Mike Works said:Does the Water Temple count?
bogg said:Im talking about the one in OOT. But im not sure if it's really a bad puzzle, maybe just a hard, I have no fuckin clue what to do puzzle. Could be that I'm stupid/suck though.
God yes.nubbe said:You'r Beach Huse in WW... I hate that painting...
MetatronM said:It wasn't that the Water Temple was hard. It was that it SUCKED.
Swordian said:The Water Temple is easy. I'll vote for the WA3 block puzzle because, being color-blind, two of the block colors look EXACTLY THE SAME.
AeroGod said:If it counts as a puzzle, then dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in FFX to get LuLu's ultimate weapon is the shittiest thing EVER.
SolidSnakex said:Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.
N Coward Parody said:FFX's lamelegged orb-ridden excuse for "puzzles." Blech.
AeroGod said:If it counts as a puzzle, then dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in FFX to get LuLu's ultimate weapon is the shittiest thing EVER.
Matlock said:Not a puzzle, really. Well, sort of.
Triforce Quest. Wind Waker.
JasoNsider said:I think we're just trying to find puzzles that are just badly designed. The piano puzzle, and I would argue the water temple as well, are well designed but just hard to figure out.
Things like the gear room in Prince of Persia was badly designed, not necessarily hard.
nubbe said:You'r Beach Huse in WW... I hate that painting...
The piano puzzle, and I would argue the water temple as well, are well designed but just hard to figure out.
Huh? What was wrong with those puzzles? Those were neat. The sound puzzle could actually have been solved in two different ways (both involving sound, but one requiring surround sound equipment-The room with the beams jutting out into the walls and you had to turn them using the center platform.
-Room where the girl runs away and you have to go through the veils to find her. I didn't have the sound up very loud, thus I couldn't solve it.
What the hell was he/she thinking when making these puzzles?
That's by no means a poorly designed puzzle, or all that difficult one, actually.Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.
That puzzle, from what I can remember, was more trick than anything. I don't remember 100%, but I think the solution was something laughably simple, although it was impossible if you tried to solve it the way it seemed you are supposed to solve it. I think the solution was just to walk straight through all those doors, and they would open in front of you, or something to that effect.There were these four doors and four buttons to manipulate them. There was some bizarre logic going into the way they worked. Spent so long trying to figure out the pattern I can't remember if I made it through them or not.
SolidSnakex said:Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.
WinnarMike Works said:Does the Water Temple count?
LittleTokyo said:Silent Hill 3's first puzzle in the bookstore. Only on the hard puzzle mode though.
My God... it made no sense whatsoever.
I finally got a FAQ and did the puzzle. But instead of having the "OOOOOOOOOHHhhhh... now I get it!" reaction, I had the "WTF?!?! That didn't make any fucking sense, those dirty mother fuckers!!!" reaction.