Jill Sandwich
the turds of Optimus Prime
I've been perusing the CGTalk forums today, and there are some modelling gods out there, but what are the most disasterous models you've seen?
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Priceless.Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
FoneBone said:Priceless.
And frankly, I think the Galleon models are even worse than the Charlie's Angels ones. WTF were they thinking?
THEYRE JUST STYLIZED!11111FoneBone said:And frankly, I think the Galleon models are even worse than the Charlie's Angels ones. WTF were they thinking?
johnjohnson said:
ge-man said:The designs are simple, but I certainly wouldn't call KAR models bad. It's a far cry from Charlie's Angels or Galleon.
ge-man said:The designs are simple, but I certainly wouldn't call KAR models bad. It's a far cry from Charlie's Angels or Galleon.
Operations said:Probably not the worst but still horrible: Eternal Darkness
neptunes said:
SolidSnakex said:Kirby is a case of bad art then (I like his design personally) not a bad model. A bad model is a character that looks nothing like their actual art does, or just looks like a complete mess (see Charlies Angels).
Jonnyboy117 said:...Charlie's Angels looks like a PSone game.
dark10x said:Actually, this one looks like a poorly designed Dreamcast game, not a PSOne game. The game is 100% pure crap, though.
God, how could I forget that?JC10001 said:Bad Boys by a mile