Previous Threads:
2015 (LOCKED)
Jumping into middle of the PS2/GC/Xbox/GBA/PC era. We're actually two years away from our first next-gen console in the 360 and one year away from the Japanese release of the PSP.
Unlisted stuff starts here. Have fun!
1080: Avalanche (GC)
.hack//Infection Part 1 (PS2)
.hack//Mutation Part 2 (PS2)
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)
All-Star Baseball 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
Amped 2 (Xbox)
Amplitude (PS2)
Ape Escape 2 (PS2)
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2)
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII (PC)
Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome (PC)
Beyond Good & Evil (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Blitzkrieg (PC)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PS2)
Brute Force (Xbox)
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Call of Duty (PC)
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (Xbox)
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2)
Championship Manager 4 (PC)
Civilization III: Conquests (PC)
Colin McRae Rally 3 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Command & Conquer: Generals (PC)
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour (PC)
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox)
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix (Xbox)
Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
Def Jam Vendetta (PS2, GC)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox, PC)
Devil May Cry 2 (PS2)
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2)
Donkey Kong Country (GBA)
Downhill Domination (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors 4 (PS2, Xbox)
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World (PC)
ESPN College Hoops (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NBA Basketball (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NFL Football (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NHL Hockey (PS2, Xbox)
EverQuest: Lost Dungeons of Norrath (PC)
EverQuest Online Adventures (PS2)
EverQuest Online Adventures: Frontiers (PS2)
Eyetoy: Play (PS2)
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PS2)
FIFA Soccer 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
Final Fantasy Origins (PS1)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
Final Fantasy XI (PC)
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Freedom Fighters (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
F-Zero GX (GC)
Ghost Master (PC)
Gladius (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA)
Gothic II (PC)
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (Xbox)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC)
Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA)
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
Homeworld 2 (PC)
Ikaruga (GC)
IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (PC)
Jak II (PS2)
Karaoke Revolution (PS2)
kill.switch (PS2, Xbox)
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Madden NFL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (GC)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GC)
Massive Assault (PC)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (GBA)
Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue/White Version (GBA)
Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA)
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PC)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (PC)
Midnight Club 2 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Midtown Madness 3 (Xbox)
MLB Slugfest 20-04 (PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA)
Monster Rancher 4 (PS2)
MotoGP 2 (Xbox, PC)
MVP Baseball 2003 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
NASCAR Racing 2003 Season (PC)
NASCAR Thunder 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
NBA Live 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NBA Street Vol. 2 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NCAA Football 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NCAA March Madness 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (PC)
NHL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
NHL Hitz Pro (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox)
Pac-Man vs. (GC)
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (Xbox)
PlanetSide (PC)
Pokemon Ruby/Saphire Version (GBA)
Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (GBA)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)
Pro Race Driver (Xbox, PC)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (PC)
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (PS2)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Rayman 3 (GBA)
Red Faction II (Xbox, GC, PC)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Xbox)
Rise of Nations (PC)
Rock 'N Roll Racing (GBA)
Secret Weapons Over Normandy (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
SimCity 4 (PC)
Sonic Advance 2 (GBA)
Sonic Pinball Party (GBA)
Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC)
SoulCalibur II (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild (PS2)
SSX 3 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox, PC)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox, PC)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GC)
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (GBA)
Super Puzzle Fighter II (GBA)
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PS2)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Time Crisis 3 (PS2)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (PC)
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon (PC)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition (Xbox)
The Getaway (PS2)
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (GC)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)
The Sims (PS2, Xbox, GC)
The Sims Bustin' Out (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six 3 (Xbox)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (PS2, GC, PC)
Tony Hawk's Underground (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Top Spin (Xbox)
True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Viewtiful Joe (GC)
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PS2)
Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray (PS2, Xbox, PC, GBA)
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC)
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (GBA)
War of the Monsters (PS2)
World Series Baseball 2K3 (PS2, Xbox)
World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 International (PS2)
World Tour Soccer 2003 (PS2)
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain (PS2)
WWE WrestleMania XIX (GC)
Xenosaga Episode I: Der wille zur Macht (PS2)
XIII (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (PS2)
2015 (LOCKED)
Jumping into middle of the PS2/GC/Xbox/GBA/PC era. We're actually two years away from our first next-gen console in the 360 and one year away from the Japanese release of the PSP.
