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Why are so many rock/metal fans and underground hip-hop fans such elitist jerks?

Unk Adams

One thing I've noticed about many rock and metal fans is that they're complete assholes about their favorite genre of music. If you listen to anything else except for rock/metal then they will insult it and say it's fake, talentless music or whatever. That's not even enough, actually - every elitist rock fan thinks that their subgenre of rock is the "correct" one to listen to and you're also fake if you enjoy something else. For example, death metal fans who say that any other form of rock/metal or genre of music is garbage and you're a mindless sheep if you don't enjoy death metal. They can't grasp the idea that certain genres are rough to listen to and won't appeal to most people.

Underground hip-hop fans ("backpackers") are also similar in this regard. Only rappers that have 10 fans or less who rap about politics and "real issues" are worth listening to and everything else is fake mainstream garbage. They can't grasp the fact that most backpack rap is simply boring for most people (and rapping about politics and using a thesaurus doesn't make someone smart or entertaining). Backpack rap that actually appeals to a decent amount of people (such as MF Doom, Immortal Technique and Del the Funky Homosapien) isn't even "underground" enough for these people and will get you insulted as a "fake".
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In all seriousness though I’ve been listening to all sorts of metal since I was 10(47 now). While I do think it is the superior music imo I also love many different styles and I never berate someone who enjoys other music. Different strokes for different folks.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
limp bizkit GIF

New Korn dropping next week.


One thing I've noticed about many rock and metal fans is that they're complete assholes about their favorite genre of music. If you listen to anything else except for rock/metal then they will insult it and say it's fake, talentless music or whatever. That's not even enough, actually - every elitist rock fan thinks that their subgenre of rock is the "correct" one to listen to and you're also fake if you enjoy something else. For example, death metal fans who say that any other form of rock/metal or genre of music is garbage and you're a mindless sheep if you don't enjoy death metal. They can't grasp the idea that certain genres are rough to listen to and won't appeal to most people.

many? I personally don't know any that are like that... and I know 3 people that are in a metal band all of which also aren't like that.

I think what's going on here is some confirmation bias. you only notice the people that are like that but don't notice those who aren't as they do not stand out of the masses. so if you see 3 comments online that are like that you will remember them... but you will not remember the 97 that weren't like that.

I personally absolutely hate Metal Core, one of my friends is literally a metal core vocalist so 🤷‍♂️

but also, let's be real here. a lot of popular music is talentless overproduced crap. I think many fans of many different genres could agree on that or do you think someone who listens to mostly Bach and Beethoven would look at PopSong #2394 that uses the same 4 chords as the 2393 before it, in order to fit into the template that has been analytically proven to sell well and say it takes talent to compose or play that? I bet not. and yes, a lot of pop music is written like that.

but I bet you will find no reasonably minded Metal fan that looks at some Avant-Garde Jazz, classical music or Prog-Pop and says it is talentless music, even tho it's "not death metal"
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Reseterror Resettler
It's people who usually developed these tastes in youth, as a way to separate themselves from a society or group of people that ostracized them for whatever reason. I've known music snobs, plenty, and the common factor with all of them was that they were geeky goth kids who routinely got turned into school officials because "I heard they were gonna Columbine the shit out of this place," or something. Guarantee these people grew up the same as me and any number of my peers: listening to J-Lo and Enrique Iglesias and acting like big shit.

When you start getting belittled, you come up with different interests or "scenes," that are avant garde or highly uncommon, in an effort to "take control," of the fact that you're a social black hole. If only 200 people listen to this band according to last.fm stats, then of course there won't be anyone in my school/town/college who shares in my interests. It's okay that I'm a pariah, because I CHOSE this life. This in turn naturally leads to insular tribalism, where you aren't just interested in something different, you have to actively hate those are into "normie," shit. Think Light Yagami from Deaty Note, except white, pimply, and probably with dreadlocks that smell like if you found every pet you lost as a child and they were all on this dude's head.

