siege said:I'd have to go with:
siege said:Err, I meant what game do you predict to be the biggest sleeper hit of the year.
bobbyconover said:
As for Advent Rising.. the Xbox version really wasnt all that impressive at E3 but god damn did the PC one look pretty.
In order to be a sleeper hit, doesn't it have to sell well? Another words, a game that doesn't have much hype but goes on to sell well (GTA3 would be considered a sleeper as it had nearly no hype at all before launch).
Mashing said:In order to be a sleeper hit, doesn't it have to sell well? Another words, a game that doesn't have much hype but goes on to sell well (GTA3 would be considered a sleeper as it had nearly no hype at all before launch).
siege said:Can't let what should be a great story from Orson Scott Card go to waste.
Meier said:W00t, even though Namco told us at E3 it'd be coming after the warm reception, I wont be entirely sure of it until I've got my greedy little hands on a copy. As for Advent Rising.. the Xbox version really wasnt all that impressive at E3 but god damn did the PC one look pretty. Wasnt all that fun though. :\
Mashing said:In order to be a sleeper hit, doesn't it have to sell well? Another words, a game that doesn't have much hype but goes on to sell well (GTA3 would be considered a sleeper as it had nearly no hype at all before launch).
I really don't see there being a sleeper hit this year if sales is a concern... too many big franchise games releasing.
If sales is not a concern, well I still don't know.
Mashing said:In order to be a sleeper hit, doesn't it have to sell well? Another words, a game that doesn't have much hype but goes on to sell well (GTA3 would be considered a sleeper as it had nearly no hype at all before launch).
I really don't see there being a sleeper hit this year if sales is a concern... too many big franchise games releasing.
If sales is not a concern, well I still don't know.
Wyzdom said:errr... A sleeper hit is a game that was supposed to sell because it's great but it didn't. GTA3 is not a sleeper hit at all...
This better be a joke. Seriously. I will hunt you down and slap you and your mom if you think this game is either a sleeper or a hit. lolCerebral Palsy said:
bobbyconover said:
AniHawk said:I'd have to say Chronicles of Riddick so far. It just came out of nowhere.
Wyzdom said:Is that what everyone says??? lol
Always thought it was what i said earlier. I'm serious, i wanna know what people think about all that!! lol
MrPing1000 said:harvest moom:AWL if that counts