OG_Original Gamer said:
If there's no hiccups, then why is it assumed Nintendo will encounter all these technical issues or software issues when they decide to go into the online gaming feature.
Because MK: DD has a horrible lan interface and screwed up options, far worse than any early online game for the other two systems. Compare to the game browsing options in, say, SC: PD to those of MechAssault; SC shows the results of steady GUI and option improvements, many of which are a result of MS spreading, borrowing, and improving the overall system (MotoGP, for example, had its lobby code (I think the code) for later XBL games). Or SOCOM 1 to SOCOM 2.
Yet prior to that, GS and ASE (and many other PC games) had shown good examples of how to browse PC games onliine, yet mistakes were still made. Nintendo will have the same road. They will make mistakes that MS and Sony have made and grown past, simply due to lack of experience. Also, for all we know they don't have a clue how to program netcode. They've certainly never shown that they do. Shiggy's comments from a couple of years ago that he doesn't like his devs playing other games (to avoid copying, which is silly when you wind up including something "new" that has been in many other games) may carry over into interface design.
If you'd like another example, FFXI vs. EQA. Square-Enix didn't have experience, the team that made EQA had EQ to look at. Just getting to the actual FFXI game is a pain in the ass because Square didn't know how to put together a quick and easy system for PlayOnline, while EQA is much easier to get into (I would also point at FFXI's problematic controls on the PC, something that no other MMORPG maker has had a problem with).
People all too often think that Nintendo has some magical team of devs that make everything without mistake on their first try. MKDD, the GBA (fixed with the SP), and the Virtual Boy are but small examples of how that isn't true, yet people just keep plugging along, fingers in ears.