MIMIC said:I'm sure this movie is stupid, dumb.![]()
Slo said:White chicks looks like the worst movie ever made. It could only be worse if they cast Pauly Shore as one of the white chicks.
MIMIC said:I'm sure this movie is chock full of stupid, dumb fun.Anybody going to go see it tomorrow?
kevm3 said:No... Honestly, I don't know why crap like this is allowed to drop out of the studio doors. I realize how offensive movies like this can be. What about a movie called 'black chicks' with two white guys dressing up as black women. I bet that'll go over well. Plus, the movie will probably use the same humor archetypes as many other movies of this type.
kevm3 said:No... Honestly, I don't know why crap like this is allowed to drop out of the studio doors. I realize how offensive movies like this can be. What about a movie called 'black chicks' with two white guys dressing up as black women. I bet that'll go over well. Plus, the movie will probably use the same humor archetypes as many other movies of this type.
Dude, that was like 25 minutes late. :-/karasu said:There was a movie called Soul Man where a white guy pretended to be a black guy to get into a black college. So yeah, it's been done. 0_o
=W= said:Dude, that was like 25 minutes late. :-/
Jak140 said:Your picture is a red X.
Mrbob said:Hell no.
This movie doesn't look like dumb fun.
It just looks dumb.
you didn't like scary movie 1 & 2?Pachinko said:I wish I knew the addresses of the folks who'd pay to see this so I can personally go to there home and punch them in the face for lowering my opinion of humanity further. This movie looks so bad , dead folks are reanimating themselves just to shake there heads in disgust one last time.
The sad fact is that lots of people are going to see this , I'd wager it'll be number 1 this weekend and probally top 100 million dollars. I mean look at scary movie 1 and 2.![]()
Pachinko said:The sad fact is that lots of people are going to see this , I'd wager it'll be number 1 this weekend and probally top 100 million dollars. I mean look at scary movie 1 and 2.![]()
MIMIC said:So, I'll be one of the few people seeing it?![]()