My queues are consistently 5-6 minsIs anyone here Horde that does a lot of random battlegrounds? How long are the que times on average? I'm thinking of faction changing my druid for quicker prestige.
My queues are consistently 5-6 minsIs anyone here Horde that does a lot of random battlegrounds? How long are the que times on average? I'm thinking of faction changing my druid for quicker prestige.
My queues are consistently 5-6 mins
Tomes of Tranquil Mind.
That's not bad. Alliance is 1-3 minutes. I don't mind waiting a bit longer if it means winning, lol.
How much honor do you get from a random battle ground?
solo content in Legion is the best the game ever had. theres plenty to do and everything is extremely motivating and rewarding
Yeah, it really has been. I think the legendaries/Artifact grind is forever going to sour how this expansion is remembered... however, the quantity and variety of content is just way beyond any other expansion.
Always interested in reading a new player's impressions so please keep posting these. Glad you're still enjoying.
Yeah, whenever I level an alt it's right around there that the temptation to buy a boost is strongest lol. Wrath is better and it continues to improve. Maybe check out Nagrand if you haven't yet.Thanks.
And yeah, when people told me leveling in Outland was boring they weren't kidding... 65 and seriously bored at the quest objectives, at least Blade's Edge Mountains looks unique so is fun to look at.
And yeah, when people told me leveling in Outland was boring they weren't kidding... 65 and seriously bored at the quest objectives, at least Blade's Edge Mountains looks unique so is fun to look at.
Outland is like hitting a brick-fucking-wall these days. It's a shame that Blizzard abandoned their plans to update it, but then again they've lowered the amount of XP required to level through it so much over the years that there's no point in trying to fix it anymore. But yeah, things get better once you hit 68-69 and can to Northrend.
So, I'm now level 60, stuck in Outland but still enjoying my time - this is the furthest I've ever levelled so it's quite amazing. I'm planning on running a few dungeons tonight and then moving on to a new area in Outland to speed the levelling up a little.
I'm also a little addicted to the auction house, I've been selling different drops that I have no interest in - mostly crafting materials and I've made enough gold to buy an heirloom or two which has helped with the levelling.
I look forward to getting beyond Outland and seeing what Northrend and the rest of the game has to offer.
Leveling an heirloom'd warlock through legacy dungeon content is cake. Our Worgen Prot Warrior from Moonguard who was in the Goldshire Inn (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) dc'd before entering the dungeon instance, no problem, tanked the dungeon with Affliction Warlock and Voidwalker. Twas fun.
Man, I envy you walking through that pass from Hellfire Peninsula into Zangarmarsh for the first time. You go from the angry red, bleak and desolate Hellfire Peninsula to the alien, cerulean mushroom jungle and marshes of Zangarmarsh, it really feels like you're on an alien world. And the ambient music is just so chill and relaxing. I know that a lot of people feel TBC's questing is old and busted but that's one of my favourite PVE zones to play through in all of WoW.
Totally agree.Man, I envy you walking through that pass from Hellfire Peninsula into Zangarmarsh for the first time. You go from the angry red, bleak and desolate Hellfire Peninsula to the alien, cerulean mushroom jungle and marshes of Zangarmarsh, it really feels like you're on an alien world. And the ambient music is just so chill and relaxing. I know that a lot of people feel TBC's questing is old and busted but that's one of my favourite PVE zones to play through in all of WoW.
Got the druid mount (well, owl form), halfway done with monk and priest, and started broken shore with Warlock... alt thangs.
Speaking of Locks, started getting into demo again, and then quickly got annoyed with it, exactly the same way it was when I first tried it when Legion launched lol
Like I see what they were trying to do, but it feels so fucking clunky my god.
Just make all his spells instant like a hunter (except shadowbolt I guess) and it would solve a lot of the problems. Dreadstalkers take forever to come out, imps take forever to come out, there's just no flow to it.
Demonology is at a bad place not for one on one encounters like doing bosses, it is pretty strong there but overall to me it feels of. And yes when you finally have everything up that mob is already dead since you can't do full damage.
Demonology is at a bad place not for one on one encounters like doing bosses, it is pretty strong there but overall to me it feels of. And yes when you finally have everything up that mob is already dead since you can't do full damage.
WTF does the demonology artifact advancement quest have to do with demonology?
and its just left unfinished, whut?
This may be very dumb, but wasnt there a class hall perk once so that relics would have 2 artefact traits? Did I miss this or was it canned?
sorry but not..Yeah, it really has been. I think the legendaries/Artifact grind is forever going to sour how this expansion is remembered... however, the quantity and variety of content is just way beyond any other expansion.
just.. nope..Demonology is at a bad place not for one on one encounters like doing bosses, it is pretty strong there but overall to me it feels of. And yes when you finally have everything up that mob is already dead since you can't do full damage.