I like some obscure shit, but the idea that "the less people know about this thing, the better this thing is," is fake news. Sometimes good shit goes undiscovered. But you know, a lot of the time shit is undiscovered because it's shit. Music snobs are fucking malignant. It's like saying I'm a fake ass poser for ordering a pizza because I make sandwiches three times a week.


I defiantly noticed that kind of mindset in my teens and twenties.
Folks who actually played instruments were generally alright and tended to have an open mind about music.

The general metal heads who decided that their taste in music should be their personality were fucking annoying.
"OMG how couldn't you of heard of [insert name]. Their fucking amazing and shit all over [band you enjoy]."
It's just a dick measuring contest.

The grind core scene is the worst for that shit.

But I don't really notice it anymore in my thirties.
I think life has grounded people down so much that they are just glad to find people with similar taste in music to chat to.

I was chatting to a guy at a bar about bands we used to listen to in our teens. He had completely different upbringing to music from me. I brought up Cradle of Filth. We all started laughing and I was expecting a bit of ribbing for it.
We all generally agreed that the music itself was great. Lyrics were edgy but it appealed to the teens. But the main point we agreed on was Danny filth was a complete bell end.

But then again, I've met people in their 40's and up who have never heard of Pink Floyd before.
I have to admit that I immediately thought to myself "How have you never heard of...."


I used to make music videos for local metal bands

Got kinda well known sorta somewhat around the local grind core/ crust punk scene. Everyone dressed the same, liked some crap you've never heard of, was unbathed, and had nasty dreads

I remember one time I was filming a band playing a basement show and some dude walked up to me and pointed out my KoRn shirt

"That's really brave of you to wear that here man"

He had no clue the headlining band, he paid money to see, were old high school friends of mine and I was making a video for them. Yet I was brave for admitting korn was cool

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Those are fanboys. They’ll never care about which way their stuff is bad, because they will follow it regardless.


Gold Member
It's objectively true that anything other than heavy metal is just absolutely shit. Sorry mate, but them's the facts of life.



My tastes have really mellowed out as I've gotten older

I still enjoy death metal occasionally but I'd much rather be listening to like Smashing Pumpkins or whatever now

I'm just not that angry any longer


I definitely know what you mean about Metal fans, I know a few who are exactly as you describe. It’s like a badge of honour, like they’re SOOO into it that everything else just isn’t even worth considering.

And they also seem to post memes about how much they’re into Metal too, again like it’s some exclusive club or something.

They’ll even go to specific bars and clubs that only play the music they like, and everyone else there is the same.

And they’ve got specific clothing that they should wear, like a uniform.

It’s really lame and kind of sad, but also kind of nice for them in a way?
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Usually that type of thing comes with being a little too passionate about whatever is that they're into. Also the mindset that you have some sort of cred from knowing/listening to certain things. It's been in the punk/metal scene well before I was, and continues to this day.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It's pretty much the opposite for me. Everyone listens to the radio at work. It's usually pop or country. I've never once said a word about it. Can't stand any of it.

I distinctly got the vibe that no one would be okay for even 10 seconds if I put on Humanity's Last Breath instead. People would literally shut it off and get visibly upset.


I feel that way about a lot of music being talentless, especially DJ's
but I don't judge someone else for listening to it, I just don't want to have to listent to it personally.


Simps for Amouranth
I dunno, I'll happily goto a Slayer concert and then pop next door for some Abba tribute band, I mix my shit up and couldn't give a fuck about genre fans


When you’ve rotten your mind listening to mostly extreme/death metal, any softer music doesn’t have any effect on you.


Funny thing is, once you step away from the subject of music, they can be some of the most highly intelligent, friendly people you could ever hope to meet.


they are the last gate to their from of entertainment.
Look what happened once they bulldozed the comic nerds. Shit. At this point it does not event matter what knowledge they have, what they once knew is no more.
I feel like more than ever people are safe guarding/ beingjerks about a lot of things. Books, food, movies, and music.
"like errgh.. you don't know where kid Cudi was born???? How dare you listen to his music" that's the type of thing I usually dealt with in the past.
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I think it's another symptom of the internet and social media, etc. in that everyone nowadays thinks their opinion is interesting and that it must be defended.

