Today's very much been Kingdom Hearts news and hype day on GAF, and the latest announcement does seem to imply that Kingdom Hearts III could be as imminent as next year.
With that in mind, where do you want to go in the long awaited 'third' installment?
What new worlds are you dying to see represented?
What worlds would you like to see return?
What worlds will you curse Nomura for if they dare appear again?
Personally, I'm desperate to see the oft underappreciated The Emperor's New Groove and Treasure Planet get some love, and more representation of Lilo & Stitch - perhaps Hawaii this time? And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see that fanfiction lightsaber-keyblade moment happen in the next trailer.
With that in mind, where do you want to go in the long awaited 'third' installment?
What new worlds are you dying to see represented?
What worlds would you like to see return?
What worlds will you curse Nomura for if they dare appear again?
Personally, I'm desperate to see the oft underappreciated The Emperor's New Groove and Treasure Planet get some love, and more representation of Lilo & Stitch - perhaps Hawaii this time? And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see that fanfiction lightsaber-keyblade moment happen in the next trailer.