i'll admit i don't care about much besides sports games. lets get that off the bat. but in the last month or so, two major football releases have been reviewed by many, many gaming publications. EVERY publication gave these two games awesome scores. lets talk about each and why egm, ign, gamepro, psm, opm, oxm, operation sports, etc etc are full of shit and make me question whether these people actually PLAY the games, or have ea/sega/whoever write the reviews for them and send it with the "beta" version.
ncaa football 2005 - lets take a glance at some of the review scores.
gamepro: 5/5
psm: 10/10
GI: 9.25/10
i'm not debating opinion. if someone loves the game, i'm not going to argue with that. my problem stems from the fact that these "reviews" read like a fucking press release. who in the fuck mentioned the slowdown in the xbox version? or the game crippling drops? how about the ridiculousness of HFA? sure, gamespot mentioned the slowdown issue... a few days after everyone already had the game. how are these assholes missing these things? i realized this shit was wrong after playing it for just a couple hours, and these dudes have the game for weeks, at LEAST a few days, in advance of writing the review.
it's one thing when joke publications who i know for a fact aren't playing final versions write a review, it's another when operation sports (dedicated to sports gaming) has a dude with the beta and he "doesn't see slowdown" doesn't notice any of these other problems. are these guys getting pressured by EA to kiss ass or what??
espn football 2k5
this is a little different. publications have given it 4/5, 5/5, 9.0/10, whatever, and i don't disagree with that overall. it's an awesome game. but a magazine like game informer has the fucking BALLS to say franchise mode is leagues better and an awesome experience... well i've played franchise for a combined 45 minutes of my life in this game, and i already have a gajillion problems i've run into with the game. why didn't they mention the stupid trade logic? why didn't they mention the super QB running? why didn't they mention the glitches and bugs and so on? why didn't any magazine/website mention that? are these guys stupid, or do they just not care about sports enough to go into detail about possible problems?
anyways ive ranted enough. i know i shouldn't depend on a review (and i dont), but when a game is a few weeks away i just want some nice info on the game to give me an idea of how it will play out. but when review publications leave out HUGE bugs/glitches/problems from their reviews, it makes me think they are scared of having support pulled by the company or getting paid off or whatever. unacceptable!
ncaa football 2005 - lets take a glance at some of the review scores.
gamepro: 5/5
psm: 10/10
GI: 9.25/10
i'm not debating opinion. if someone loves the game, i'm not going to argue with that. my problem stems from the fact that these "reviews" read like a fucking press release. who in the fuck mentioned the slowdown in the xbox version? or the game crippling drops? how about the ridiculousness of HFA? sure, gamespot mentioned the slowdown issue... a few days after everyone already had the game. how are these assholes missing these things? i realized this shit was wrong after playing it for just a couple hours, and these dudes have the game for weeks, at LEAST a few days, in advance of writing the review.
it's one thing when joke publications who i know for a fact aren't playing final versions write a review, it's another when operation sports (dedicated to sports gaming) has a dude with the beta and he "doesn't see slowdown" doesn't notice any of these other problems. are these guys getting pressured by EA to kiss ass or what??
espn football 2k5
this is a little different. publications have given it 4/5, 5/5, 9.0/10, whatever, and i don't disagree with that overall. it's an awesome game. but a magazine like game informer has the fucking BALLS to say franchise mode is leagues better and an awesome experience... well i've played franchise for a combined 45 minutes of my life in this game, and i already have a gajillion problems i've run into with the game. why didn't they mention the stupid trade logic? why didn't they mention the super QB running? why didn't they mention the glitches and bugs and so on? why didn't any magazine/website mention that? are these guys stupid, or do they just not care about sports enough to go into detail about possible problems?
anyways ive ranted enough. i know i shouldn't depend on a review (and i dont), but when a game is a few weeks away i just want some nice info on the game to give me an idea of how it will play out. but when review publications leave out HUGE bugs/glitches/problems from their reviews, it makes me think they are scared of having support pulled by the company or getting paid off or whatever. unacceptable!