Neutron Night said:
As for GBA being the only place for 2D games, you can't credit GBA for that. Just because mainstream idiots would refuse to buy a spectacular 2D game on a console isn't the console's fault. That's a problem with the industry in general, and a completely seperate issue. Maybe I'll tackle that one some other time.
You're not going to tackle this completely seperate issue, because you've been apparently inadvertently stumbling over the issue like a drunken fucking whore this entire thread.
Aside from your incredibly transparent distaste for Nintendo the company- and not just Nintendo the handheld maker- you've complained, citing the GBA's 'uselessness', as evidenced here;
The truly sad thing is that there are good games on the GBA - games that could have been GREAT if they were released on an actual system that was concerned with giving you the best possible experience instead of the longest battery life. Imagine the Castlevania games on the PS2 or even the PS for that matter. Imagine how much more could be accomplished with awesome atmospheric graphics and intense sound. Instead me get...the best that can be done on the GBA. Imagine if FFT2 were released on the PS2 like people actually wanted, with a generation of advancement in technology and actual improved gameplay, instead of a retread with all the graphics and sound gone with the wind. And we wouldn't get a cutsefied Nintendo filtration like the designers clearly went with in order to appease the GBA's younger crowd.
"Imagine if Castlevania were released on the PS2 with 5.1 surround and full analog sensitivity and an amazing cache of textures and" blahbety fucking blah.
Who cares? Do you see it happening? Do you? No. It's not. It may be the industry's fault, it may be the mainstream userbase's fault, it may be your fault, God may be punishing you. The point is, that doesn't fucking matter, it's completely irrelevant to your arguement.
"The Game Boy Advance is useless. Sure, it has a truckload of fun, exclusive, unique games that you just don't see on consoles, but if developers were to make them for the consoles, they'd be even better and the Game Boy Advance would be useless! So as you can see, the Game Boy Advance is useless."
Do you see the gaping hole in your opinion here? If the industry was different, and these games were made for the PS2 and whatever other console, then the Game Boy Advance would be useless. If the human race evolved, and we sprouted wings, then we wouldn't need airplanes, so obviously, right now, we should just destroy all the airplanes we own in the world. Helicopters too!
It doesn't matter who's at fault, or what the underlying "issue" is as to why developers and publishers don't put the average GBA on consoles. The fact is they don't. And thus, without the GBA, these games do not happen. Thus, no matter how much you want it to be, the GBA is not useless, and subsequently serves an important use, despite it's unbearably dated hardware, SHUDDER
I really hope you can comprehend all that. It's really not difficult.