dl77 Member Jun 11, 2020 #12 I think it looks fantastic, both manufacturers should be very happy with what they've designed.
dorkimoe Member Jun 11, 2020 #13 It is what it is, after you get it in my entertainment stand, i never look at it. Just so it lays flat, but those vents are dust magnets and hard to clean
It is what it is, after you get it in my entertainment stand, i never look at it. Just so it lays flat, but those vents are dust magnets and hard to clean
NOLA_Gaffer Banned Jun 11, 2020 #14 That's some mid-2000s Alienware-ass design language right there. I feel like the old PS3 boomerang controller would look right at home next to it.
That's some mid-2000s Alienware-ass design language right there. I feel like the old PS3 boomerang controller would look right at home next to it.
MoreJRPG Suffers from extreme PDS Jun 11, 2020 #15 Absolutely the ugliest console I've ever seen. It looks like a fake fan made thing.
Birdo Banned Jun 11, 2020 #16 It's fine, I guess. But you can't lay it down. EDIT: Okay, I get the message, it can lay down. Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
B Bladed Thesis Member Jun 11, 2020 #19 Not a huge fan. Digital console looks better for me personally. But its not awful.
JORMBO Darkness no more Jun 11, 2020 #20 Looks ugly. I hope it can sit on it's side. It looks a little curved so I'm not sure if it can.
Leyasu Banned Jun 11, 2020 #21 Looks like my router... What is the airflow going to like on that thing?
M1chl Currently Gif and Meme Champion Jun 11, 2020 #22 Not sure about practicality with those vents and also only Tower mode?
cormack12 Gold Member Jun 11, 2020 #25 Ugly as fuck, and I was already on pins after seeing the controller. Going for the netgear look
prag16 Banned Jun 11, 2020 #30 It looks like shit. My wife's not gonna let me put it where I currently have the PS4 sitting.
Ar¢tos Member Jun 11, 2020 #31 Doesn't look like a mini fridge, at least that. It's gonna go behind my TV, so I don't really care.
Krappadizzle Member Jun 11, 2020 #32 Looks terrible as far as console designs go. This shit looks like one of those bootleg Chinese PSXBoxtendo's that come with 3000 games.
Looks terrible as far as console designs go. This shit looks like one of those bootleg Chinese PSXBoxtendo's that come with 3000 games.
Fushitsusha Banned Jun 11, 2020 #34 Ugly. Looks terrible to clean. Cockroach nest. Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
Saber Member Jun 11, 2020 #37 More or less. More than less actually. I'm glad that you can change the position of the console. Got scared for a moment. Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
More or less. More than less actually. I'm glad that you can change the position of the console. Got scared for a moment.
Night.Ninja Banned Jun 11, 2020 #40 angelic said: Like a router. Click to expand... Exact same thing I was thinking
Kdad Member Jun 11, 2020 #41 Megatron said: I love it. Wild looking. But can it go on it's side???? Click to expand... Yes, right near the very end of the stream they flash it that way. Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
Megatron said: I love it. Wild looking. But can it go on it's side???? Click to expand... Yes, right near the very end of the stream they flash it that way.
Skyr Member Jun 11, 2020 #42 So you can’t lay it on it’s side??? It’s impossible for me to have it standing with my setup....
Dr Bass Member Jun 11, 2020 #45 Looks fantastic. People comparing it to a router don't have eyes IMO. Makes the Xbox Series X look completely plain and unimaginative.
Looks fantastic. People comparing it to a router don't have eyes IMO. Makes the Xbox Series X look completely plain and unimaginative.
sobaka770 Banned Jun 11, 2020 #46 I love it, unique design really stands out. I hope the light is not too tacky. Sorry but big black box is just not that appealing to me, game console can be sexy!
I love it, unique design really stands out. I hope the light is not too tacky. Sorry but big black box is just not that appealing to me, game console can be sexy!
Damigos Member Jun 11, 2020 #47 nani17 said: Click to expand... I simply adore it! Not just a box. Just epic
Mithos Member Jun 11, 2020 #50 Unless it can lay down.. wont fit in my "media cabinet". Looked ok ish, way better the XSEX though.