My pops and I agree completely but my mother on the other hand disagrees with our views. How do you guys feel about unions ?
Ecrofirt said:at first, I thought it said "What's your stance on Unicorns"
Bjork said:If you don't have people who milk the "I can't be fired unfairly which means I have to majorly blow it in order to be fired, but instead I'll be a lazy ass and call in sick all the time" aspect of it, unions can work.
White Man said:Unions, in theory, are most excellent. In execution, they too often end up as bullying bastions of corruption.
They need to maintain their focus, and be populated with well thought, well intentioned people so as to avoid corruption or being ineffective at what should be their charter of best serving the workers rights.
Oh I've seen this...in his union contract he only had to work 6 hrs a day, but was paid for 8. He read a book for the other two.
Can you prove this? This is would be similar if I had said that the way corporations are run guarantees coruption, slashing of wages, benefits, jobs etc. It just isn't true in all cases even if the climate is right for it. My step-father has worked in the grocery industry for about 25 years. In his time he moved from bagging groceries (all store employees at this chain are unionized) to working in the purchasing department of the head office. The employees enjoy good wages and benefits, the store enjoys healthy profits and national awards, and there has not been a strike in his time working there. Sometimes the good guys win, the business and the worker can be symbiotic. Both sides of the system need to move to change for the better.White Man said:Corruption is, however, guarantee-able with the way current unions are set up.
Charisma and a "good" intentionality are not mutually exclsusive. You have presented one possible, hypothetical, scenario. There are likely tens of thousands more possible scenarios.White Man said:The most charismatic, vocal, and likeable people will tend to rise to the top of unions, not necessarily the most true or well-intentioned. The most well-intentioned person may by the quiet lad sitting in the corner, and surely he wouldn't be an adequate negotiator.
Hmm... These Unions sounds like Corprate America and Politics. Frankly they could all use some re-adjustment.White Man said:The good ol' boys tend to rise to the top, and then they take care of their buddies and make sure things are suitably cushy for them. Anyone not friendly with those on the higher rungs won't see as much benefit, but they'll pay the same dues.
With the new plant they were able to build a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH MANAGEMENT and not have that culture of "us vs them".
Can you prove this?
Charisma and a "good" intentionality are not mutually exclsusive. You have presented one possible, hypothetical, scenario. There are likely tens of thousands more possible scenarios
Originally Posted by White Man
The most charismatic, vocal, and likeable people will tend to rise to the top of unions, not necessarily the most true or well-intentioned. The most well-intentioned person may by the quiet lad sitting in the corner, and surely he wouldn't be an adequate negotiator.
Hmm... These Unions sounds like Corprate America and Politics. Frankly they could all use some re-adjustment.
Unions, in theory, are most excellent. In execution, they too often end up as bullying bastions of corruption.
You can't spell Communismn without u.n.i.o.n.s.!yoshifumi said:unions = communism?