Yeah, I'm referring to polling from Zogby, Rasmussen, et. al. Most of which have had Bush in a freefall over the past couple of months, though he has gotten some recent help from Reagan and some good PR by making compromises with the UN and some good economic numbers (finally). My point was that Bush's rebound is not some long-progressing trend but a recent hop. Which is in agreement with almost all of the polls I've seen (and I see a lot since I'm a wonk).
I think the Reagan boost is probably about over, at least until the GOP convention where the planners-who have had more time to think about how to spin Reagan for their campaign-will be able to bring up the issue again. It will be a part of the usual post-convention bounce, however I believe that the conventions will not be as influential in public opinion as they have in the past. I think the debates will easily shape public opinion more than the conventions will.
Edit: Gore had some heavy baggage going into this campaign season. His decision not to run, and to endorse Howard Dean, was a wise one for the party. As shown, he can be a quality orator and an asset on the campaign trail (as can President Clinton) for Kerry. Their engagement in the Kerry campaign is essential for getting the base to come out and vote.