I absolutely hate ranking things that I love, as there really is no "best" Ween album - it all depends so much on the mood you're in at the time and many other factors. Also, some of my favorite
live songs come from Ween albums that I don't listen to very much, which messes things up a bit. That said, I'll give it a go.
1. The Mollusk
2. God Ween Satan
3. White Pepper
4. Chocolate & Cheese
5. Pure Guava
6. The Pod
7. 12 Golden Country Greats
8. quebec
The funny thing is, I'd rather hear songs off of Pure Guava, The Pod, or Country than anything else live. And I totally appreciate the completely fucked-up production values of the album versions, but I can't honestly say that I listen to them anywhere near as much as the better-produced albums. Yet I think they have the best songs. I love Quebec also, but it's much too 'down' for me to want to put on regularly - it basically makes me want to die. Again, though, I absolutely love its songs live, and I could probably do without having to hear ANY songs from Mollusk or C+C in concert at this point.
So in other words this ranking attempt is a complete failure, not to mention one huge contradiction - just buy them all, ok?