Detailed N64 specifications are pretty easy to come by...
CPU: MIPS 64-bit RISC CPU (customized R4000 series)
CO-PROCESSOR: 64-bit RISC processor running at 62.5 MHz
-RCP SP (Sound and Graphics Processor)and DP ( Pixel Drawing Processor)
GRAPHICS PROCESSING FUNCTION: Z-Buffering, Anti-aliasing, eliminates jagged lines and edges, mostly in low res. Realistic texture-mapping. Alpha Channel effects\Fog, Transparency, etc. Ray-Tracing/sophisticated form of light tracing ability. Gouraud shading, (Featuring: Tri-Linear filtered mip-map interpolation, Perspective correction, Environment mapping)
MEMORY: Rambus D-RAM 36 Mbits
TRANSFER SPEED: Maximum transfer speed 4,500 M bits/sec. running at 500Mhz.
RESOLUTION: 256 X 224 - 640 X 480 dots with flicker free interlace mode support
COLOR: Maximum: 16.8 million colors, 32-Bit RGBA
-Pixel Color Frames Buffer Support & 21-Bit color video output out of a 16.8 million color palette it can display 32,000 on screen colors at once
VIDEO OUTPUT: RF, RGB, and HDTV compatible
AUDIO: Stereo 16-bit/64 PCM channels sampled at 44.1 kHz
-Main CPU clocked at 125 MIPS (millions of instructions per second)
-Graphics Co-Processor clocked at 100+ MFLOPS (millions of floating point operations per second) 100,000 polygons per second, with all hardware graphic features turned on.
-MIPS R4300i
-24KB L1
-125 MIPS
-250 MB/sec Bus
-150K Polygons/Sec
-32-bit Color
-500 MB/sec Bus
-64 2D Voices
-500 MB/sec Bus
-4MB Unified (500 MB/s)
-Cartridge (32MB)
-Expansion 4MB RAM
...and here's the leaked (but verified) DS specs...
Processor #1: 67MHz ARM946E-S
Processor #2: 33MHz ARM7TDMI (2x clock speed GBA processor)
Main RAM: 4MB
Video RAM: 656KB
256x192 Resolution LCD Touch Screen
18-bit Color (262,144 colors)
2D Graphics
4 Parallax Background Layers
128 Maximum Sprites
3D Graphics
120,000 Polygons per Second
30 Million Pixels per Second
...and here's a laymans terms analysis of those leaked specs...
"Idiot terms? Hmmm...let's see.
- 3D graphics better than Nintendo 64 (considering screen size)
- level sizes similar to Nintendo 64 games
- AI, physics, etc. similar to Nintendo 64 games
- 3D FPS graphics like a low resolution version of Quake II
- 2D graphics better than Saturn/PSone
- overall closest thing is Nintendo 64
I think that gives enough general idea.
Want MIPS/MFLOPS numbers too?
PSone - 30 MIPS
NDS - 100 MIPS / 50-66 MFLOPS (guess)
N64 - 125 MIPS / 100 MFLOPS
Dreamcast - 360 MIPS / 1400 MFLOPS "
...and finally here's what Nintendo's website says...
3-D: With the newly developed graphics engine, DS can reproduce impressive 3-D renderings that can surpass images displayed on the Nintendo® 64. Games will run at 60 frames per second, and allow details like fog effects and cel shading.
Sound: The 16-channel sound allows for greatly expanded use of voices and music, and a richer, more immersive game experience. A plug for headphones transmits stereo sound.