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What's the some of the most hyped/popular games that you've never played?


Gold Member
Ok, to be clear, this is a thinly veiled attempted at fishing for games I should have played but haven't. I have no shame in admitting this. Might even help some of you with your future purchases.

I accept gratitude in the form of LOL emotes where I can't really decipher whether you're laughing with me or at me.

I'll start, I have never played

1. Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Zero
2. Metal Gear Solid 3
3. Street Fighter 3rd Strike and V
5. League of Legends
6. Super Mario Odyssey
7. Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword, Windwaker, Twilight Princess
8. Shin Megami Tensei...well none of them

EDIT: Mods can you delete the first "the" from the title? The? more like Duh! #AmIRightGuys (I don't understand how hashtags actually work.)
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I don't think i've ever properly beat a zelda game, farthest i got was with BotW. Played a bit of A link to the past, never picked up the others.

Also, never played past the beggining of Dark Souls, never touched Dark Souls 3.


No particular order....

1. Dragon Age series
2. Uncharted series
3. Ratchet & Clank series
4. Five Nights At Freddy's series
5. Roblox
6. Persona series
7. Assassin's Creed series
8. Rainbow Six Siege
9. Minecraft
10. Quantic Dream games

Fortnite would be at the top of my list, but since they implemented zero building, I gave it a shot, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Wished they added zero building a long time ago as a result. :rolleyes: That being said, I don't think it's a god among video games or whatever the hell, lol.
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Ghost of Tsushima. Bought the game. Downloaded for my ps5. I have yet to start that game. I dont know why, but it seems that I am waiting for something, which explains, why I never clicked play button in 3 months, since I downloaded it.

P.s. bought the game in 2021. That is how long I was holding out not playing the game.


Most Nintendo games, any Xbox exclusive
I've played zero online shooters/BR/MOBA etc
Minecrats/Roblox or any other similar game


Gold Member
No particular order....

1. Dragon Age series
2. Uncharted series
3. Ratchet & Clank series
4. Five Nights At Freddy's series
5. Roblox
6. Persona series
7. Assassin's Creed series
8. Rainbow Six Siege
9. Minecraft
10. Quantic Dream games

Fortnite would be at the top of my list, but since they implemented zero building, I gave it a shot, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Wished they added zero building a long time ago as a result. :rolleyes: That being said, I don't think it's a god among video games or whatever the hell, lol.
Ohhh this is a good one. I never played beyond two souls, Detroit Become Human or Heavy Rain. I played Dragon Age Inquisition and beat it. Never played any of the others. I should porbably give Dragon Age a shot. It's on EA play.

Most FIFA past 2008
World of Warcraft

Yep, never played WoW before either.
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Souls games.

I finally started Dark Souls Remastered last week and... I'm sure things will get better, because as of now the combat is pure ass. (The previous game I played before that was Bayonetta, which has AMAZING A+ combat and I ended up getting all Achievements). Movement in general is slow and clunky. The environment and art direction seems pretty ugly overall. So I don't quite see what all the hype is about, but again, I just got started so I'm sure things will get better later in the game and will give it a fair shot.


Elden Ring.

I’m sorry, I just don’t want to be constantly frustrated. Loved Bloodborne, didn’t make it to the final credits on Dark Souls 3.

A HUGE open world From Software game just seems to be too much.

All nintendo games

All sony games after 2016 (when i switched to pc)
After trying the pc ports
Days Gone underrated.
God of War. Hugely overrated. Cant believe this was goty and gotg for some.
Looking at alot of list posted I realize how many games I play. I'm 28 so I missed out on a ton of 80s/90s games due to age. But games that i could have played when I was old enough. I skipped on a ton of nintendo games their style of platformers don't do it for me. No mario galaxy, oddessey etc. I played BOTW and tried skyward sword but never any other. Only FF i played was 15 and 7 remake. Never played fortnite, apex, tried overwatch idgi.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
All Sony games except uncharted remaster trilogy and the last of us.

Elden ring.

Probably many more I can't remember.


From recent memory, Returnal and Hades.

I've heard a lot about both of them and they sounded appealing until I briefly had a peak at some gameplay videos. Not interested.


Any MOBA and Battle Royale. Every single game in most FPS franchises. Every Resident Evil other than 4, Every Silent Hill other than 2, all Half Life games, Doom 2016 and Eternal, Outer Wilds, Witcher series, Deus Ex series, Binding of Isaac, Hollow Knight, Ori 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 7, Persona 5, Red Dead series, GTA series other than a tiny bit of 5, Fallout series, Kingdom Hearts series, Every Street Fighter other than a variation of 2 and 4, like every isometric CRPG ever made, Mass Effect series, Minecraft (yes, seriously), Hades, Last of Us 1 & 2, Ass Creed series. Danganronpa series, every Halo other than a tiny bit of 3, God of War series, Uncharted series other than a tiny bit of 1, Tony Hawk series, Elder Scrolls series, Devil May Cry series, Yakuza series, Hotline Miami 1 & 2, Monkey Island series, Quake.

And I own most of this.


