Is this still coming to the Xbox? Also, will it come to the US? Lastly, will it be online on Xbox Live?
Also, I have PES3 on the PC, and while visually stunning (mind boggling would be a better word), I am finding FIFA 2004 on the PC to be the funner game. With the addition of some user made patches, FIFA 2004 is plain awesome. It's just more fun than PES3 in my opinion. Not that PES3 is bad, cause it's NOT. It rocks, but it isn't as fun and the problems I have with it irk me a little more than FIFA's problems. BTW... I have The Wolf EPL&CL Final PES3 PC Patch and it kicks fucking ass...
Things that bother me about PES3 on PC though...
- 8 way directional control instead of true analog control. This really sucks. I don't understand why they did this (?).
- There just isn't any power on shots at all. The ball simply moves way, way to slow and it looks like my grandma could block these shots. It's not very exciting and it really lets all the air out of the game for me.
- Off the ball play by CPU controlled players on your team is kinda whack. They don't do shit on their own. You have to switch to them to get them to disposses a man from the ball. Granted, FIFA does this a little to, but not as bad. PES3 playes are just so stale.
- The players move a tad to slow, nothing major but slightly annoying as it makes the game drag a little.
-The passing isn't quite as good as FIFA's.
- The difficulty is off (for me -granted this only applies to me). At level 3 I find the game too easy, and level 4 (stars) I find the game too hard and it's almost like the game is cheating by just making their players faster, stronger, better etc instead of making them smarter. I hate when games do this... I want a games AI to be smart and beat me that way, not beat me because all their guys run faster and are stronger and more accurate.
Things that suck about FIFA 2004...
-Graphics can't touch PES3's. I mean, not even close. PES3's graphics are incredible and at the same time run very VERY smooth even on a low end system. FIFA's graphics look average and run like shit even on a top end system (I have a top of the line system). Which leads to my next point...
-Framerate is atrocious. I can't run above 800x600 resolution with only 2xFSAA and 4xAF. WTF? PES3 runs with everything maxed as smooth as butter, and this game runs like shit with these low settings. Grrr.
There is not really any way to get past a defender with any "moves". You basically can only advance if you either pass your way up the field, or if the defender keeps his space and doesn't try to disposses you. I would have like to been able to "break a defender down" by doing a move or two (PES3 does this well).
I realize I am about to get reemed by everyone here who worships PES3 and hates FIFA, but I can't help it. I still think both games are good, so don't get me wrong. And you should see PES3 at 1280x1024x32 with 6xFSAA and 16xAF... the graphics defy description. I could sit here and give superlatives all night and it wouldn't do the game justice. Some of these stadiums just blow my mind, the detail on them... they look so fucking real, so detailed and so huge. The obliterate FIFA 2004's stadiums.
But as great as they are, FIFA is a lot more fun to me. But I know a lot of people are not going to like what I've said in this post. Go easy on me... it's just an honest opinion.
Anyways, I am looking forward more to FIFA 2005 because it will come out in the US on Xbox and will include Xbox Live play. I don't know if PES 4 will do that. And damn, that 8 way directional control sucks some major fucking ass too... they need to fix that shit on PES 4.