Human rep bonus makes a huge difference with so many things being gated behind rep. It's like walking around with a permanent Darkmoon Faire top hat.
Humans are the worse tho so.
This could be returning hype talking, and im only like 1 week into my resub (well plus the free week they gave me) but I could totally see myself level my non 110s just to do this mount quest. Did they make the order hall campaign faster btw?
I'm so fucking sick of achievements popping up everytime I fart and when I fart again at the same spot on another character.
And people in guildchat always spamming "gg!" regardless of what it was. Why even bother. Fuck this. I want an option to disable achievements pop ups and more importantly, kill this atrocious idea of notifying everyone in your guild everytime you get one
Yeah, the follower mission part got shorter times now. I believe 2 hours missions (which can be shortened to 1 hour) for the first tranche and 8 hours missions (which can be shortened to 4 hours unless you're a mage, in which case you're rekt'd because you don't have access to a follower with the right counter until after getting those missions done) for the second tranche.
Those missions might have been shortened further though, not sure.
As someone who also returned and have been leveling characters up, they're all 1 hour missions now.
As someone who also returned and have been leveling characters up, they're all 1 hour missions now.
sweet, makes the prospect of lvling my remaining 100s mroe appealing. You also dont need that pillars of creation bullshit these days right? that doesnt actually affect anything in the end game, the game / story just assumes you did it right?
I am still waiting for a Druid BE, one day, one day.
The only thing alts need is the class specific questline for the 3rd relic slot. It usually is under the title Rogue Campaign or Death Knight Campaign, etc.
I mean, thts what you get at the end of the order campaign isnt it?
Yeah, but on my alts I'm usually 110 before I finish it and running off to gear up using WQs. I always forget that I have to go back and finish the third slot.
ah ha! I actually am wondering wtf is going on with my Pali's order hall campaign, im 108 and I havent gotten any new quest yet since my first 2 champions (I've been leveling him up via invasions mostly)
Pally requires the Exodar / Light's Heart scenario, if you skipped that like a sane person.
Is there anyway to transfer nethershards to an alt or buy nethshard equips and transfer to an alt?
You can run the command center missions by giving your Alts order resources
I gave up just before flying mounts were introduced. Has anything been added since then? Did they ever do a Timeless Isle type thing for Legion?
Yeah Broken Shore, it sucks
BT timewalking
Lock mount done. All the mounts shall belong to me!
Also got to 110 on the pali... any tips for gearing him up quickly, bar buying crafted gear? Any trick quests that give a high lvl item or something? Seeing those 805 world quest rewards is a bummer.
Heroics are 845 base yeah but there's no real requirements for timewalking q'ing so if you ding 110 in a TW week it's probably where you should focus.
Half the time gearing to be able to q for heroics I'll end up surpassing them entirely (via dauntless, basic mythic, LFR, etc) and have barely done heroics at all since the bump.
I was inspecting a Rogue who was doing some awesome DPS in the group and I saw a piece of her set was Relinquished. Can Relinquished gear also turn into set pieces?!
That Lightforged Golem looks awesome in 7.3. If it turns out to be a store mount, it'll be the first one I ever buy.
Between switching DK,Drood and DH..i find these the most fun with tanking. DK is simply amazing with all those self heals same as DH.
Druid is just a big ball of fur with an gigantic healthpool, i really like it.
As a person that enjoys questing and leveling up alts, it's pretty sad that the point of professions now are to level up professions, and not to get any sort of use out of them during the process. Crafting in games is usually tedious, but I don't think I've ever seen such a useless crafting system in a game.
yeah because im getting into one of those with my 792 Pali![]()
1) ehrm? do you play demo? your pets last very little, and when you move you don't generate shards (or at most random shard via legionwrath) and you're not casting more demon... demonology damage works on having a STEADY amount of demons and has a terrible ramp up..I disagree with a lot of these.
1) Your pets are doing over 50% of your damage. If you have to move, then it's not going to hurt that much. You also go through mana like crazy so you probably have to Life Tap. If you don't, then you can channel Demonwrath to try and get a soul shard.
2) AoE is OK as long as they are stacked. The Hand of Gul'dan buff helped a lot. If you really want to do a lot of AOE and don't mind losing out on a bit of ST burst then you can take Supremacy.
3) This is definitely true, downtime hurts Demo a lot if it's more than a few seconds.
4) I keep /petattack on a hotkey and that helps with target swapping. Your Felguard will automatically charge to the new target if it's more than 8 yards away. But the imps and dreadstalkers aren't as easy.
5) Your burst is your artifact ability. If you know an important add is going to pop then you save it for the add. It hits like a ton of bricks.
Well, I just hit 80 and jumped into my first Cata dungeon -- holy shit difficulty curve much? I mean they look beautiful but the enemies are doing much higher damage and are using new attacks such as spawning poison under players who aren't tanking... very interesting. I also think we just had a shitty tank on that dungeon as he died a few to many times but then again that could have been a bad healer too. Anyway... back to underwater questing I go!
1) ehrm? do you play demo? your pets last very little, and when you move you don't generate shards (or at most random shard via legionwrath) and you're not casting more demon... demonology damage works on having a STEADY amount of demons and has a terrible ramp up..
2) agreed, but you're a fracry from "pure aoe" build.. the only way for you to aoe properly is that you have to take the talent where gul'dan applies doom, you have to pop the beholder like demon and you have to spam legionwrath and alternate the hog... so much to do whereas most spec use one button, you have a long setup...
Which dungeon was it? sounds like Throne of the Tides perhaps. It's not that the older dungeons don't have mechanics, it's that they've been neutered so many times that you just ignore them during levelling, where Cata is....I wouldn't say HARD but it's tuned a little closer to where you can't just act like nothing does anything lol. Most groups should still be totally fine though, since most people levelling already know all of these dungeons, so if you got a bad group I'd consider it the anomaly.
Normal/levelling dungeons should be LARGELY at the point that you can kind of mess a mechanic up and learn from it without dying or wiping, like standing in that poison for a tick won't kill you and then you learned that it could happen and improved etc.
EDIT: Oh I forgot, RIGHT at each level jump it tends to be harder too since people who are getting in at like, 80 for example, don't have higher stats from gear yet most likely, like an 80 tank vs an 81 tank is probably half as survivable unless they've tweaked heirloomks since the last time I levelled.