Yeah, I foresee doing a lot of alt levelling over the next 6 months purely through invasions and unique class/order hall content. It's great!
Are invasions still doable for low level characters like before launch?
Yeah, I foresee doing a lot of alt levelling over the next 6 months purely through invasions and unique class/order hall content. It's great!
Are invasions still doable for low level characters like before launch?
That's cool. So these quests appear on all the same continents as before then but since you can't finish the quests you're getting a little less XP? Still sounds like a good alternative to questing for me.They're different from the pre-Legion ones, but yes. You can do the world quests you see on the map but you can't do the questline/scenario at the end.
I think you need to have world quests unlocked on at least one character though, but I'm not positive on that.
That's cool. So these quests appear on all the same continents as before then but since you can't finish the quests you're getting a little less XP? Still sounds like a good alternative to questing for me.
Edit: Are the intervals in which they appear different at all or tweaked per timezones? Sorry for all the questions.
Started my first alt last night, a Disc Priest. I boosted all his heirloom gear, which was about 50k total, but grants 50% exp increase. Add to that full rest bonus and I am gaining a lvl per invasion. With flying and group finder I can do all invasions in a zone in about 15 minutes. Its crazy as hell.
I'm going to get my Monk, Death Knight, Warlock, Demon Hunter, and Shaman to the same lvl next. Its just so simple now. It will take an hourish each to get them to 101 with their weapon of choice, but after that I'll just log them in one at a time and do any invasion that happens to be up. It will take 250k+ gold to get all their respective heirlooms up to par as well.
Got my 8 non-110 characters all decked out in heirlooms now, just need to wait for invasions now. RIP to my wallet, but I guess it's an investment. Hopefully getting them to 110 and getting their class halls up and running will be a net gold gain by expansion end.
Got my 8 non-110 characters all decked out in heirlooms now, just need to wait for invasions now. RIP to my wallet, but I guess it's an investment. Hopefully getting them to 110 and getting their class halls up and running will be a net gold gain by expansion end.
Started my first alt last night, a Disc Priest. I boosted all his heirloom gear, which was about 50k total, but grants 50% exp increase. Add to that full rest bonus and I am gaining a lvl per invasion. With flying and group finder I can do all invasions in a zone in about 15 minutes. Its crazy as hell.
I'm going to get my Monk, Death Knight, Warlock, Demon Hunter, and Shaman to the same lvl next. Its just so simple now. It will take an hourish each to get them to 101 with their weapon of choice, but after that I'll just log them in one at a time and do any invasion that happens to be up. It will take 250k+ gold to get all their respective heirlooms up to par as well.
Yeah, I foresee doing a lot of alt levelling over the next 6 months purely through invasions and unique class/order hall content. It's great!
So Mythic Gul'Dan is currently bugged and can't be completed with a Warlock in place of a Mage, which is bullshit.
Please up-rate or comment if you can.
Currently forced to use a kinda shitty alt (what we had to try last night on short notice), or bring in someone who hasn't done the fight before tonight.
So, I rolled an Ele Shaman and boy is it just me or are they kinda poo? Ilevel 720 but, I'm getting near 1 shot by things and not doing much damage. Do they get better at 110 or is this class kinda ehhhh?
How much story content have they added to the older halls since Legion launch? What about Suramar? Anything else new worth coming back for?
Brutal. I've seen it drop twice in under 100 runs (probably under 50 tbh). First time I lost roll to friend. Second time I was soloing.Hmm. Now at 266+ Yogg kills with no mount.
I don't think I've been this unlucky with anything else in this game.
Does someone have some tips for catching wild battle pets? I only catch rare ones, because the green/white/grey ones are just much weaker and you only get stones for upgrading them in very limited capacity. Or am I missing some source for getting lots of stones for upgrading pets to rare quality?
It's just annoying: De-Mount, click on wild pet, leave battle if it's not rare (the animation is panfully slow), kill it afterwards so it doesn't clog up the minimap, use mount, repeat, after a few battles you have to heal your battle pets because of the 10% malus when you flee a battle...
Does someone have some tips for catching wild battle pets? I only catch rare ones, because the green/white/grey ones are just much weaker and you only get stones for upgrading them in very limited capacity. Or am I missing some source for getting lots of stones for upgrading pets to rare quality?
It's just annoying: De-Mount, click on wild pet, leave battle if it's not rare (the animation is panfully slow), kill it afterwards so it doesn't clog up the minimap, use mount, repeat, after a few battles you have to heal your battle pets because of the 10% malus when you flee a battle...
