This expansion is the bait-and-switch expansion. Casual story content? Surprise, 800 dungeons now please! Working on professions? Now do a rated BG! Loremaster? Raid boss! (for the first time in the entire history of WoW). Like, wut.
I finally got around advancing the Artifact quest from Kalecgos. I knew I probably gonna have to hit the raid at some point, but then it smacks me with the "collect 30 thingies" bit. Off to wowhead I go. Looks like at least 2 months of clearing the damn thing every week with average luck. Sure.
No idea why they even bothered sending me into mythic dungeons, if it's supposed to be a raid only thing.
I finally got around advancing the Artifact quest from Kalecgos. I knew I probably gonna have to hit the raid at some point, but then it smacks me with the "collect 30 thingies" bit. Off to wowhead I go. Looks like at least 2 months of clearing the damn thing every week with average luck. Sure.
No idea why they even bothered sending me into mythic dungeons, if it's supposed to be a raid only thing.
Because Blizzard's answer to too many things in Legion is "let's add some arbitrary mythic dungeon steps to this."
I understand wanting people to do content you spent time on, but I feel like we've got enough of that to last a few years.
Because Blizzard's answer to too many things in Legion is "let's add some arbitrary mythic dungeon steps to this."
I understand wanting people to do content you spent time on, but I feel like we've got enough of that to last a few years.
omgomg my first legendary!!!!
Yeah, sure, a movement speed buff based on haste when I'm supposed to rack up crit and mastery, in fact my haste is at 5% (1687). What a piece of shit effect.
Edit: Apologies, I seem to have used your post as a jumping off point for my own questions, most of what I say below isn't directly addressed to you hah.
It seems to me blizzard wants to force people playing their MMO to actually play an MMO, instead of the current iteration of LFD/LFR where you can turn off your chat and you are basically playing with NPCs with bad AI. And I get that people want solo content, but there is a limit in the end, and if you were counting on Illidain's lame ass redemption story (which has a 100% chance to require Nighthold raid in the end) to tide you over as solo content I don't know how you've lasted this long.
I don't know if there is a good answer to this problem. You CANNOT have easy content with equal rewards to hard content, or your game is broken fundamentally. So do you make the queueable solo friendly content hard with good rewards? Nope, because people HATED cataclysm heroics and MoP LFR, which were actually hard with good rewards. They raged until blizzard changed it back to faceroll. And now the hard low end content is Mythics where people rage about not being able to get into groups because the community decides who to invite. What could the solution be? You want blizzard to require every mythic0 group to have one under-represented class or low ilvl player, affirmative action style? Want blizzard to send out a memo that frost mage isn't actually that bad please take them to your groups! Or is what you really want to get the same rewards from impossible to fail random queued heroics as people get from mythic? Because it is clear no one wants a queue system for mythic0, that was cata heroics and everyone raged against that until it was changed. So what would the actual solution be in this case? Legitimate question, because I don't know if I see one.
Similarly, why do people always need to get things at the same rate as others? For that illidain quest line, why do you need to finish it in the 8 week minimum? Maybe just do 2 or so mythic0 a week, and maybe in a month gear inflation will be to the point where everyone is doing mythic3 baseline and you can get 6 a week, etc. But who am I to talk, I still rage about the 3rd artifact appearance being raid only every chance I get, so I'm probably just a huge hypocrite.
They should just let you queue up for Mythics. Like...theyre not that hard. Mythic+ tho should be reserved for the lfg tool
It's not like heroics are even remotely close to being relevant content. They come easy in Mythic dungeons and Blizzard has given plenty of reasons for players to do Mythic dungeons. It is a long grind but it is not even one players need to think about because it is tied to a play pattern most players should already be participating in.I'm talking about the 7.1 quest that requires you to get 80 Lingering Soul Fragments that only drop on the last boss of dungeons and has a like 10% or something drop rate in heroics and a cap of 10 a week.
That's not "too bad"?
You're not the authority on what MMOs are. Look at every MMO on the market now. That's what MMOs are. Things like LFD/LFR are true MMO systems that almost every MMO now have. You're just holding onto a long passed time where things were different. I'm sick of this idea that my ability to easily match with other players or solo most things is somehow less MMO than forced grouping. MMOs haven't been that way for many years. The genre has evolved. It's not 2007 anymore.
