I had the same idea, but I went WW to give it a try. I remembered when we were doing progression on Emerald Nightmare, we had a Windwalker who didn't have a ton of gear, but he did stupendous burst damage especially on AoE.
So after I hit 110 I queued for a random normal, got BRH. Item level 810 and I sustained over 400k for the entire dungeon. No third relic slot, only a couple points in the weapon, green trinkets and jewelry, no consumables.
It's like with WW you get all of your damage at a very low gear level, but it doesn't scale very well as you get more gear.
Went a different route and started using Chen Stormstout as a bodyguard instead. Normally don't start using a bodyguard until I'm 110, have more followers and they have the OH/G bonus per quest trinkets but he actually does a decent job of tanking trash mobs for me, even uses interrupts. I can alternate between doing ghetto dps and healing him.