Man, I envy you walking through that pass from Hellfire Peninsula into Zangarmarsh for the first time. You go from the angry red, bleak and desolate Hellfire Peninsula to the alien, cerulean mushroom jungle and marshes of Zangarmarsh, it really feels like you're on an alien world. And the ambient music is just so chill and relaxing. I know that a lot of people feel TBC's questing is old and busted but that's one of my favourite PVE zones to play through in all of WoW.
How long do Mythic dungeons (using LFG) and Heroic raids (using LFG) tend to take? Want to get into them sometime soon, but trying to understand what sort of block of time I need to set aside.
Mythic dungeons are fast, you can pretty easily do a few an hour depending on which ones and your group. Heroic Raids usually aren't.
It varies quite a bit depending on the group. If it's a good group running through everything with no wipes maybe like an hour? Hour and a half? And then count up from there depending on the number of wipes. I'd say at least 3-4 hours to be safe, unless it's a guild group that you know can fly through normal.What about Normal or LFR raids? Just wanting a ballpark, like, 1 hour, 2 hour, 6 hours, etc. And thanks!
Visually, Outland has been really impressive compared to what I've seen up to now. I'm 67 now so almost ready to head to Northrend but I flew up from Zangarmarsh to Blade's Edge Mountains last night and again such a difference in design, I love it. I've also explored and quested in Terokkar Forest and a little in Nagrand but I haven't touched Shadowmoon Valley or Netherstorm - should I, before I leave Outland for Northrend?
I have the app on my phone and I keep checking it while I'm at work and I have far too much gold sat in my inbox right now from auctions selling constantly - the auction house is a total addiction for me.
I'm now rocking shoulder heirlooms and a torso piece heirloom. It's a shame that all the other types of heirlooms are locked behind guild vendors because I think you need high rep and a high level guild to purchase those (I have neither). I'd love to get me a helm, cape heirloom but I looked into Leg Heirlooms and noped right out of that... all professions levelled right? Yeah no.
just.. nope..
demonology is decent as far as spec go, but..
1) moving is TOO punishing.. even with the assumption that you know how to play your char and minimize the movement, and you know damn well who you can expect to move towards you more readily than you moving towards them when doing some mechanics, ultimately there's no way around it...
2) aoe is... underwhelming..
3) unless you're doing your rotation, your damage will drop to zero, and you will have to start from scratch... doing close to zero for 7-8 seconds (till you can pop a set of imp and a couple of dogs)
4) target switching... your pet are basically dots... dots that will have to move, if the target "zooms" away, or if the target has to be changed....
5) no way to burst a target down... if you have to target switch to kill an add, your SOL, unless you had 4-5 shards, then you have some chances![]()
sorry but not..
the amount of grinding for artifact power, the woes of farming legendaries for your offspec..
thanks but no thanks..
legendaries should have been like "reach a certain amount of contribution point every month//4 weeks"--> get a legendary
as is, legendaries feels very "distant" to players doing only competitive raid..
e.g. I temporarily disappeared for the last 2 months and half for work... I have to switch spec now and I have zero legs for it.. guess what will happen? and no, doing wq and lfr is not possible..
I work, I work out, I go outside and for me the game is an enjoyable slice of my time but that's that..
when they dropped the grind from vanilla into tbc it was a glorious choice..
i'm fine with some stuff, cosmetic mostly, being gated behind grind-wall..
but making it so that literally by farming over and over m+ you can get absurd items // get legendaries faster..
and the daily grind of wq..
what they did with wod was stupid.. the world was empty, you had nothing to do, which made it "good" for those like me that just do the high end raid, but a piss-poor experience for the guys that want to "do stuff, everything!!"..
but what they did with legion is doing a 180° and spitting in the face of those that play the game but cannot really commit more than 10-15 hours//week (and at 15 it's REALLY a stretch..)....
oh well..
Just visit those places there pretty worth it. When you go to northend you can choose between Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.
Both are worth it to start, but i choose borean tundra because it felt like the presence of Arthas was there to begin with. Howling Fjord is also beautiful when you start there.
just got a 840 WQ ring titanforge to 880 on my lock (to replace a 805 LOL), thats like max forge right?
why cant I get that on my 865s ;_;
If your ilevel is up past like 840 or 845 (which is completely doable with broken shore/nethershards), you'll get the zone PVP tower world quests occasionally dropping 880+ PVP gear.
Combine that with occasional 900 pieces off the broken shore world bosses, and it's a really quick/easy way to get up to snuff for possibly reg Tomb.
As for Titantforged.....randomness at work, hooray!
Totally agree.
I do think BC questing feels a bit archaic now compared to newer expansions or the revamped Cata zones, but Outland was beautifully designed. Incredible visuals, great music and some really fun characters and lore.
Visually, Outland has been really impressive compared to what I've seen up to now. I'm 67 now so almost ready to head to Northrend but I flew up from Zangarmarsh to Blade's Edge Mountains last night and again such a difference in design, I love it. I've also explored and quested in Terokkar Forest and a little in Nagrand but I haven't touched Shadowmoon Valley or Netherstorm - should I, before I leave Outland for Northrend?
So huh, can a pandaren be a decent priest?
So huh, can a pandaren be a decent priest?