This is how I felt when I got the Hagun drop for my SAM in XI. The O.Kote was also a highlight. Farmed that effin mob for 30 days straight. Or the Emperor's hairpin in the DunesThe day I got my Joyeuse in prime Final Fantasy XI. It was just an insane number of happenstances that all came together for me to get it. I'd explain it but anybody that wasn't DEEP into FFXI would have any idea what I'm talking about.
Then a week later I got a Scorpion Harness +1.
Similar case, I got that government unemployability money because I lost my job once and then I bought a PS5 with those funds. In case you wonder, I'm not from USA.Got switch for free, and additional bonus xbox one controller and 1tb ssd, from gov
Getting a blowjob while beating Mike Tyson in Punch-Out.
The day I got my Joyeuse in prime Final Fantasy XI. It was just an insane number of happenstances that all came together for me to get it. I'd explain it but anybody that wasn't DEEP into FFXI would have any idea what I'm talking about.
Then a week later I got a Scorpion Harness +1.
The day I got my Joyeuse in prime Final Fantasy XI. It was just an insane number of happenstances that all came together for me to get it. I'd explain it but anybody that wasn't DEEP into FFXI would have any idea what I'm talking about.
Then a week later I got a Scorpion Harness +1.
Some random guy on Steam bought me a Destiny 2 DLC pack for absolutely no reason other than to be nice because I had it on my wishlist.
This is how I felt when I got the Hagun drop for my SAM in XI. The O.Kote was also a highlight. Farmed that effin mob for 30 days straight. Or the Emperor's hairpin in the Dunes
We got luckySimilar case, I got that government unemployability money because I lost my job once and then I bought a PS5 with those funds. In case you wonder, I'm not from USA.