Launch Trailer
FYI: The game is identical on all platforms and runs at 60FPS.
Metacritic Switch score: 78
Metacritic PS4 score: 79
Metacritic Xbox One score: 76
Opencritic score: 79
Nintendolife: 8/10
_It's clear that the team at Lizardcube are massive fans of the original Wonder Boy III, and that affection translates into what is without a shadow of a doubt the definitive version of a game which has previously been ported to the Game Gear and PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16. The new visuals are sumptuous and the soundtrack - which uses traditional instrumentation rather than computer-generated audio - proves just how catchy the original tunes were. Despite the passing of the years The Dragon's Trap remains a perfectly-pitched non-linear action adventure which must surely rank as one of the best of the 8-bit era. Its biggest failing is the fact that like the Master System original, it can be completed in the space of an evening. Still, that evening will be one of the most enjoyable you can possibly spend with your Switch, making this a recommended purchase regardless.
Push Square: 7/10
_Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a ruthlessly faithful remake of the Master System classic that boasts a dramatic and beautiful audiovisual makeover. The game itself is still very enjoyable with a world map that's fun to work through and a lean Metroidvania structure that introduces new ideas right to the end. The controls are quite loose, which can lead to some frustration, but by and large this is a wonderful recreation that both fans and newcomers will enjoy.
_Cubed3: 7/10 / Bronze Award / Very Good
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a superb remake. It's a flawless port with various minor improvements sprinkled throughout. It's also drop-dead gorgeous. The original game's age is clearly shown when it comes to matters such as equipment and level design. Even with these issues, the quest still hits all of the right notes. It doesn't waste the player's time, nor does it ever get overly frustrating. Each leg of the adventure makes a lot happen with very little, thanks to smart enemy placement and rock solid fundamentals. Altogether, this journey is one that any generation can find joy in.
Spaziogames: 8/10
_Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a remarkable remake of a classic from '89, with an oustanding artistic direction and a clever re-arrangement of the original OST.
Destructoid: 8.5/10
Even though the Master System was an also-ran next to the NES's dominance, there were some real gems created for it, and Wonder Boy 3 just might have been the best game released on the platform. Lizardcube and DotEmu have done a lot of work to bring The Dragon's Trap up to today's standards, and the new version plays as good as it looks. It's plain to see how much effort went into making this into the best possible version of a game that deserves to be a classic, and it's absolutely worth your time.
PlayStation Universe: 8.5/10
Wonder Boy: The Dragons Curse is simply wonderful. Not only does it keep the spirit of the original, it proves that you dont need to overthink and recreate a formula that works just as well in 2017 as it did in 1989. Wonder Boy: The Dragons Curse is a must buy.
Yes, that is a typo.
Game Over Online: 90%
Overall, Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap is an outstanding remake and one of the best examples of a full-on remake that weve seen in quite some time. Its an early example of an open-ended platformer, and its minor mixture of RPG and platforming works nicely. Its definitely a game that has aged, and the core game may not have aged as well as something like the original Sonic or Super Mario Bros. games, but it is still very well crafted. Anyone who grew up enjoying the original should check out the remake, while newcomers who enjoy 2D platformers will be right at home here.
Here's mine! EGM - 8.0/10
1989s Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap could have felt way out of its league here in 2017, but the impressive job that LizardCube has done updating it for our modern era has really given it a second life. Its a great retro-meets-future gaming experience marred occasionally by elements that just dont work as well all these years later.
IGN: 7.1/10
I had just as much fun during my six- or seven-hour playthrough of Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap as I have with many of its contemporary counterparts. While its antiquated roots cause some minor frustration with unreliable hitboxes and unnecessary grinding, the foundational combat and exploration is still engaging and fun after 30 years. From long-time Wonder Boy fans to platformer enthusiasts who've never heard of it until now, you'll likely be able to find whimsical fun and a neat bit of genre history in this charming adventure.
PlayStation Lifestyle: 8/10
As a remake of 1989's game of the year, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a brilliant and beautiful recreation. The SEGA classic has been honored by developers who were clearly a fan of the original game and there's a lot of heart that shows through the hand-drawn visuals and classical instrument soundtrack. There are some inherent flaws that have been present for 28 years which don't explain some of the more vague complexities, and without the nostalgia factor to highlight the classic, it could seem like just another indie metroidvania albeit an exceptionally exquisite one but Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a great example of a game made with the kind of passion that sometimes gets lost in the massive productions of modern gaming.
Nintendo World Report: 8/10
But through all those old-school problems, The Dragons Trap is still a strong and engaging Metroid-esque platformer that features a pleasant interconnected world filled with areas packed with secrets and grand old-fashioned platforming. Its well worth overcoming the outmoded aspects to experience a fresher take on a great game.
Hardcore Gamer: 4/5
Despite carrying over a couple of issues from it's early Sega days, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is still a stellar platformer and metroidvania game.
Gaming Nexus: 8.8/10
_Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a fun and challenging game that I'm glad to see got a remake complete with optional retro assets. For those who, like me, never had a Sega Master System back in the day, this is a great opportunity to check out the game as well as the series in general. Plus if you have your old passwords from the SMS version and never finished the game, now's your chance.
US Gamer: 4/5
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a faithful remaster of a classic that a lot of folks missed. Developer LizardCube has kept the original gameplay completely intact and laid some amazing 2D art and great remastered soundtrack over top of it. It's a faithful preservation of a classic, retaining any of the gameplay pitfalls the original had, but it's surprising how great Wonder Boy III is with some visual and aural polish.
Mine, if someone is interested in an Italian review:
Switchitalia: 8/10
Pro: amazing restyle, great art direction, great animations, good OST, challenging without being frustrating, gorgeous Gallery, instant-switch for graphic and sounds
Cons: somehow "archaic" in terms of game structure (non-linear exploration, no checkpoints, weird controls/hitboxes); not too long
Summary: the resolution and the fluidity are able to make the great animations full justice; gorgeous-looking and sounding, it really is a (short) impressive experience.
Eurogamer: Recommended
_Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a must-own for fans of the series and old-school gamers in general. For those without nostalgia for 8-bit titles, The Dragon Trap's relative simplicity may not measure up to the polish of modern platforming adventures such as Shovel Knight, Momodora or Shantae (which shares some of Wonder Boy's DNA), but it's a labour of love that sets an example for all retro remasters.
_Jeremy Parish's Retronauts review is fairly positive, making me want it now (on Switch of course).
For OP: http://www.retronauts.com/?p=2255
Slant Magazine: 4/5
Lizardcube has both made The Dragons Trap more vibrant and set a fascinating standard for game remakes.
Mine's a day late. WCCFtech (8.2)
This is only the second Wonder Boy game I've played, but I absolutely loved V when I was growing up. Hope Lizardcube can tackle that next!
Forbes (Contributor): 9/10
It's all very retro and very fun and, for me at least, not just nostalgic but sort of joyful, like seeing an old friend again after many years. Other old games, like Super Mario Bros, I've played many times over the years, either on virtual consoles or on the original systems, but this has remained a lost gem. I feel pretty lucky to be able to play it again, and in such a loving rendition. Lizardcube has crafted something special here. You should play it.