So screw you for telling me that my playstyle is somehow lesser and not "MMO".
I'm not even asking for good rewards or gear. I just want to finish the damn story I started and was completely soloable and easily accessible prior to 7.1. The quest gives like ilvl 850 gear or something. Some low thing no one who does 80 mythic dungeons would even need. I don't care for the gear. I'm just pissed that the quest that was perfectly fine content for super casuals suddenly requires me to do 800 dungeons.
Which quest are you even talking about? The quest that requires you to do 4 dungeons, or the quest that requires you to do 3 dungeons? I wasn't aware playing by yourself meant you couldn't press "i" and click on the premade group finder. PLAYING AN MMO SOLO DOES NOT PRECLUDE INTERACTING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. LF systems aren't 'soloing' any more than the group finder is or queueing up for LFR or anything else. So, yes, when you claim your 'playstyle' is literally not ever seeing another soul or playing with one, your playstyle is in fact not 'mmo' - it's literally in the name.
Which quest are you even talking about? The quest that requires you to do 4 dungeons, or the quest that requires you to do 3 dungeons? I wasn't aware playing by yourself meant you couldn't press "i" and click on the premade group finder. PLAYING AN MMO SOLO DOES NOT PRECLUDE INTERACTING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. LF systems aren't 'soloing' any more than the group finder is or queueing up for LFR or anything else. So, yes, when you claim your 'playstyle' is literally not ever seeing another soul or playing with one, your playstyle is in fact not 'mmo' - it's literally in the name.
Similarly, why do people always need to get things at the same rate as others? For that illidain quest line, why do you need to finish it in the 8 week minimum? Maybe just do 2 or so mythic0 a week, and maybe in a month gear inflation will be to the point where everyone is doing mythic3 baseline and you can get 6 a week, etc. But who am I to talk, I still rage about the 3rd artifact appearance being raid only every chance I get, so I'm probably just a huge hypocrite.
Soul Prism of the Illidari. Which apparently none of you hardcore people even care about since so few of you even know what it is. But fuck me right? I don't deserve any content as a filthy casual who plays differently than you and doesn't adhere to your outdated definition of MMO.
And I never said I don't want to see another soul. Read my other posts on this quest in the last page or two. So kindly fuck off.
My brain was unable to process the quest at first. You want what from me? Complete wtf moment.
It's worse than that. I was at 8, got 3 from the final boss of Kara, but since it put me over the cap it didn't give me any.
The reason to do it now is so you can have it now instead of in two weeksBlizzard's answer to all this is basically "there will be catch up mechanics." But what that ends up doing to me is making me wonder why even bother right now. Like with artifact power, why care about it when artifact knowledge means that in two weeks every item will be worth double what it is now? To a certain extent it's nice not feeling that pressure, but in another way it makes the futility of the underlying system so apparent I start to not want to participate at all. It's a very fine line for them to walk.
Is that quest for 80 dungeons necessary for anything? If its like, a necessary quest, fuck that 80 drop thing.
You can only get 10 a week and they drop like candy, so getting 80 in a span of 2 months is not much work.
You can only get 10 a week and they drop like candy, so getting 80 in a span of 2 months is not much work.
I think for Mythic+ you get one for each difficulty you are on.
I did two Mythic+3 and got 3 soul prisms on each final boss. Not a confirmed thing, but I would imagine that if you did Mythic+10 you get them all in one run. Maybe check the WoW subreddit.
"I can't get into mythic groups" is literally a fallacy though. If you're not willing to try, you have no place complaining about it. Your complaint is bullshit and the notion that it's a 'bait and switch' is bullshit too - they've been pushing you to do SOMETHING challenging with other players for the entire expansion. It scales the challenge to your skill level and level of commitment. If you're not willing to commit to doing a fucking mythic 0, (10 dungeons a week at that level, at worst), then you're actively fighting against what the game has been pointing you towards literally the entire time. Honestly, I didn't even think they could drop on Heroic, it's certainly not how you're meant to do it.From what I understand drop rate is 100% in Mythic. Mythic+ adds another 100% for each +. So Mythic +5 drops 5. Mythic+10 drops 10.
Normals I've seen no report of it dropping at all and Heroics have about a 10% drop rate.
