I think Emo has taken the crown from Country
MrPing1000 said:Country wins for me.
Damn its just so bad, its like people finally discovered something that would annoy everyone except stupid people, then they amplified it and gave it a happy face in Dolly Parton
Tre said:I don't know how you can hate blues, jazz, etc. then pimp some rock band. That's like saying you hate rap, then go listen to som Rage against the Machine.
Error Macro said:whereas Rap music in general has almost no musical qualities to it whatsoever.
Tre said:And what does that have to do with our conversation at all?
Edit: "Rock is so far removed nowadays from blues and jazz, it's not even funny. I can absolutely state my hatred for blues and jazz, and my love of some rock bands. Mostly I like metal bands whose sound is derived more from classical arrangements than anything else."
Translation: I'm going to completely ignore what you just said and keep going in my unenlightened thoughts.
belgurdo said:Let's not open this retarded can of worms.
Tre said:Aye, no you didn't, but you entirely disregarded my post and then brought up an entirely irrelevant point.
atomsk said:Polka
Tre said:If all music could be linked so vaguely, we could go all the way back to cavemen thumbing vines and slapping rocks.
Tre said:Unfortunately, your point doesn't work with the blues/rock comparison, seeing as how they're damned near *identical*.
Your point is moot.