Unlisted stuff starts here. Have fun!
1080: Avalanche (GC)
.hack//Infection Part 1 (PS2)
.hack//Mutation Part 2 (PS2)
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)
All-Star Baseball 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
Amped 2 (Xbox)
Amplitude (PS2)
Ape Escape 2 (PS2)
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2)
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII (PC)
Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome (PC)
Beyond Good & Evil (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Blitzkrieg (PC)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PS2)
Brute Force (Xbox)
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Call of Duty (PC)
Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (Xbox)
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2)
Championship Manager 4 (PC)
Civilization III: Conquests (PC)
Colin McRae Rally 3 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Command & Conquer: Generals (PC)
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour (PC)
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox)
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix (Xbox)
Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
Def Jam Vendetta (PS2, GC)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox, PC)
Devil May Cry 2 (PS2)
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2)
Donkey Kong Country (GBA)
Downhill Domination (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors 4 (PS2, Xbox)
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World (PC)
ESPN College Hoops (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NBA Basketball (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NFL Football (PS2, Xbox)
ESPN NHL Hockey (PS2, Xbox)
EverQuest: Lost Dungeons of Norrath (PC)
EverQuest Online Adventures (PS2)
EverQuest Online Adventures: Frontiers (PS2)
Eyetoy: Play (PS2)
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PS2)
FIFA Soccer 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
Final Fantasy Origins (PS1)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
Final Fantasy XI (PC)
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Freedom Fighters (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
F-Zero GX (GC)
Ghost Master (PC)
Gladius (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA)
Gothic II (PC)
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (Xbox)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC)
Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA)
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
Homeworld 2 (PC)
Ikaruga (GC)
IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (PC)
Jak II (PS2)
Karaoke Revolution (PS2)
kill.switch (PS2, Xbox)
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Madden NFL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (GC)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GC)
Massive Assault (PC)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (GBA)
Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue/White Version (GBA)
Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA)
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PC)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (PC)
Midnight Club 2 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Midtown Madness 3 (Xbox)
MLB Slugfest 20-04 (PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA)
Monster Rancher 4 (PS2)
MotoGP 2 (Xbox, PC)
MVP Baseball 2003 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
NASCAR Racing 2003 Season (PC)
NASCAR Thunder 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
NBA Live 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NBA Street Vol. 2 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NCAA Football 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
NCAA March Madness 2004 (PS2, Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (PC)
NHL 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
NHL Hitz Pro (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox)
Pac-Man vs. (GC)
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (Xbox)
PlanetSide (PC)
Pokemon Ruby/Saphire Version (GBA)
Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (GBA)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)
Pro Race Driver (Xbox, PC)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (PC)
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (PS2)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Rayman 3 (GBA)
Red Faction II (Xbox, GC, PC)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Xbox)
Rise of Nations (PC)
Rock 'N Roll Racing (GBA)
Secret Weapons Over Normandy (PS2, Xbox, PC)
Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
SimCity 4 (PC)
Sonic Advance 2 (GBA)
Sonic Pinball Party (GBA)
Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC)
SoulCalibur II (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild (PS2)
SSX 3 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox, PC)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox, PC)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GC)
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (GBA)
Super Puzzle Fighter II (GBA)
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PS2)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC, GBA)
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Time Crisis 3 (PS2)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (PC)
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon (PC)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition (Xbox)
The Getaway (PS2)
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (GC)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)
The Sims (PS2, Xbox, GC)
The Sims Bustin' Out (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six 3 (Xbox)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (PS2, GC, PC)
Tony Hawk's Underground (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Top Spin (Xbox)
True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2, Xbox, GC)
Viewtiful Joe (GC)
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PS2)
Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray (PS2, Xbox, PC, GBA)
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC)
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (GBA)
War of the Monsters (PS2)
World Series Baseball 2K3 (PS2, Xbox)
World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 International (PS2)
World Tour Soccer 2003 (PS2)
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain (PS2)
WWE WrestleMania XIX (GC)
Xenosaga Episode I: Der wille zur Macht (PS2)
XIII (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (PS2)