Edit: Well now I just caught a rare Standard Highmountain. Had already a poor quality Rabbit from Elwynn or somewhere, probably one of the first pets I caught back in MOP.
Been levelling an alt Hunter with a friend, while we reacquaint ourselves with WoW. I started with Beast Master and thought it was okay, but wasn't the biggest fan of the rotation. It wasn't bad, but then I did some research and found that MM is potentially more viable end game? Trying it out for the first time today and see the positives and negatives. Mainly focus on RNG dmg and what not and no focus on pet. Just wondering people's thoughts on what spec is better to focus on for all end game aspects? Does it really even matter?
So jumped back in today and oh boy does subtlety feel perfect now
been leveling my rogue and switched to sub and god it does feel amazing. I love it being created around stealth so you have an ability which puts you into stealth mode without actually using Stealth.
Holy shit, managed to get Ahead of the Curve. Had to get to 905 item lvl, but somehow got invited to a heroic group despite not having AotC. Shockingly pleased.
Lmao. Trying to get into pugs as a lone wolf DPS is rough, especially without AotC.This is kinda funny to me cause in my Mythic Gul'dan gear I'm only like 908 or something. My item level is artificially low though cause of Arcanocrystal and an 885 CoS/Arcway set glove though.
Holy shit, managed to get Ahead of the Curve. Had to get to 905 item lvl, but somehow got invited to a heroic group despite not having AotC. Shockingly pleased.
been leveling my rogue and switched to sub and god it does feel amazing. I love it being created around stealth so you have an ability which puts you into stealth mode without actually using Stealth.
I hope with 8.0 that they add flex-leveling to the game proper. It would be nice one day to play through an entire zone from start to finish without it being a detriment to leveling up. Zone and expansion skipping makes the leveling experience so disjointed.
It's new raid day woooo!
Rösti;241205224 said:I assume the cinematic cutscene for when you defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras will be made available tomorrow (June 20). Either through Blizzard directly or via a stream of someone defeating the boss.
I would love this, the less popular zones have had a special place in my heart since Vanilla. (In some cases I'm even "sad" in a convoluted way that they have been partially improved/revamped, against all reason.)I want to say they'd hinted at it at some point. I don't think it needs to be entirely flex, but within level ranges it should. like say, 1-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-70 70-80 80-85 85-90 90-100
That would really breathe some new life into those vanilla zones, like, 3 complete zones sounds like plenty to me for 1-60, and the appropriate time investment. maybe they'd split it farther like 1-20 then do 10 level increments, whatever works out where they can use the questing that exists now, but have it take an amount of time to do a zone that it would take to do dungeons. Some cata revamped zones are REALLY quite good but nobody ever does them. ever.
Not having it all just 1-60 would prevent silly stuff like doing Burning Steppes at level 5 and Mulgore at level 50, as well. You'd have a good progression of 'low' zones, mid zones, and high zones, without them just feeling pointless.
Through genning up on the new bosses, I can't help but feel that both Avatar and Kil'jaeden feel like final-expansion-boss levels of spectacle, it's interesting that there's still content to come.
Which in turn feels a bit odd, because I'd be very surprised if the finale to the expansion was a single-boss raid, but it does raise interesting questions about who Sargeras throws out to stand in our way when his mightiest lieutenants are already gone.I mean they are. This would typically be the last raid of the xpac level bosses (KJ was before) but with Archimonde and KJ dead there's only really one person above them left to deal with on Argus.]
I still think we will sacrifice all our artifacts to either banish Sargares or kill him and thats how they will explain getting rid of them next xpac.
Im still curious how we fight him due to his sheer size (planets tall) and his power being described as we would have a better chance fighting every single demon in the Legion at the same time then if just Sargares himself stepped into our world
I want to say they'd hinted at it at some point. I don't think it needs to be entirely flex, but within level ranges it should. like say, 1-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-70 70-80 80-85 85-90 90-100
That would really breathe some new life into those vanilla zones, like, 3 complete zones sounds like plenty to me for 1-60, and the appropriate time investment. maybe they'd split it farther like 1-20 then do 10 level increments, whatever works out where they can use the questing that exists now, but have it take an amount of time to do a zone that it would take to do dungeons. Some cata revamped zones are REALLY quite good but nobody ever does them. ever.
Not having it all just 1-60 would prevent silly stuff like doing Burning Steppes at level 5 and Mulgore at level 50, as well. You'd have a good progression of 'low' zones, mid zones, and high zones, without them just feeling pointless.