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Why aren't the sequel trilogy considered some of the worst films ever made?


Because I think they totally deserve that distinction. They fail in terms of being "good' in every aspect of film making.

Nonsensical plot and setups that go nowhere.
Scenes/dialogue that makes no sense and feel out of place. (Leia hugging Rey instead of Chewie? Yo mama jokes?)
In that sense it's not much better than The Room. But hey, at least The Room was entertaining.

Besides pretty CGI, is there anything good anyone can say about these films?
BTW I'm taking all 3 movies and judging them as a whole. I guess if you just separate out TFA on its own it is actually mildly good.
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Eh, the shit to great ratio has been getting steadily worse over the last decade or more for movies generally.

The sequel trilogy was toss, sure, but significantly worse than a dozen other wank movies that came out in the same years? Not likely.


There are just too many cooks in the kitchen. The brand is too big to trust to the creatives alone. Look at what happened with Rian Johnson getting so much freedom.

Then, you look at a movie like Joker, which is a tone and feel that would never be approved by Disney for one of their properties, and you have to just come to the conclusion that the only chance a Star Wars property has is if some miracle occurs and the studio isn't involved.
Because they're not?

They're very disappointing in so many ways. But anyone who says they're among the worst films ever made hasn't seen a lot of films.

People don't watch MST3k anymore I guess.

Imagine watching the fucking Robot Monster episode when you are 7, have a 102-103 fever from a URI, and can't sleep a wink at 2AM from coughing while elevated in a chair. That shit haunts your movie experience forever.

There are so many incomprehensibly awful movies out there that people never see. The ST clearly sucks, but they are (mostly) competently edited, have plots, have characters, and don't make you feel like you are hallucinating and on the verge of death.
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There are just too many cooks in the kitchen. The brand is too big to trust to the creatives alone. Look at what happened with Rian Johnson getting so much freedom.

Then, you look at a movie like Joker, which is a tone and feel that would never be approved by Disney for one of their properties, and you have to just come to the conclusion that the only chance a Star Wars property has is if some miracle occurs and the studio isn't involved.

The Joker was one of the worst movies I've seen in recent years. I was excited for it. I thin Joaquin Phoenix is amazingly talented. But this was such an ugly, utterly joyless movie. Whatever message it had was incredibly surface level.

That said, that character wasnt even really the Joker. Not once in that shitty movie was I convinced that Arthur was particularly smart, much less a criminal genius. The Joker is manipulative. He's cunning. He's seductive in his own way. Arthur was none of those things. He was just a weak, small man.


Neo Member
The Joker was one of the worst movies I've seen in recent years. I was excited for it. I thin Joaquin Phoenix is amazingly talented. But this was such an ugly, utterly joyless movie. Whatever message it had was incredibly surface level.

That said, that character wasnt even really the Joker. Not once in that shitty movie was I convinced that Arthur was particularly smart, much less a criminal genius. The Joker is manipulative. He's cunning. He's seductive in his own way. Arthur was none of those things. He was just a weak, small man.
Are you insulting the great gamer god who rose up against a society?


Just because there is other shit out there that doesn't mean the Nu Star Wars isn't absolute hot stinky garbage not even raccoons would even dare to get close to.

Yeah .... it does ..... because there are much worse films in the world. Poor acting, poor directing, poor lighting, poor camera work, poor cinematography, much worse scripts


Are they that bad? I would assume they are since people like you need to make weekly threads seething about this trash.

It probably is time to let it go. We’ve been talking about Star Wars being trash since December 2018. I think the point has been well made, lol.


You must have missed it all, I don’t like them either from what I have seen. TFA was alright but could have been better but it at least has Lawrence Kasdan onboard, who is missed a bit from the other Star Wars Movies imo.

Many argue TFA is just ANH rehashed, to me Lawrence Kasdan just got a chance to write his take on A New Hope 🤷🏻‍♂️ just a bit later in the timeline, I don’t blame him now he has a complete Trilogy kind of.

As for TROS well I have seen just over half of it so far, I'm struggling with it as I know where it’s going.

I think every Movie franchise either has or eventually will have it’s Batman & Robin or Batman Forever. I think we should be Allowed to rate Movie franchises on the Batman Scale.

Wolverine Origins - The Batman & Robin of the X-Men Movies
The Last Jedi - The Batman & Robin of the Star Wars Movies
Matrix Reloaded - The Batman Forever of Matrix Movies
Suicide Squad - The Batman Forever of the DCEU
Thor the Darkworld - Batman Forever of MCU
Judge dredd - The Batman & Robin of Dredd Movies although there are only two

Thats not to say you can’t get Drunk or High, put on a Batman & Robin and have a damn well good laugh at them, so there’s at least that. Unlike some movies out there that should not be watched neither drunk nor high.

