Developer: Namco Bandai Studio, Nintendo EAD
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Dates:
Tennis and Bowling
Japan: October 30, 2013
North America: November 7, 2013
Europe: November 7, 2013
Australia: November 8, 2013
Worldwide: December 18, 2013
Baseball and Boxing
Worldwide: June 27, 2014
Retail version including all 5 sports
Europe: July 11, 2014
Japan: July 17, 2014
North America: July 25, 2014
Platform: Wii U
Players: 1-4, locally or online
Download size: ~1.7 GB (Tennis + Bowling only)
Club Pass -- Unlimited and permanent access to any one sport
¥1000 / $9.99 / £8.99 / €9.99
Day Pass -- 24 hour temporary access to all available sports
¥200 / $1.99 / £1.79 / €1.99
Free Trial:
Upon release of any new sport, all users will be granted a free day pass (24 hour access to all sports, including the newly added one). When Tennis/Bowling release in your region, if you have opted-in for SpotPass content delivery to your Wii U, Wii Sports Club will automatically download and you can activate your day pass immediately to play Tennis and Bowling for 24 hours at no cost.

Automatic delivery
As noted above, the sports will automatically be downloaded by your Wii U whenever available (if you've opted-in), and you can start playing immediately. Convenience!
Online gameplay
For each sport, an online mode will be featured whereby you can participate in ranked matches. However, instead of individual rankings, your result will be added to your "Club" ranking. A Club is defined as a geographical region, such as a state, province, or prefecture. The more you win, the higher your Club's win% and stats will go! PLAY FOR PRIDE! Of course there's also an option to play with Wii U friends, and you can additionally pair up with one other player locally to take on another team online. Please note that online play is region locked based on your system settings when playing with random users. You can still play with all of your friends, however, irrespective of region.
Miiverse integration
As usual, you can comment on your successes and victories, and send advice to other players, but furthermore the "Online Banter" feature will leverage Miiverse to allow you to communicate through personalized messages which you can send to your online playing partners during gameplay. These can be both typed or handwritten/drawn. Try using pictures to remove the language barrier!
Training Modes
Improve your skills with all-new training modes, and help your Club move up in rank.
Stat Tracking
In addition to win%, the games will also track various other miscellaneous stats for each sport, such as the total number of pins knocked down in Bowling for each Club.
Wii Motion Plus
All sports will utilize the enhanced features of Wii Motion Plus, setting them apart to some degree from the level of control achieved in the original Wii Sports. For example, in Tennis, you will be able to specifically choose whether to hit a forehand or backhand for any particular shot, and you can realistically "twirl" your racket while waiting for your opponent's shot!

The following are currently available:

Fun facts:
- Golf will utilize the E3 2011 Wii U golf concept

- Baseball will leverage the dual screen setup when playing locally so that the pitcher can plan his/her strategy on the GamePad's screen, in an effort to trip up the batter who looks at the TV screen.

Nintendo.com game page
Wii Sports Club official website
Japanese Miiverse Communities
Wii Sports Club segment from Wii Fit U Nintendo Direct
Wii Sports Club commercial featuring Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf
Wii Sports Club: GOLF launch trailer
*this OP will likely be updated as new sports and information become available