CarbonatedFalcon said:It doesn't really need it, but it would be nice to have a more elaborate first post.
Bisnic said:Hopefully this new thread will be all about hope, happiness, with stories of fun ganking and awesome boss kills... all this with no hate posts toward Blizzard!
cuevas said:4.1: The patch where you take a break from WoW!
charlequin said:What would be useful in there? I'm more than happy to expand it, but the |OT2| was extremely barebones and I don't want to put anything in there that people won't actually find valuable.
cuevas said:4.1: The patch where you take a break from WoW!
Maybe the GAF player spreadsheet? I still see people added to it pretty regularly.charlequin said:What would be useful in there? I'm more than happy to expand it, but the |OT2| was extremely barebones and I don't want to put anything in there that people won't actually find valuable.
Not really.notworksafe said:Maybe the GAF player spreadsheet? I still see people added to it pretty regularly.
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Also, what's up guys? Have I missed anything worthwhile in the last 3-4 months?![]()
Well, shit.Angry Grimace said:Not really.
notworksafe said:Well, shit.
So no tanking changes? The boredom that came from tanking the first dungeons and raids was what had me quitting in the first place.
notworksafe said:Well, shit.
So no tanking changes? The boredom that came from tanking the first dungeons and raids was what had me quitting in the first place.
Well I guess to be more specific I was hoping for some changes to how Holy Power works for Prot Paladin. I was always bummed that there wasn't a more strategic use for it other than "wait for three and hit Shield of the Righteous".Bisnic said:I'm not sure what tanking changes you were expecting to make it less boring for you... if anything, it might be MORE boring than 3 months ago since people are better geared and some bosses were nerfed.
Please say it's a ghoul rez.CarbonatedFalcon said:DKs will be getting a Battle Rez? Add another CD button you will actually have to use instead of something that you barely remember you have.
Well I guess to be more specific I was hoping for some changes to how Holy Power works for Prot Paladin.
notworksafe said:Well, shit.
So no tanking changes? The boredom that came from tanking the first dungeons and raids was what had me quitting in the first place.
notworksafe said:Please say it's a ghoul rez.That was always the coolest rez.
Flib said:Half of the people in this thread have quit (me included).
Kind of sad I burned out on Cata so fast, but I just wouldn't have the time to play these days anyway.
CarbonatedFalcon said:It explains it in the 4.1 patch notes, but basically: Raise Ally has been redesigned to be an actual battle rez rather than turning people into a ghoul. Instant cast, but costs 50 RP, so you'd have to pool for at least a few seconds or use Empower Rune Weapon to pull it off.
charlequin said:I healed my first heroic the other day! And it was stupid-ass SFK too.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Even if I'm not actively playing WoW, I still find I have this attraction to the game, either to read or talk about it. After putting so much time into the game it has buried itself into my thoughts. I probably won't be able to get my mind completely off WoW until something else consumes such a large fraction of my time, the most likely thing being Diablo 3.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Even if I'm not actively playing WoW, I still find I have this attraction to the game, either to read or talk about it. After putting so much time into the game it has buried itself into my thoughts. I probably won't be able to get my mind completely off WoW until something else consumes such a large fraction of my time, the most likely thing being Diablo 3.
Alex said:WOTLK content is a lot better than BC, I really love all of the themes it uses too. Northrend is a beautiful continent, whereas Outland is really not, IMO.
As weird as it sounds, I strongly feel this way for all the Burning Crusade zones. Especially Shadowmoon Valley and Black Temple. Something about it just can not be found anywhere else in game.charlequin said:Every time I go back to some other spot in Northrend I haven't been to recently I'm amazed all over again. Honestly just one of my favorite realizations of a place in a videogame ever. I love every zone and every faction, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for either other expansion.
notworksafe said:I haven't been reading much in the way of WoW news in the past few months, but after spending four years reading and talking about it daily I may have gotten a bit burned out.
I'm getting curious about it once again, but I'm not sure if it'll end with me playing. I do know that most of the raiders quit/moved on once I left. Not sure who's still there. Some friends have switched back to Alliance on another server (Elune?) but I'm not going to be switching to that scum faction anytime soon.
Maybe when my time limit is up I'll try and get a Scroll of Resurrection and see what's going on again.
Angry Grimace said:Can someone just explain the "How does a Tauren hide in a cherry tree" joke?
It has never made sense to me over several years. I must be missing something super obvious.
Yeah my plan is not to rush anything. I still chat with guildies on IM and Mumble and it's looking like all I'd have to do is put out the WoW Signal and a decent amount of them would all come back (the raiding core). We just sorta ran out of stuff to do for the time being...Alex said:Totally take a good break, wait for something interesting, then go find a good batch of folk, like a nice 10 man guild. I burned so hard during WOTLK even though it was during a tier I really liked, so I quit for about a year, came back and I'm having a *really* good time at the moment.
TheYanger said:Game was REAAAALLY wearing on everyone. Now in 'farm mode' where we're forcing ourselves to raid less and just get more efficient it's a lot better. I think it's just this tier, progressing through it was brutal, now that I'm basically done there it's fun again.
It's a play on the joke "How does an elephant hide in a cherry tree? He paints his toenails red." Even though elephants do not have hooves. Or anything else in common with Tauren.Angry Grimace said:Can someone just explain the "How does a Tauren hide in a cherry tree" joke?
It has never made sense to me over several years. I must be missing something super obvious.
charlequin said:Every time I go back to some other spot in Northrend I haven't been to recently I'm amazed all over again. Honestly just one of my favorite realizations of a place in a videogame ever. I love every zone and every faction, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for either other expansion.
cuevas said:Damn Sinestra down? Grats![]()
TheYanger said:Thanks, few weeks ago. only done Al'akir on 10 but at this point we really needed the short raid week to recharge. I can only imagine the frustration we were feeling extends to every level of guild and player this tier though - it's just REALLY been brutal, even if the fights were 'fun' in a bubble it's hard to look on it fondly.
that just hurts to look atTheYanger said:I think you mean:
Yours wasn't soul crushing enough.
How many troll raids does one video game need?CarbonatedFalcon said:...the lack of a Zul'Drak troll raid...
Dance In My Blood said:How many troll raids does one video game need?
I don't mind the concept, but in practice it feels like old raid dungeons are taking the place of new raid content.DeathNote said:Turning the old raids to dungeons seems like another logical Direction.