I partially credit Myst for the death of the adventure game, if you want my quick opinion on it.
It's, on the surface, a puzzle game, but not like Tetris, Columns, Puzzle Fighter, etc. The puzzles serve as "obstacles" in the greater adventure aspect of it; so it's not as simple as "Find out what happened," you have to jump through hoops A, B, C, and D to find out what happened. You'll do everything from solve logic puzzles, to more obtuse, "How did they expect anyone to solve that?" problems.
People love Myst, and an equal amount hate it. I can't say that I'm a huge fan of it, despite my best efforts to go through it just for the sake of getting to the (allegedly) rather well-thoughtout story beneath it all.
But of the many adventure games that had more literal puzzle elements than your average Lucasarts or Sierra game, I don't think you can get any better than The 7th Guest. If you can find it (and somehow manage to make it work on a modern computer), you'll probably get a kick out of it.