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Which member had the best exit on GAF Or: A Very Happy GAF History Lesson

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OttomanScribe said:
I think it depends on which part of the forum you are talking about. I never go into sporting threads for example, so people who are prolific there go under my radar. Also I only lurk in gaming, and I think frequent interaction creates personalities.

Yeah I'd agree on Smokey and Gaborn, amongst others, but that's because the two of them are often in the same topics as me in OT.

I seem to be meeting you too everywhere I am going here on GAF :p


listen to the mad man
perfectchaos007 said:
I also noticed Wasabi King is no longer a forum leader. What happened to him? Wasn't he one of the OG's of GAF?

retired because he didn't have time for it anymore, no bad blood :)
I think Segata could be tempted back with modding powers. Maybe. Not claiming to know him all that well, but if I was as pissed with GAFs inability to discuss decently as him, I'd welcome the chance to kick shit discussion in the butt

so hey, dumb posts, i hear they're in fashion


Green Scar said:
I think Segata could be tempted back with modding powers. Maybe. Not claiming to know him all that well, but if I was as pissed with GAFs inability to discuss decently as him, I'd welcome the chance to kick shit discussion in the butt
That doesn't make any sense. You don't give out modding powers because people threaten to leave, or have left already. You give it out to people deserving of it, or how ever Evilore decides to do it. (I personally imagine a giant wheel with everyone's name on it that he spins when he is bored)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Green Scar said:
I think Segata could be tempted back with modding powers. Maybe. Not claiming to know him all that well, but if I was as pissed with GAFs inability to discuss decently as him, I'd welcome the chance to kick shit discussion in the butt


Rumor goes: Segata was offered modship, turned it down. "It isn't for me," and he still doesn't like the current discourse that is going on here. Never will happen.
Ultimoo said:
That doesn't make any sense. You don't give out modding powers because people threaten to leave, or have left already. You give it out to people deserving of it, or how ever Evilore decides to do it. (I personally imagine a giant wheel with everyone's name on it that he spins when he is bored)

Yeah I re-read that and figured, wait, that's like giving an angry man a gun and a license to kill. NEVER MIND *spins on heel and waltz out*
Kamen Rider Prism said:
Geez. I never knew any of this happened to her. My lurking ability must not be that great. Anyway, its sad what happened. She didn't really deserve that. Who was responsible for that image?

It came from the original GAF spinoff: OA. Where else?

But before you treat her like a broken little bird in the mud, she posts there too so save your outrage for someone else.
Instigator said:
It came from the original GAF spinoff: OA. Where else?

But before you treat her like a broken little bird in the mud, she posts there too so save your outrage for someone else.
I wouldn't exactly call it outrage. I just don't like it when people who aren't attention whores are labeled as one. And she most definitely is not one.

And I know all too well about that ...special forum. I had an image of myself spread around that place and its part of the reason Im so awkward online. But I guess I did bring it on myself.


Reading the last three pages, I realize that I visit this site nog often enough. It's a big board and I really can't remember every last meltdown or drama that happens around here.
Tence said:
I seem to be meeting you too everywhere I am going here on GAF :p
Haha.. yeah, I can think of quite a few other regular characters as well. It is kind of strange, thought I would know people less considering how large the forum is compared to the ones I normally frequent.

I wonder if anyone has made a 'check out this thread' thread... a thread for trending melt downs or fights.


Londa said:
This gives me the creepy vibes and one reason why I will never post my full picture on gaf. lol

(this is not directed at Spin, but at the guy who notices she was lurking for 4 hours)



WOW, Koshiba attached her facebook to her gaf profile? NOT smart at all. BTW she looks like a real attention whore, one of those girls that takes a jillion pictures of her face RIGHT UP CLOSE TO THE CAMERA

Does anyone else remember Docpan? Guy was "come at me bro" in human form


Dina said:
Reading the last three pages, I realize that I visit this site nog often enough. It's a big board and I really can't remember every last meltdown or drama that happens around here.
We all know that feel, bro.
I've only witnessed one minor meltdown here myself, but watching somebody completely lose their shit and go down in an incoherent blaze of internet glory is a magical experience. GAF's lengthy validation process lends a certain permanence to it, almost to the point where it really DOES seem like the poster is "dying," so to speak.
EschatonDX said:
WOW, Koshiba attached her facebook to her gaf profile? NOT smart at all. BTW she looks like a real attention whore, one of those girls that takes a jillion pictures of her face RIGHT UP CLOSE TO THE CAMERA
I can't imagine linking my forum profile to facebook. Though I'd rather not be anonymous completely so I'll post pics of myself now and again.