Slightly in the same vein, I used to brew beer years ago. I loved it and really, truly enjoyed everything about it. When I would get stuck with a question or reach out to forums for advice, only the biggest a-holes would respond.
First with "Hey, I want to help you dude, but you gotta give me 74 more points of data before I can do so...."
Second, I would supply missing points of data.
Third, I would be told I had done 74 things wrong, I suck and why was I even trying!!!

I would say some hobby craft brewers are big enough a-holes that they would be able to host a metal or underground hip hop concert inside their a-hole.
They would just complain that the temperature is off by .2 degrees and the entire thing should be canceled.
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These types of people exist within every hobby, basically.

The unfortunate part is that they usually have somewhat of a point.

Niche music often times does feature better instrumentation than popular stuff.
Niche video games do often times feature something better than what the mainstream has to offer.
Niche sports are often quite interesting, and feature some amazing feats.
Niche movies are some of the best movies ever made.
Etc. etc.

I think the aggression stems from frustration: "The thing I like is objectively better, and that type of dedication deserves praise, but people still like the shitty stuff! Why???"

I get where they're coming from, honestly. It frustrates me, too, that high-caliber expertise is overshadowed by mass-produced stuff.
Especially now, as I get older. I never thought I'd be a furniture snob, but holy fuck. The popular shit is soooooooooo inferior to the niche, hand-made, custom stuff.

I am unquestionably a music snob. You will very rarely find me listening to something you'd find on the radio; and I have a strong dislike for 99% of the modern music I hear. I am constantly searching for new foreign music, and I make it a habit to not listen to the same thing over and over again.
When playing music, though, I'm constantly a non-snob, to the point that my friends make fun of me for me. I'm constantly saying, "Do you like this song? We can change it if it's not your thing. I know this isn't for everybody."

So yeah, I agree that the snobby attitude is annoying. I don't necessarily disagree with their points, though; just their delivery of those points.
What's the point in caring what other people like? As long as it doesn't actually hurt you, you still get to hear your niche stuff, and they get to hear their inferior stuff, and everybody is happy.

The Fartist

Gold Member
When you’ve rotten your mind listening to mostly extreme/death metal, any softer music doesn’t have any effect on you.
Nonsense, I'll listen to Darkthrone (much more extreme than death metal) and then pop on Bloom by Beach House and cry a little.


You can't rot your mind listening to music. Tastes are tastes. I still get as much pleasure from listening to Dying Fetus as I do Rachel Platten.
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I love how the music elitists come into a thread about music elitists because they're triggered by the title, then they use obscure artists and song titles to show how not rotted their brains are from listening to more and more extreme forms of metal.

The Fartist

Gold Member
I love how the music elitists come into a thread about music elitists because they're triggered by the title, then they use obscure artists and song titles to show how not rotted their brains are from listening to more and more extreme forms of metal.
If you don't know who Darkthrone and Beach House are, that's on you. Also, tell me you don't listen to death metal without telling me you don't listen to death metal.


You're the one that said extreme music rots your brain, get your head out of your ass, dude. Jesus-titty-fucking-Christ. Some people, 🤣
I was making a legitimate point initially and you misunderstood and misrepresented it and then went down the rabbit hole from there. I didn't appreciate that too much. We can still be friends tho.


I'm a metal head and I will give any music a chance. I can listen to Gojira and an hour or 2 later Utada Hikaru. The 2 genres that are really hit or miss with me are country and rap. I can listen to rap from Cyprus Hill, Beastie Boys or, to a lesser extent, Kid Rock but I don't own any rap or country music cds and I don't go out of my way to listen to it. For country, there are some songs I like but couldn't tell you who sings it or what the name of the song is.

The Fartist

Gold Member
I was making a legitimate point initially and you misunderstood and misrepresented it and then went down the rabbit hole from there. I didn't appreciate that too much. We can still be friends tho.
And I was simply making a mockery of your initial ridiculous blanketed statement, not going down a rabbit hole. I only befriend death metal heads because I'm elitist. 😂😂😂
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