The reason I'm mad about it is that I won't be getting into any Mythic group ever so at 10% drop rate I would need to do roughly 800 runs to continue this previously solo story quest. The quest is now asking me to play hardcore, either mythics, or 800 dungeons to continue the Illidan story line and get a ilvl 850 piece of loot.
And apparently I'm asking to be catered to and asking for too much and don't deserve content because I can't get into mythic groups and think running 800 heroics is beyond unreasonable.
It's the same as complaining that you can't get pvp rewards without pvping, or raid rewards without raiding, or that Mythic 2 drops better gear than heroic. You're already not doing Karazhan, Arcway, or Court of Stars if you're not willing to step foot into the difficulty, the game is designed for you to do these activities, but it's not going to force you.
It's really not like that at all though. At what point in the Illidan storyline was their an indication that this was a mythic dungeon storyline?
mythic 0s are doable at like 810 ilvl...
surely you have at least an m2 key right? go join a carry group, there are tons of them out there. and then find a carry group for your m5 key.
boom, 7 free soul fragments right there
At what point was there an indication that it wasn't? It's an expansion storyline, that we KNOW continues into the raid even in the long run. By that logic, when you first log into the game you're fighting wolves alone in Elwynn forest, what indication was there that you'd be grouping with other people at all? To pretend that you're being sold on something that was a bait and switch is intentionally obtuse and willfully ignorant. Any 'epic' questline that is ever put into this game is going to require you to do something 'challenging' (I use that term very loosely) and PROBABLY with other people.
Would you be fine with there being a quest that required 80 essences that only dropped from mythic Xavius? I mean, if you complain youre just not trying hard enough am I right? Sucks to be you!
This whole "Youre not trying" is bullshit. Some people dont have time to get into mythic groups. Some people do try but end up not getting in because PUGs are stringent.
Poijt blank, its a bad quest. Just as bad as tbe Corrupted Essence not dropping from LFR.
Hell the legendaries from both Mists and Draenor could be done in LFR. So why the fuck did they decide to do ludicrous quests like this.
The reason to do it now is so you can have it now instead of in two weeks
You could just log in every few days for a few months until you have AK25 and then start gathering AP, but you wouldn't be playing the game those few months.
The question you'd have to ask yourself is whether you want to play now or play when it's easier.
At what point was there an indication that it wasn't? It's an expansion storyline, that we KNOW continues into the raid even in the long run. By that logic, when you first log into the game you're fighting wolves alone in Elwynn forest, what indication was there that you'd be grouping with other people at all? To pretend that you're being sold on something that was a bait and switch is intentionally obtuse and willfully ignorant. Any 'epic' questline that is ever put into this game is going to require you to do something 'challenging' (I use that term very loosely) and PROBABLY with other people.
It's the same as complaining that you can't get pvp rewards without pvping, or raid rewards without raiding
Nomicakes add-onWell yeah, but say I go home tonight and decide to do world quests for AP. I might get enough for 1/3 of a level, probably not even that much. And even if I do that every day, the way the scaling is, I'm never going to end up that far ahead of where I am just from the basic emissary rewards and such (it's not like I'm going to actively avoid AP of course). So I really can't "have it now" personally any more than I already do, but in another way I have it anyway, so it's okay. Basically it just means AP is never really a motivator for me.
I understand why the system is how it is, and I do like it to an extent. I can play just fine without feeling the need to power grind and that's great. But the same development mindset is what creates two month long gated quests like everyone here is complaining about. I know the skinner box mentality is part of what drives me to play and when those systems get exposed as meaning fairly little (ie we know a catch up mechanism will come eventually that negates the grind and removes the cap) it removes some of that (arguably unhealthy) motivation to play. Like I said, it's a tough line for them to walk, and I think they are doing well with it in some respects but badly in others (fuck Nomi so hard).
Nobody's mad that there are things in the game that require you to group with others, or even do so in a manual way. The upset is coming from the fact that an entirely solo storyline, full of interesting scenarios, suddenly switches gears and becomes about endlessly running dungeons (or somehow getting into high Mythics).
It's the change in what you were doing that is irking people.
Nobody's mad that there are things in the game that require you to group with others, or even do so in a manual way. The upset is coming from the fact that an entirely solo storyline, full of interesting scenarios, suddenly switches gears and becomes about endlessly running dungeons (or somehow getting into high Mythics).
It's the change in what you were doing that is irking people.