gjb-sensei said::lol
Terrell said:Why shouldn't it be?
NES, SNES, N64 and GCN weren't priced by dividing the yen by 100, as they shouldn't be since product pricing in Japan pre-includes tax.
Rlan said:Selling nunchuck and Wiimote seperately? What the hell?
[Though there probably will be a full controller too with both, those being in case one gets broken?]
Over the last day.castle007 said:Is that nintendo's stock over the last hour??? :lol
???GameWatch said: 任天堂株式会社は、新型ゲーム機「Wii」を12月2日に発売すると発表した。価格は25,000円。
 Wiiは、同社が2001年9月に発売したニンテンドーゲームキューブに続く、据え置き型のゲーム機。モーションセンサーやポインタなどを搭載した棒状のコントローラ「Wiiリモコン」を採用しているのが特徴。GC用のソフトも動作するほか、ファミリーコンピュータやスーパーファミコンなどのタイトルをインターネット配信する「バーチャルコンソール」や、低消費電力のスリープ状態で受動的に通信を行なう「Wii Connect 24」など、ユニークな機能を搭載する。
 同社は現在、「Wii Preview」と題した発表会を実施している。こちらの詳細は追ってお伝えする。
neo2046 said:Wiiスポーツは、野球、テニス、ゴルフ、ボーリング、そしてボクシングの5本セットで4800円。
Wii Sport
- Baseball
- Tennis
- Golf
- Bowling
- Boxing
4800 yen
SOLD !!![]()
Wario64 said:Wiimote and nunchuck sold seperately wtf
neo2046 said:Wiiスポーツは、野球、テニス、ゴルフ、ボーリング、そしてボクシングの5本セットで4800円。
Wii Sport
- Baseball
- Tennis
- Golf
- Bowling
- Boxing
4800 yen
SOLD !!![]()
Error2k4 said:new games plz
You know, you have never made a single post where you say you actually like something from nintendo.StephaneC said:wii sports 4800 yen its a joke
king zell said:As for Wii sport, with 5 these sets of baseball, tennis, golf, boring and boxing 4800 Yen.
Avutta1978 said:never are satisfied are we
Bingo.PkunkFury said:Do they feel they need people to own it for word of mouth?
did he say it comes with 2 controllers.koam said:Matt has confirmed the $250 price over at the ign boards.
I need some good news.ethelred said:Why, when you already said you're not going to get it?
Hell ya! Now just gush about the face mapping technology! Boxing will own...low blows all day.king zell said:As for Wii sport, with 5 these sets of baseball, tennis, golf, boring, and boxing 4800 Yen.
JSR said:So wait, the Japanese version of Wii Sports includes boxing, but the US one doesn't? If the Seattle PI article is right, America doesn't get boxing.![]()
Duderz said:boxing? Awesome!
But where's airplane?![]()
Cheesemeister said:本体同時発売 = On sale at the same time as the console
castle007 said:why would Japan get boxing, and not us?? That doesn't make any sense.
But Nintendo SUCKS at localization
So we wait...Michirou_53 said:16 titles from 10 companies at launch. Price range wil be 4800 to 6800 yen.
castle007 said:why would Japan get boxing, and not us?? That doesn't make any sense.
ant1532 said:Translate!
Wiiのロンチタイトルも発表になった。本体と同時に10社から16タイトルが発売に。ラインアップには『ゼルダ(THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: Twilight Princess)』や『Wiiスポーツ』なども含まれる。なお『ゼルダ』は、税込みで6800円。ソフトの価格帯は、4800円~6800円になる見込み。
Leondexter said:Moved into Wii Motor Sports, I think.
I'm not a fanboy that's allNutter said:You know, you have never made a single post where you say you actually like something from nintendo.
Father_Brain said:To get an E rating from the ESRB?