Bailey's Dad
What I mean is that we often hear people from MS and Nintendo discussing the state of the industry etc but Sony always seem to remain quite. Is that a fair observation or do I just miss all of the interviews with Sony execs?
Optimistic said:What statement was that, Justin?
ravingloon said:WTF are you people talking about? Sony constantly rattles about their technology in development. Just because it's 99% hype and 1% reality doesn't mean they don't do it. It's just the type of talk that, if you're not a fanboy with his head stuck of Sony's *ass, is comedic gold for the absurdity. Heck, according to Sony's state of the industry talk, we should all have broadband with 1000000000MB downloads by now.
SolidSnakex said:Sony's winning so they don't need to make up excuses about how the industry is heading in a bad direction and how they'll try to fix it.
Chipopo said:Sony's statements can usually be summed up like so:
DCharlie said:many copies of Dronez as i could possibly want.
sp0rsk said:this game actually came out? it was announced before the dreamcast came out you know.