So then how do we move away from artifact weapons? Expansion pre-patch?
I am curious about this too. I remember a lot of people theorized that our weapons were going to be depleted of power by defeating/banishing Sargeras.
So then how do we move away from artifact weapons? Expansion pre-patch?
I am curious about this too. I remember a lot of people theorized that our weapons were going to be depleted of power by defeating/banishing Sargeras.
I am curious about this too. I remember a lot of people theorized that our weapons were going to be depleted of power by defeating/banishing Sargeras.
Looks like Legion ending datamind
Looks like Legion ending datamind
Guys can you do those previously-mythic only dungeon world quests in the new heroic versions?
Havent played WoW since the Nightfallen raid but what happened to Jaina?
Heartstone put her as the new lich in their most recent trailer
Eh, Maiev would find it pretty ironic.
pretty disapointed with the new dungeon tbh. Last 2 bosses in the same room, really?
on the flip side, I actually enjoyed court of stars heroic. You still have all the non-boss to boss stuff (the party thing, clearing out those named elites before that courtyard boss, etc) but its obviously much easier and faster like any heroic.
actually curious about heroic khara now, I only finished the mythic once before I stopped playing.
btw I forgot to ask, but did they "fix" Demo locks or are they just a lost cause for this expansion?
Edit: just found out about the blood trader in Dalaran... 4k order hall resources for 20 blood?
Appropriate way to end the threat of Sarg, I suppose. It would have been total nonsense for us to fight him directly.
Man, WoW in 2017
Some amazing looking stuff on Argus. Someone go show me this in 2004, haha, when I was looking at terrain tool rounded lump mountains in Redridge.
Limiting it to the raid would've been weird anyway. My guess is that there's going to be a transitional quest into the next expac that takes it away and probably adds all the appearances you earned into transmog.
Order hall resources are outta control lol. I have 286k and basically only use them to buy bonus roll coins.
Wish Blizz had made it so that you could purchase the new 110 heirloom upgrades with them.
Does ilvl on jewelry matter these days? I remember last time I played it didn't.
Ilevel always mattered, it was just that primary stats aren't on them so if your secondary balance was out of whack it would not offset things as much as most gear. Jewelry has one of the highest scaling rates in the game and always did this xpac![]()
So it's the same. You just need the right secondary stats on jewelry.
Argh, getting really frustrated. Decided to do some M+, brought a key up yesterday and our +15 was... Cathedral. We gave it a shot, but honestly not worth doing with our comp and gear, we couldn't meet the first boss's soft enrage without lust and didn't feel like waiting 10 min between pulls. (I really think sated should clear on death once you've failed the timer). We say fuck it, work up another stone. Get god damn Upper Kara 15. After much struggle (and having to use a 3x immunity rotation to soak the orbs on Worm Boss) we get to the last boss. Wipe at 2%, don't have another good attempt for a few pulls though and our healer had to go. God that zone made me miss my magic mitigation as a druid. Get back together today, work up a new key, bam Cathedral 15. For fucks sake, I feel like I'm being trolled.
At least without depletion we can smash that dumb cathedral key back down to a +9 and 3 chest it to get back a 12. Kind of sad that a 9 cathedral is basically a guarateed 3 chest for us, but a 10 is almost surely a 1 chest, those bosses scale so poorly with tyrannical, and this is AFTER they've been nerfed.
so I checked my monk and she was actually ahead on Pathfinder, she only needed A Change of Seasons to finish it (my hunter still needs the previous one aswell), so I did it and now I got the achievement. Those last few quests were a load of bollocks (fuck those leylines).
Please tell me I dont have to do that shit again, because fuck THAT. Can I do Pathfinder Part 2 on my hunter then (since she is already honored with the broken shore guys and I heard you need revered)?
Kara on higher keystones in general just sucks, especially Lower on Fortified. Most of the affixes just don't work that well with the place. Something like teeming + explosive in the constant huge trash packs in lower is just a nightmare, the challenge being more being to target the damn bombs than anything else.
am I missing something with the broken shore rep? 75 each world quest seems... low.
If you just do the questline from the island you'll get exalted almost immediately, it was gated per week before. And yeah the turnins at the table up there give a bunch.
oh I got into a group with that quest finder thing and did it in 15mins lol.
man that thing is a life saver
btw I forgot to ask, but did they "fix" Demo locks or are they just a lost cause for this expansion?
They aren't bad exactly, just extremely inflexible. I think the mobility "issues" from the constant hard casting are actually obviated by the fact that you don't do the bulk of the damage yourself. Destruction suffers A LOT from movement and downtime. Demo suffers from immunity phases, spread targets and target swapping. Affliction suffers from immunity phases only.
I've taken my 910 Demo Lock into +8 Court of Stars and he was a stud there. Lots of stacked cleave and no movement single target fights.