Jon Neu

Yeah .... it does ..... because there are much worse films in the world. Poor acting, poor directing, poor lighting, poor camera work, poor cinematography, much worse scripts

Well, there are lots of amateurish and independent films, sure, if we have to go that low... But even with their technical limitations and faults, there are a lot of amateurish and independent films that are much more enjoyable, coherent and have a clear artistic vision better reflected and directed than the Nu Star Wars.

And let's not forget that it's precisely the amount of money the Nu Disney has at it's disposal one of the elements that makes it so incredibly dissapointing. They should have created something amazing with the budget they have, yet they have made an incoherent clusterfuck with zero charisma or soul. With all the effects, sets, locations and extras this movies had, this movies are empty. Empty of content, empty of meaning and empty of any resemblance of -good- direction.


The inherent problem with the newer trilogy is that your typical Star Wars nerds were so blue-balled at the prospect of a new Trilogy that they basically collectively blew their wads with TFA, even though it was in the cold light of day it was just another JJ Abrams patented inferior Remix with a Twist ™ of ANH with a whole lot of Abrams Mystery Box ™ and Memberberries ™ thrown in for good measure. Sadly they threw money at that thing like drunken Wallstreet Bankers in an all you can eat Titty bar and fooled themselves, and everybody else into thinking the whole enterprise was off to a great start. Unfortunately that initial Box Office essentialy said to Disney 'As long as it's got references, never mind the quality, we'll buy it'


The only reason people keep talking about these movies is because they have the Star Wars name attached to them. Forgettable poorly written crap. I only saw the first two and skipped the rest, i don't even know how many they released. Was it 6 or 7?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I see that we are still seeing mild outbreaks of the hottake-SW virus. Time to go into quarantine OP before you infect the entire forum, don't want a repeat of last year's pandemic.


They mostly have bad writing. Yes it's bad, I don't like them, but there's plenty of worse movies. What even is this?


Gold Member


Unconfirmed Member
-- They're big budget mainstream movies - no-budget, film school movies must be worse (apples and oranges, really).
-- Disney influence and their shills.

Edit... but in the end, it doesn't really matter anymore. They've been made. Watch em if you want. Don't, if that is your desire.
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Kagey K

The biggest offender to me in TLJ and ROS has nothing to do with the story or plot, it’s the super fast zoom/focus thing they do when they shift from background to foreground.

It was utterly distracting to me and bothers me more then it should.


Because there's a lot of shitty movies and besides having more hype because of the Star Wars name, these don't do anything particularly better or worse

It's just another couple of shit movies to throw in the trash next to other recent movies like transformers, Ninja turtles, the latest hellboy, Mortal Engines the last couple of X-Men movies, the latest men in black, the CG lion King, Charlies Angels, etc, etc
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main reason these films are openly celebrated is that most people confuse high production quality with artistic quality. they cannot tell a difference and are simultaneously swept up in the hype.

Also the new films are made for a different audience than the original. OT was made for American filmgoers, whereas the new stuff has to be translatable to different languages all over the world.

if you look at the audiences for the original films vs the new ones, adding up grosses and making account for inflation and rising ticket prices, far more people actually paid to see those original movies. the numbers may be twisted by people with an agenda but they don’t lie. the popularity of the new films is vastly overstated
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there's no right stuff in any of the talent pool, not a single name

that's why it's bad
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One is good, one is a masterpiece, and one is a dumpster fire but still far away from being Jack & Jill or Battlefield Earth.

Episode III SLAPS the hell you talkin bout?

Terrible acting, phoned-in performances, cast who are there to earn a pay-check, story all over the place, darth vader is a whine spoiled child and a terrible pick for that roll.

The only saving grace are McGreggor and seeing Natalie Portman and Kiera Knightley in the same scene.
Yeah .... it does ..... because there are much worse films in the world. Poor acting, poor directing, poor lighting, poor camera work, poor cinematography, much worse scripts
I think you need to take into account the size and cultural impact of the franchise and amount of legacy content where they could draw from, plus the obscene budget they were able to spend on production.
Considering these things, it's really onenof the greatest disappointments in cinema history.

That these movies are still better than the zombie movie your cousin did where he is smashing wig wearing melons with his pops big hammer doesn't need to be said.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
They managed to kill any interest i have in seeing another Star Wars movie. That takes some talent. I can still enjoy parts of TPM and RotS at least. And TFA was fine
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You're right of course, they're disjointed, metamorphosing, the sexuality of various characters seems to be surreptitiously changed from film to film, one of the best dead bad guys in mainstream sci-fi got resurrected and basically lampooned, the space battle to end all space battles played like a battlefront level, key characters were introduced and jettisoned... They actually paid attention to legions of sexist gamers and minimised the role of the non-pornstar looking Asian... As stand alone movies though they're reasonably good.
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