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What are you reading? (May 09)


For the new month: Has anyone read this book?


Can't decide to pick it up or not. The tech guys are pretty hard on it.


I've started reading The Dark Tower books since april. Currently reading the 4th book, Wizard and Glass.

I liked all of the books so far. Especially the one I'm reading now.


Unconfirmed Member
Besides the Kindle link is there anywhere I can find a list of books that are free or in public domain? I already downloaded The Count of Monte Cristo onto my iPad.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Still reading Aztec




About halfway through. Not grabbing me as much as the Mistborn or Way of Kings did.
The twist of Denth and co being evil was nice.


I cannot recommend this enought! BRILIANT zombie novels about post apocaliptic future where mankind managed to survive the initial zombie pandemic, but are still chained in fear [everyone is infected and can potentialy become a zombie]. Fantastic characters, good story, excellent environment, and insane endings [in both novels].



If you like zombie genre, you can rarely find better books than these two. Both were nominated for Hugo awars for best novel [Feed in 2011, Deadline in 2012 [awaiting results]].

I've listened to audiobooks, and both were great.
I cannot recommend this enought! BRILIANT zombie novels about post apocaliptic future where mankind managed to survive the initial zombie pandemic, but are still chained in fear [everyone is infected and can potentialy become a zombie]. Fantastic characters, good story, excellent environment, and insane endings [in both novels].



If you like zombie genre, you can rarely find better books than these two. Both were nominated for Hugo awars for best novel [Feed in 2011, Deadline in 2012 [awaiting results]].

I've listened to audiobooks, and both were great.

When I read through my two non-fictions novels, I'll be jumping on these monsters shortly after. Thanks for the recommendations!

Also, please fix the second image!


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor

I just finished up The King's Blood by Daniel Abraham, sequel to The Dragon's Path. It's very good and really cements Abraham as a heavyweight in the genre. His first series, The Long Price Quartet were fantastic, but something of an acquired taste, whereas this series is much more accessible and something I could see the sudden swell of George R.R. Martin fans, looking for something new now that they've finished A Dance with Dragons, would enjoy. It's fascinating watching Abraham establish the "Dark Lord" as a regular person and the bad mistakes and circumstances that lead to him becoming a tyrant. Good stuff.

For a change of pace, I'm now reading:


Arctic Rising by Tobias Buckell. A smart thriller set in the Arctic Circle after the ice caps have melted.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I recently got back into reading. I'm quite enjoying it. I finished The Name of the Wind a week or so ago and am almost done with The Wiseman's Fear. I'm probably going to start A Song of Ice and Fire series after that.

I still need to finish Ender's Game.

Some of the other books I've bought and need to read include

A Brave New World
American Gods
The Hunger Games

I meant to get Neverwhere for Christmas, but by mistake (and here I was looking at the wrong entry as well), I got the Graphic Novel.



I really enjoyed Heroes Die. This second book is starting slowly, but I just hit the part where it starts to ramp up. Caine is quite the character. I love the mix of modern and fantasy...I wish more books like it existed.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
My coworker friend mentioned a book that his friend said he was reading, and I narrowed it down and believe it is called Warbreaker.

Surprisingly I recognized the cover being already in this thread courtesy of Ultron87.

How is it?

I planned on picking up Mistborn as well.



I started reading this the other day and I'm already over 200 pages in. I'm usually a pretty slow reader but this has really hooked me. I just hope it can keep up it's fantastic pacing so far.

I have about 300 pages left of this guy. I've been enjoying it. I read 11/22/1963 a month or so ago and thought it was okay, but the kind of goofy concept of this one intrigued me. I've been enjoying it. It moves at a fast pace and doesn't really ever meander.

Also read the Great Gatsby for the first time last week. I really loved that one.

I don't know anything about it other than its short and considered one of the best stories (sci-fi or otherwise) ever written. So i'm pretty hyped.
I just finished:


How did you feel about this one after finishing it? I started reading this the other day but I got so bored after chapter 3. I ended up starting to read another book that grabbed me right away. Just wondering if I'm missing out on anything amazing.


Storm of Swords. More than halfway done - will be done in a week or two. It's great. Just great. I hope the next one is as good, but I hear it isn't.



Was just looking for some light reading (though it was just the sample so far) because I'm also reading


And I can't read two serious books at once or my head will explode.

I hope they push the Kindle firmware so I can hide my bloody progress bar soon. That thing kicks my OCD tendencies around like nobody's business.


Unconfirmed Member
Most of the way through -


Only ~1200 pages to go before I'm done with the series and can move on. I've really liked the series but after ~5,000 pages straight I'll definitely be ready to move on.


My first book of the author, didn't know what to expect but I'm really liking it.

That book and the sequel A Wild Sheep Chase are the only two Murakami books I sold after I read them and don't intend to buy again. Wasn't really bad or anything but I thought it was pretty weak against the rest of his work.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

I started this up. I love this universe so much. I just wish I had more time to read so I could get through it faster. I've got so many damn novels waiting to be read, but it's tough when they're all 600+ page beasts.


I really enjoyed the section on John Stewart and Cloak and Dagger.
Hmm, interesting.



I regret reading this series.


I started reading this the other day and I'm already over 200 pages in. I'm usually a pretty slow reader but this has really hooked me. I just hope it can keep up it's fantastic pacing so far.

Has the amount of eyebrow raising gotten to you yet? I was hooked on the first book too, but Sanderson's obsession with everyone raising their eyebrows all the time was driving me nuts.

Reading this at the moment:



Just finished this...


Really enjoyed it. Read a bit like a Vonnegut book set in rural Ireland. Was really nicely written and pretty funny. Short too which can be a bonus.

Next is either The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann or The Book of Daniel by Doctorow


I just finished A Feast of Snakes, by Harry Crews, and absolutely loved it. It's got its humor, but it's no where near as funny as some of his other stuff. It's pretty sad, really.

Since I dropped 250 bucks on five books by this man a few weeks ago, I figured I might as well read some more. I'm reading The Knockout Artist now and loving it. Very strange. Very funny.

Anyone into the weird and grotesque owes it to themselves to give Harry Crews a try. I don't know how so many of his books are so out of print. He did so much of what I find a lot of readers my age looking for and in a way that isn't cheap, tacky, poorly written, predictable and pretentious the way so many writers (Chuck Palahnuik comes to mind) are.




Quite a rousing read. Enjoyed the stuff that led to the conflict moreso than the account of the conflicts themselves. Looking forward to his new one in May.



It really is Flashman in space. Not as good as Fraser's work, of course, but Mitchell does a swell job. Cain himself isn't quite the scoundrel that ol' Flashy is, though; he's more of a hero with a penchant for self-deprecation (I doubt Cain is going to rape a girl anytime soon, for example). Very enjoyable. Anyone with even a passing interest in the WH40K mythos or just good military SF should give it a shot.


Kinda looking for something to read at the moment.

I started Ready Player One, but just lost interest. It seems to be more interested in trying to throw in as many 80's pop culture references as possible rather than telling a story.

Finally finished 11.22.63 which I had been listening to as an audiobook since I had to drive 8 hours to my sisters wedding last month.

I think my problem is I just do not know what kind of book I want to be reading. Maybe it's time to reread something I have not read in a while.


Halfway through The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Do we know how long he is planning the series to be?


At the moment I have around a hundred pages left of...


After that I'll tackle


Though I haven't gotten it yet. Ordered it last week so most likely it will be here today.
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