to play with fellow GAFer's, simply post in this thread and meet up with them within Warhawk.
Operation: Omega Dawn
Update V1.3
Operation: Broken Mirror
Update V1.4
Operation: Fallen Star