Hyped and failed to deliver Watchdogs 2014 and Duke Nukem Forever,

Hyped and did deliver Half Life 2 and Skyrim,

I can't choose any GTA as i played them on PC, so i already knew what the games were like beforehand. also i would choose The Witcher 3 but i played the game a few years after it was out.
Never really played the Uncharted games except for a tiny bit of the opening of the first one. Like 5 minutes tops. Haven’t really played any of the God of War games either except the first one, but I played it a good bit more than Uncharted, but I still didn’t give it much of a chance. Skyrim, Half Life 1/2, Dark Souls games except Sekiro, Elder Scrolls, Witcher, Assassin’s Creed. There’s a lot I haven’t played. I’ve just started gaming again recently and even then I’ve just been playing Scarlet Nexus almost exclusively since I want to beat that before starting another story based game. But I am about done with the Final Phase.
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Almost all Nintendo games (I think I only played Zelda SS, Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem and Smash Bros all on the Wii, the only Nintendo console I bought).

Nintendo games are not for me.

World of Warcraft, I never really liked Warcraft.

Half-Life 2, I tried the first one once but I couldn't play because it made feel dizzy and I ended up getting headache, so I never touched the sequel.

Dying Light 1 and 2, same reason as HL2, Dead Island made me feel sick, so I rather not play these similar games made by the same devs (plus just watching some gameplay videos of Dying Light 1 I got extremely annoyed by the amount of blur).

GTA4, I like GTA, specially Vice City and V, but 4 never grabbed my attention.
Souls games.

I finally started Dark Souls Remastered last week and... I'm sure things will get better, because as of now the combat is pure ass. (The previous game I played before that was Bayonetta, which has AMAZING A+ combat and I ended up getting all Achievements). Movement in general is slow and clunky. The environment and art direction seems pretty ugly overall. So I don't quite see what all the hype is about, but again, I just got started so I'm sure things will get better later in the game and will give it a fair shot.
Well if those aren't the most polar opposite examples ever. I love them both, but they are very different. I love the combat in both, but they succeed for very different reasons. I feel like Bayonetta is about how you attack whereas souls games are about when you attack.
Well if those aren't the most polar opposite examples ever. I love them both, but they are very different. I love the combat in both, but they succeed for very different reasons. I feel like Bayonetta is about how you attack whereas souls games are about when you attack.
LMAO, that was precisely the point of my post. Not only did you catch on quickly, but your summary of what the games are about is spot on. Which is exactly why Dark Souls (a game with a slow, "methodical" combat system) is very jarring after coming from Bayonetta (a game with a fast, flashy, combo-based, rush-style combat system). I'm open minded and I'm sure there will be a "come to Jesus" moment where I will enjoy Dark Souls combat because it'll just click. But right now, the struggle (to like the game) is real.

One thing -- coming from Bayonetta in a way is a good thing, because that game can be very difficult if you're going for max rankings. So Dark Souls, at least to me, is easy by comparison. But the sluggishness of the movements, and the uselessness of some of the tools at my disposal this early in the game, can be frustrating at times.


Not played Bayonetta. Doesn't appeal to me and I like my action games. Main character is off-putting imo.
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There's tons, I'm sure, but off the top of my head I'd say:

All the Call of Duty, Battlefield, Battlefront serieseses.

Sony exclusives.


Plenty I guess.

Most Mario games. Not interested
GTAs. Not interested
Battlefield. Not interested
Red Dead franchise. Not interested
God of War reboot. Might try at some point.
Ghost of Tsushima. Might try at some point.
Last of us 2. Might try at some point.
SpiderMan. Might try at some point.
Deus Ex franchise. Might try at some point.
Horizon Forbidden West. Will play at some point
Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Will play at some point
Tales of franchise. Will play at some point
Trails franchise. Will play at some point
Final Fantasy VIII, IX and XIV. Will play at some point
Death Stranding. Will play at some point
Lot of Zelda games. Will play at some point
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Gold Member
Plenty I guess.

Most Mario games. Not interested
GTAs. Not interested
Battlefield. Not interested
Red Dead franchise. Not interested
God of War reboot. Might try at some point.
Ghost of Tsushima. Might try at some point.
Last of us 2. Might try at some point.
SpiderMan. Might try at some point.
Deus Ex franchise. Might try at some point.
Horizon Forbidden West. Will play at some point
Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Will play at some point
Tales of franchise. Will play at some point
Trails franchise. Will play at some point
Final Fantasy VIII, IX and XIV. Will play at some point
Death Stranding. Will play at some point
Lot of Zelda games. Will play at some point
After reading this I have to ask. What do you play mostly? Might get some ideas just from that.
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After reading this I have to ask. What do you play mostly? Might get some ideas just from that.
A lot of Soulsborne games.

The past few years, I have been trying "old" games/franchise I've never get to play like Assassin's Creed, Baldur's Gate, JRPGs (Radiant Historia, Valkyrie Profile, Odin Sphere, Lunar, Baiten Kaitos, Xenoblade Chronicles 1...).
Also some "new" stuff at the time like The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy XV, Horizon Zero Dawn... Also discovered Hollow Knight and it's an amazing game. Likely in my Top 3 of all time.

Currently playing my second run of Elden Ring. After that I'll probably go with Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP) or Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64). I never touched these 2 but it's been a while since I want to play them.

EDIT Been replaying lot of old games too. Like whole MGS franchise and lately Final Fantasy X and X2
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