How many pics counts as attention whoring? I have 2k tagged of me on FB.


OttomanScribe said:
I can't imagine linking my forum profile to facebook. Though I'd rather not be anonymous completely so I'll post pics of myself now and again.

How many pics counts as attention whoring? I have 2k tagged of me on FB.

i mean, it doesn't really matter how many you have tagged of you, but i took a quick glance at her profile pics frontpage and they're all done in myspace fashion. mirror shots, only her.



OttomanScribe said:
I can't imagine linking my forum profile to facebook. Though I'd rather not be anonymous completely so I'll post pics of myself now and again.

How many pics counts as attention whoring? I have 2k tagged of me on FB.

There is a neogaf group on facebook and there is quite some people in it, so it's not like everyone tries to hide their identity :D


Kittowny, R.I.P - I would have like to have seen his impressions on Resistance 3's footage and gameplay thus far.
I don't know Himuro as much as many other GAFfers, but when I was new and a different poster he started a thread WAY BACK in 2006 that I thought would get locked so I posted ad nauseum in there. I already linked it like 4-5 pages back, but I'll never forget that thread. Hilarious.
itxaka said:
There is a neogaf group on facebook and there is quite some people in it, so it's not like everyone tries to hide their identity :D
Haha.. I don't so much 'hide my identity' (copying Dave, that is me in my avatar) as not want people who start getting a bit personal in a debate to start trawling through my stuff on FB.

I remember early on some guy (wrongly) accused me of being linked to some crazy YouTuber, because my photobucket account had a similar name. Can imagine it would be like that, but worse.


Instigator said:
Yeah, she was worse than Tazznum. But the absolute worst were her fans (or those who feared her?). Nothing worse than a bunch of sycophants falling over themselves to praise her erratic behavior. Some are still at it to this day.
Haha, I can still remember Tazznum's avatar.

Also, whatever happened to Triumph? He was the starting point guard for Team Alcohol.


I know an attention whore in real life and WOW I had to hide her updates on Facebook. 10-20 a day. But, when we are in person, she's very fun to be around.

There's a few people I observed in the Neogaf User's Pic thread over the years that seemed attention whore-ish. One looked very cocky and it turns out he has some social anxiety IIRC. Another apparently had some issues expressing himself sexually. Another had weight gains/losses, social issolation, some weird relationships, and some weird mother problems IIRC. They've all had full body shots at some point and do look good.

So, it became a micro-community for them and I think it's good if it helps them build confidence.

It's not like they post pictures of themselves in other threads or make threads dedicated to themselves a lot.

That's where you get into the a certain breed of attention whore on Neogaf I dislike. The ones make a bunch of threads with a blatant schtick and a lot of negative reaction feeding the attention. Some have been mentioned in this thread so it's bittersweet.


There is this one guy that posts a picture of himself (in the picture thread) all the time and I wonder why. Eh, to each their own.


OttomanScribe said:
Haha.. I don't so much 'hide my identity' (copying Dave, that is me in my avatar) as not want people who start getting a bit personal in a debate to start trawling through my stuff on FB.

Your avatar is tiny lol. I cant make out what you look like from that haha. I see a turban and it looks like you're talking to a pig or dog. Not sure which.

Edit: It seems a bronze pig statue of some sort?
DeathNote said:
So, it became a micro-community for them and I think it's good if it helps them build confidence.

I thought that place was predominantly a pick up thread? :S

Tence said:
Your avatar is tiny lol. I cant make out what you look like from that haha. I see a turban and it looks like you're talking to a pig or dog. Not sure which.

Edit: It seems a bronze pig statue of some sort?

I am talking to a bronze pig :)




D4Danger said:
what did you do?

Had an argument about a game over on Gaming.

It wasn't specifically me, he just had enough of arguing about games in general and left. If it hadn't been me, it would've been the next person.

For the record though, I was right and he was wrong.

DeathNote said:
Why was bjork banned? Asked for it? When he returned from the ban bet he hardly posted a thing.

I don't think he's currently banned. He just never posts anymore.


DeathNote said:


That is the saddest thing I have read on here.

Bjork was a pillar of the community.
KevinCow said:
I still feel terrible that I was the reason Segata left.


You should feel terrible about your DKC2 love. SEE WHAT IT DOES TO PEOPLE?!? We should have gotten over this in the 90s damn it!

just kidding! also i know you hate spoiler text for non-spoilers so here you go :p
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